On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 08:26:10PM +0100, Alexandre Pineau wrote:
> Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you reassign 236428 to any xfree86 package, I will reassign it right
> > back to liquidwar.
> Why?
> I quote the original  bug report 236428 :
> Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 6 Mar 2004 08:09:14 +0000
> [...]
> Package: libxext-dev
> Version: 4.3.0-2
> Severity: normal
> /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.so when searching
> for -lXext
> /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.a when searching
> for -lXext
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext
> I really don't think it's a liquidwar bug. You have reasign the bug to 
> liquidwar.
> What can I do with this bug now? I can't close it. Can I reasign it to 
> libxext-dev 
> again? 

There's two ways to view this bug:

1) As a duplicate of #233645, #234772, and #236132, which were already
merged, fixed, and had been closed for over a week at the time #236428
was filed.

2) As a report that liquidwar FTBFSed and needed to be rebuilt.

If the former, then yes, it can be reassigned to me.  If the latter,
then once liquidwar has been rebuilt and uploaded (which I think has
already happened), then it can be closed.

The code flaw was absolutely xfree86's fault, I agree with that; the
question is whether it's a good idea to repurpose this bug as a FTBFS
report against liquidwar under the circumstances.

The point is kind of academic now as the bug can be closed either way,
so I'm closing it.

G. Branden Robinson                |    Optimists believe we live in the
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    best of all possible worlds.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    Pessimists are afraid the optimists
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    are right about that.

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