On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 01:30:15AM -0500, David Nusinow wrote: > Hi all, As many of you have likely noticed from the TODO list, the > xserver-xfree86 debconf needs a rewrite. The thing needs to be spec'ed [...] > Ask for mouse input port (High priority) > Defaults to mdetect value. (Becomes low priority) > If no mdetect value available, defaults to config file value as best > we can determine (Stays high priority) > If no config file value available, defaults to last debconf value > (Stays high priority) > If no debconf value available, default to /dev/input/mice (Stays high > priority)
Hi, I packaged xfree86-driver-synaptics (Touchpad driver for xfree86, it's basically ready, will upload in a couple of days) and I have one question here: is there some magic/modularization/cooperation you can think of to provide some autoconfiguration also for addons/external plugins? (I'm also waiting for ideas to pop up of my head but I'd need to go deeper in xfree debconf scripts). synaptics_drv.o basically needs to be loaded in the "Module" section and needs a bunch of of options in the "InputDevice" section (there are reasonable defaults) Detecting it is just a matter of grepping /proc/bus/input/devices any idea? -- mattia :wq! Idibus Februariis MMDCCLVII ab Urbe Condita