This took place on #kernelnewbies, with greghk beeing the residential pci guru in linuxland.
This was done to clearify doubts about if this patch is the right thing to do, formulated by branden. [20:35:52] <stockholm> gregkh: could you please check a patch i want included in Xfree86? the x debian maintainer is not familiar with pci internals and would like to hear from someone with more in depth knowledge if it is ok and the right way to do [20:36:22] <stockholm> ... i was just typing and phrasing my question.... (c: [20:36:38] <sarnold> stockholm: have you tried xperts@ mail list, or #xfree86 on [20:36:54] *** hgates has joined this channel. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [20:37:12] <gregkh> stockholm: send it on. [20:38:02] <stockholm> [20:38:55] <stockholm> sarnold: no, i did not find those very responsive. [20:39:27] <gregkh> stockholm: patch looks sane to me. [20:39:30] <stockholm> gregkh: the patch in question is in the lower half/third of the bugreport. [20:39:31] <stockholm> ok [20:39:58] <stockholm> thx.