On Fri, 2004-02-20 at 19:14, David Martínez Moreno wrote: 
>       Speaking before really looking into the sources, I tended to think that 
> the 
> SDK should be a collection of files extracted from the tree, but from sparse 
> digging in the list archives it seems that:
>       1) the word SDK appears a lot in the sources...it seems that there is 
> some 
> support in the tree for this beast.
>       2) Sven Luther already build such ball of files, but I haven't found 
> any 
> evidence of his work/fault (again, please don't be too harsh, it was a 
> *sparse* digging).

Correct on both counts AFAIK, I think you should get in touch with Sven
about it. In fact, I wonder why he hasn't followed up to this, I guess
it doesn't help that you don't really seem to value his work...

Earthling Michel Dänzer      |     Debian (powerpc), X and DRI developer
Libre software enthusiast    |   http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=daenzer

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