On Sat, Feb 07, 2004 at 09:06:02AM +0100, Miroslav Kure wrote:
> Package: xfree86
> Severity: wishlist
> Tags: l10n, patch
> Hi,
> In attachement there is initial Czech translation of debconf messages
> for xfree86 packge. Please try to add it before Sarge, thanks.

Thank you!  I have applied the patch to the 4.3.0-sid branch, so it will
appear in xfree86 4.3.0-1.

There are a couple of fuzzy templates:

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It is possible to customize (or completely omit) the list of modules that "
"the X server loads by default.  This option is for advanced users.  In most "
"cases, all of these modules should be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Zde mù¾ete upravit (nebo úplnì vynechat) seznam modulù, které má X server "
"nahrát. Tato volba je pro pokroèilé u¾ivatele. Ve vìt¹inì pøípadù byste mìli "
"povolit v¹echny moduly kromì xtt."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you unsure what to do, leave all of the modules enabled.  Advanced users "
"may wish to disable all modules -- in which case no Modules section will be "
"written to the X server configuration file -- and add their own Modules "
"section to the file manually."
msgstr ""
"Pokud si nejste jistí co dìlat, nechte zapnuté v¹echny moduly kromì xtt. "
"Pokroèilí u¾ivatelé mohou zakázat v¹echny moduly -- pak se do konfiguraèního "
"souboru ¾ádná sekce Modules nezapí¹e a mohou si ji vytvoøit ruènì podle "

I have MIME-attached the cs.po file that I committed to SVN.  If you can
fix these fuzzy templates and send me an updated cs.po file (no need to
gzip it on my account), that would be great.

If not, don't worry about it.

Thank you very much for your contribution!

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       kernel panic -- causal failure
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |       universe will now reboot
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |
# xfree86 debconf template strings
# Czech translations
# Copyright Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2000--2003.
# Copyright Miroslav Kure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2004.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the xfree86 package.
#    Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
#    documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
#    this format, e.g. by running:
#         info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
#         info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
#    Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
#            /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
#         or http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/README-trans
#    Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: xfree86\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2004-01-21 13:41-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-02-05 17:58+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Miroslav Kure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xdm.templates:4
msgid "Select the desired default display manager."
msgstr "Vyberte implicitn�ho spr�vce obrazovky."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xdm.templates:4
msgid ""
"A display manager is a program that provides graphical login capabilities "
"for the X Window System."
msgstr ""
"Spr�vce obrazovky je program, kter� nab�z� grafick� p�ihl��en� do syst�mu X "

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xdm.templates:4
msgid ""
"Only one display manager can manage a given X server, but multiple display "
"manager packages are installed.  Please select which display manager should "
"run by default."
msgstr ""
"Je nainstalov�no n�kolik spr�vc� obrazovky, ale jen jeden m��e obsluhovat "
"dan� X server. Vyberte, kter� spr�vce se m� spou�t�t standardn�."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xdm.templates:4
msgid ""
"(Multiple display managers can run simultaneously if they are configured to "
"manage different servers; to achieve this, configure the display managers "
"accordingly, edit each of their init scripts in /etc/init.d, and disable the "
"check for a default display manager.)"
msgstr ""
"(V�ce spr�vc� obrazovky m��e b��et z�rove� pouze pokud spravuj� r�zn� "
"servery. Pro dosa�en� takov�ho nastaven� mus�te je spr�vn� nakonfigurovat, "
"upravit jejich spou�t�c� skripty v /etc/init.d a zak�zat kontrolu "
"standardn�ho spr�vce obrazovky.)"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xdm.templates:26
msgid "Do you wish to stop the xdm daemon?"
msgstr "Chcete zastavit d�mona xdm?"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xdm.templates:26
msgid ""
"The X display manager (xdm) daemon is typically stopped on package upgrade "
"and removal, but it appears to be managing at least one running X session. "
"If xdm is stopped now, any X sessions it manages will be terminated. "
"Otherwise you may leave xdm running, and the new version will take effect "
"the next time the daemon is restarted."
msgstr ""
"D�mon xdm (X display manager) je obvykle p�i aktualizaci nebo odstran�n� "
"bal�ku zastaven, ale zd� se, �e spravuje minim�ln� jedno X sezen�. Pokud by "
"byl xdm zastaven nyn�, v�echny j�m spravovan� X sezen� by skon�ily. V "
"opa�n�m p��pad� m��ene nechat xdm b��et a nov� verze se spust� s p���t�m "
"restartem d�mona."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xfree86-common.templates:3
msgid "experimental version of XFree86 packages"
msgstr "experiment�ln� verze bal�k� XFree86"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xfree86-common.templates:3
msgid ""
"You are using an experimental version of XFree86 packages for Debian.  "
"Please do not file bugs with the Debian Bug Tracking System against this "
"version of the packages, since they have not been released to the Debian "
"distribution yet."
msgstr ""
"Pr�v� pou��v�te experiment�ln� verzi bal�k� XFree86 pro Debian. Pros�me "
"nehla�te do BTS (Bug Tracking System) chyby proti t�to verzi bal�k�, proto�e "
"je�t� nejsou sou��st� distribuce."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xfree86-common.templates:3
msgid ""
"If you experience problems with these packages or would like to submit "
"patches, please send mail to the Debian X mailing list.  You can read more "
"about this mailing list on the World Wide Web:\n"
"  http://lists.debian.org/debian-x/";
msgstr ""
"Pokud v t�chto bal�c�ch zaznamen�te chybu, nebo chcete zaslat n�jak� opravy, "
"pi�te pros�m do po�tovn� konference Debian X. V�ce si o t�to konferenci "
"m��ete p�e��st na http://lists.debian.org/debian-x/";

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xfree86-common.templates:3
msgid ""
"If you do not want to be running experimental X packages, you need to do two "
"  1) Ensure that you do not have experimental package repositiories in\n"
"     your /etc/apt/sources.list file;\n"
"  2) Instruct apt to downgrade XFree86 to an appropriate released version;\n"
"     you can do this by appending a package suite name to the package name\n"
"     with \"apt-get\" -- for example:\n"
"       apt-get install xfree86-common/unstable\n"
"    or\n"
"       apt-get install xfree86-common/stable\n"
"    You may need to specify downgrades for several packages."
msgstr ""
"Pokud nechcete pou��vat experiment�ln� bal�ky X, mus�te zajistit dv� v�ci:\n"
"  1) Ujist�te se, �e v souboru /etc/apt/sources.list nem�te uveden�\n"
"     zdroje pro experiment�ln� bal�ky.\n"
"  2) �ekn�te aptu, aby degradoval XFree86 na odpov�daj�c� uvoln�nou\n"
"     verzi. Dos�hnete toho nap��klad p�id�n�m sady za jm�no bal�ku:\n"
"       apt-get install xfree86-common/unstable\n"
"     nebo\n"
"       apt-get install xfree86-common/stable\n"
"     Mo�n� takdo budete muset degradovat v�ce bal�k�."

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../xserver-common.templates:3
msgid "Root Only, Console Users Only, Anybody"
msgstr "Pouze root, Pouze konzolov� u�ivatel�, Kdokoliv"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-common.templates:5
msgid "Select what type of user has permission to start the X server."
msgstr "Vyberte, kter� typ u�ivatel� m��e spustit X server."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-common.templates:5
msgid ""
"Because the X server runs with superuser privileges, it may be unwise to "
"permit any user to start it, for security reasons.  On the other hand, it is "
"even more unwise to run general-purpose X client programs as root, which is "
"what may happen if only root is permitted to start the X server.  A good "
"compromise is to permit the X server to be started only by users logged in "
"to one of the virtual consoles."
msgstr ""
"Proto�e X server b��� se superu�ivatelsk�mi pr�vy, z bezpe�nostn�ho hlediska "
"nen� rozumn� d�t u�ivatel�m mo�nost jej spou�t�t. Na druhou stranu, je�t� "
"nebezpe�n�j�� je spou�t�t obecn�ho X klienta jako root, co� by se mohlo "
"st�t, kdybyste start X serveru povolili pouze rootovi. Rozumn�m kompromisem "
"je povolit spou�t�n� X serveru pouze u�ivatel�m p�ihl��en�m na virtu�ln� "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-common.templates:20
msgid "Enter the desired nice value for the X server to use."
msgstr "Zadejte hodnotu 'nice', se kterou m� X server b��et."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-common.templates:20
msgid ""
"When using operating system kernels with a particular scheduling strategy, "
"it has been widely noted that the X server's performance improves when it is "
"run at a higher process priority than the default; a process's priority is "
"known as its \"nice\" value.  They range from -20 (extremely high priority, "
"or \"not nice\" to other processes) to 19 (extremely low priority).  The "
"default nice value for ordinary processes is 0.  -10 is a good default for a "
"single-user workstation; 0 is a good default for a machine that has duties "
"other than interacting with the console user (such as a web server)."
msgstr ""
"Je zn�mo, �e p�i pou�it� j�dra opera�n�ho syst�mu s ur�itou pl�novac� "
"strategi�, se v�kon X serveru zlep��, pokud je spu�t�n s vy��� prioritou, "
"ne� standardn�. Priorita procesu je zn�m� jako hodnota 'nice'. M��e nab�vat "
"hodnot od -20 (velmi vysok� priorita) a� po 19 (velmi n�zk� priorita). "
"Standardn� hodnota nice oby�ejn�ho procesu je 0. Pro jednou�ivatelskou "
"stanici je rozumn� hodnota -10, pro po��ta�, kter� m� i jin� povinnosti "
"(nap�. webov� server), je doporu�en� hodnota 0."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-common.templates:20
msgid ""
"The above is not true of Linux kernel version 2.6 (nor of the 2.5 series "
"after the \"O(1) scheduler\" was included); on such systems, the nice value "
"of the X server should be set to 0."
msgstr ""
"P�edchoz� neplat� v linuxov�ch j�drech �ady 2.6 (ani v �ad� 2.5 po zahrnut� "
"pl�nova�e O(1)). Na t�chto syst�mech by m�l m�t X server hodnotu nice = 0."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-common.templates:20
msgid ""
"Values outside the range of -10 to 0 are not recommended; too negative, and "
"the X server will interfere with important system tasks.  Too positive, and "
"the X server will be sluggish and unresponsive."
msgstr ""
"Hodnoty mimo rozsah -10..0 nejsou doporu�eny. P��li� z�porn� hodnota bude "
"ovliv�ovat d�le�it� syst�mov� �lohy, p��li� kladn� hodnota zp�sob�, �e X "
"server bude l�n� a pomal�."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-common.templates:41
msgid "Please enter an integer between -20 and 19."
msgstr "Zadejte cel� ��slo mezi -20 a 19."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:4
msgid "Attempt to autodetect video hardware?"
msgstr "Zkusit rozpoznat grafick� hardware?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:4
msgid ""
"Accept this option if you would like to attempt to autodetect the "
"recommended X server and driver module for your video card.  If "
"autodetection fails, you will be asked to specify the desired X server and/"
"or driver module.  If autodetection succeeds, further debconf questions "
"about your video hardware will be pre-answered."
msgstr ""
"Akceptujte tuto volbu, pokud chcete nechat instala�n� program, aby se "
"pokusil rozpoznat doporu�en� X server a ovlada� pro va�i grafickou kartu. "
"Pokud autodetekce sel�e, budete po��d�ni o v�b�r X serveru a/nebo ovlada�e. "
"V opa�n�m p��pad� budou dal�� ot�zky o grafick�m hardwaru p�edvypln�ny."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:4
msgid ""
"If you would rather select the X server and driver module yourself, decline "
"this option.  You will not be asked to select the X server if there is only "
"one available."
msgstr ""
"Pokud byste rad�ji vybrali X server ru�n�, tuto nab�dku zam�tn�te. (Pokud by "
"byl k dispozici pouze jeden X server, ot�zka se nezobraz�.)"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:17
msgid "No X server known for your video hardware."
msgstr "��dn� X server nevyhovuje va�� grafick� kart�."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:17
msgid ""
"Either you have no video hardware installed on this machine (serial console "
"only?), or the \"discover\" program was unable to determine which X server "
"is appropriate for your video hardware.  This could be due to incomplete "
"information in discover's hardware database, or it could be that your video "
"hardware is simply not supported by any available X servers."
msgstr ""
"Bu� v tomto po��ta�i nen� grafick� karta (pouze s�riov� konzole?), nebo "
"program \"discover\" neum�l ur�it odpov�daj�c� X server pro v�� hardware. To "
"mohou m�t na sv�dom� dv� v�ci. Bu� jsou informace v datab�zi discoveru "
"ne�pln�, nebo grafick� karna nen� podporov�na ��dn�m dostupn�m X serverem."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:26
msgid "Multiple potential default X servers for your hardware."
msgstr "V�ce potenci�ln�ch X server�."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:26
msgid ""
"Multiple video cards have been detected, and different X servers are "
"required to support the various devices.  It is thus not possible to "
"automatically select a default X server.  Please configure the device that "
"will serve as your computer's \"primary head\"; this is generally the video "
"card and monitor to which the computer displays when it first boots."
msgstr ""
"Bylo rozpozn�no v�ce grafick�ch karet a je pro n� pot�eba n�kolik r�zn�ch X "
"server�. Vyberte za��zen�, kter� bude slou�it jako \"prim�rn�\"; to obvykle "
"b�v� grafick� karta a monitor, na kter�m se zobrazuj� zpr�vy, kdy� se "
"po��ta� zav�d�."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:40
msgid "Select the desired default X server."
msgstr "Vyberte hlavn� X server."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:40
msgid ""
"The X server is the hardware interface of the X Window System.  Its job is "
"to communicate with video display and input devices, providing a foundation "
"for the chosen Graphical User Interface (GUI)."
msgstr ""
"X server je hardwarov� rozhran� X Window Syst�mu. Jeho �kol je komunikace s "
"grafickou kartou a vstupn�mi za��zen�mi, ��m� tvo�� z�klad pro vybran� "
"grafick� u�ivatelsk� rozgran� (GUI)."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:40
msgid ""
"Several X servers may be available; the default is selected via the /etc/X11/"
"X symbolic link.  Some X servers may not work with your particular graphics "
msgstr ""
"K dispozici m��e b�t v�ce X server�. Standardn� se vyb�r� pomoc� "
"symbolick�ho odkazu /etc/X11/X. N�kter� X servery nemus� pracovat s va�� "
"konkr�tn� grafickou kartou."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:52
msgid "Write default Files section to configuration file?"
msgstr "Zapsat standardn� sekci Files do konfigura�n�ho souboru?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:52
msgid ""
"The Files section of the X server configuration file tells the X server "
"where to find server modules, the RGB color database, and font files.  This "
"option is for advanced users.  In most cases, you should enable it."
msgstr ""
"Sekce Files konfigura�n�ho souboru ��k� X serveru, kde nalezne jednotliv� "
"moduly, datab�zi barev a soubory s fonty. Tato volba je pro pokro�il� "
"u�ivatele. Ve v�t�in� p��pad� ji budete cht�t povolit."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:52
msgid ""
"Disable this option if you want to write your own \"Files\" section into the "
"XFree86 server configuration file.  You may wish to do this if you need to "
"remove the reference to the local font server, add a reference to a "
"different font server, or rearrange the default set of local font paths."
msgstr ""
"Pokud si chcete napsat vlastn� \"Files\" sekci (nap��klad pokud chcete "
"odstranit odkaz na lok�ln� font server, p�idat jin� font server, nebo zm�nit "
"po�ad� cest), tuto mo�nost zam�tn�te."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
msgid "Select the XFree86 server modules that should be loaded by default."
msgstr "Vyberte moduly X serveru, kter� se maj� standardn� zav�d�t."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"It is possible to customize (or completely omit) the list of modules that "
"the X server loads by default.  This option is for advanced users.  In most "
"cases, all of these modules should be enabled."
msgstr ""
"Zde m��ete upravit (nebo �pln� vynechat) seznam modul�, kter� m� X server "
"nahr�t. Tato volba je pro pokro�il� u�ivatele. Ve v�t�in� p��pad� byste m�li "
"povolit v�echny moduly krom� xtt."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
msgid ""
"The GLCore and glx modules enable software OpenGL rendering.  The dri module "
"enables support in the X server for Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI). "
"Note that support for DRI must also exist in the kernel, the video card, and "
"the installed version of the Mesa libraries for hardware-accelerated 3D "
"operations using DRI to work.  Otherwise, the server falls back to software "
msgstr ""
"Moduly GLCore a glx zp��stupn� softwarov� OpenGL, modul dri povol� podporu "
"DRI (Direct Rendering Infrastructure). Nezapome�te, �e podporu pro DRI mus� "
"obsahovat tak� j�dro, grafick� karta a instalovan� verze Mesa knihoven (pro "
"3D akceleraci). Pokud tomu tak nen�, server nouzov� pou�ije softwarov� "

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
msgid ""
"The vbe and ddc modules enable support for VESA BIOS Extensions and Data "
"Display Channel, respectively.  These modules are used to query monitor "
"capabilties via the video card.  The int10 module is a real-mode x86 "
"emulator that is used to softboot secondary VGA cards.  Note that the vbe "
"module depends on the int10 module, so if wish to enable vbe, enable int10 "
"as well."
msgstr ""
"Moduly vbe a ddc povol� podporu pro VESA BIOS Extensions resp. Data Display "
"Channel. Tyto moduly slou�� pro zji�t�n� vlastnost� monitoru skrze grafickou "
"kartu. Modul int10 je emul�tor re�ln�ho m�du x86, kter� se pou��v� pro "
"zaveden� sekund�rn� VGA karty. Pamatujte, �e modul vbe z�vis� na modulu "

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
msgid ""
"The dbe module enables the double-buffering extension in the server, and is "
"useful for animation and video operations."
msgstr ""
"Roz���en� dbe v serveru povol� dvojit� bufferov�n�, kter� je u�ite�n� pro "
"animace a operae s videem."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
msgid ""
"The extmod module enables many traditional and commonly used extensions, "
"such as shaped windows, shared memory, video mode switching, DGA, and Xv.  "
"The record module implements the RECORD extension, commonly used in server "
msgstr ""
"Modul extmod povol� mnoho tradi�n�ch a �asto vyu��van�ch roz���en�, jako "
"tvarovan� okna, sd�lenou pam��, p�ep�n�n� video re�im�, DGA a Xv. Modul "
"record implementuje roz���en� RECORD, �asto pou��van� p�i testov�n� serveru."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
msgid ""
"The bitmap, freetype, speedo, type1, and xtt modules are all font "
msgstr ""

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
msgid ""
"For further information about these modules, please consult the XFree86 "
msgstr "V�ce informac� o t�chto modulech naleznete v dokumetaci XFree86."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:66
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"If you unsure what to do, leave all of the modules enabled.  Advanced users "
"may wish to disable all modules -- in which case no Modules section will be "
"written to the X server configuration file -- and add their own Modules "
"section to the file manually."
msgstr ""
"Pokud si nejste jist� co d�lat, nechte zapnut� v�echny moduly krom� xtt. "
"Pokro�il� u�ivatel� mohou zak�zat v�echny moduly -- pak se do konfigura�n�ho "
"souboru ��dn� sekce Modules nezap��e a mohou si ji vytvo�it ru�n� podle "

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:105
msgid "Multiple potential default XFree86 server drivers for your hardware."
msgstr "V�ce potenci�ln�ch XFree86 ovlada��."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:105
msgid ""
"Multiple video cards have been detected, and different drivers are required "
"to support the various devices.  It is thus not possible to automatically "
"select a default XFree86 server driver.  Please configure the device that "
"will serve as your computer's \"primary head\"; this is generally the video "
"card and monitor to which the computer displays when it first boots."
msgstr ""
"Bylo rozpozn�no v�ce grafick�ch karet a je pro n� pot�eba n�kolik r�zn�ch "
"ovlada��. Vyberte za��zen�, kter� bude slou�it jako \"prim�rn�\"; to obvykle "
"b�v� grafick� karta a monitor, na kter�m se zobrazuj� zpr�vy, kdy� se "
"po��ta� zav�d�."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:105
msgid ""
"At the present time, only a single-headed setup is supported by debconf; "
"however, the X server configuration files can be edited to support a multi-"
"head configuration."
msgstr ""
"Debconf moment�ln� podporuje pouze jeden monitor, ale podporu v�ce monitor� "
"m��ete pozd�ji p�idat �pravou konfigura�n�ho souboru X serveru."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:118
msgid "Enter an identifier for your video card."
msgstr "Zadejte identifik�tor sv� grafick� karty."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:118
msgid ""
"The X server configuration file associates your video card with a name that "
"you may provide.  This is usually the vendor or brand name followed by the "
"model name, e.g., \"3Dfx Voodoo3\" or \"ATI Rage Fury Maxx\"."
msgstr ""
"Konfigura�n� soubor X serveru sp�ruje grafickou kartu se jm�nem, kter� zde "
"zad�te. Obvykle se pou��v� jm�no v�robce nebo zna�ky n�sledovan� n�zvem "
"modelu, t�eba \"3Dfx Voodoo3\" nebo \"ATI Rage Fury Maxx\"."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:126
msgid "Select the desired X server driver."
msgstr "Vyberte ovlada� X serveru."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:126
msgid ""
"For the X Window System graphical user interface to operate correctly, it is "
"necessary to select a video card driver for the X server."
msgstr ""
"Aby grafick� rozhran� X Window System pracovalo spr�vn�, je pot�eba vybrat "
"ovlada� grafick� karty."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:126
msgid ""
"Drivers are typically named for the video card or chipset manufacturer, or "
"for a specific model or family of chipsets."
msgstr ""
"Ovlada�e se obvykle naz�vaj� podle v�robce �ipov� sady, rodiny �ipov�ch sad, "
"nebo podle konkr�tn�ho modelu."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:135
msgid "Use kernel framebuffer device interface?"
msgstr "Pou��t rozhran� framebufferu v j�d�e?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:135
msgid ""
"Rather than communicating directly with the video hardware, the X server may "
"be configured to perform some operations, such as video mode switching, via "
"the kernel's framebuffer driver."
msgstr ""
"X server m��e b�t nastaven, aby n�kter� operace, nap�. p�ep�n�n� video "
"re�im�, neprov�d�l p��mo na za��zen�, ale skrze ovlada� framebufferu v j�d�e."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:135
msgid ""
"In theory, either approach should work, but in practice, sometimes one does "
"and the other does not.  Enabling this option is the safe bet, but feel free "
"to turn it off if it appears to cause problems."
msgstr ""
"Teoreticky by m�ly fungovat oba p��stupy, ale v praxi ob�as jeden funguje a "
"dryh� ne. Zkuste tuto volbu povolit a kdyby p�sobila probl�my, zase ji "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:146
msgid "Please enter the video card's bus identifier."
msgstr "Zadejte identifik�tor karty na sb�rnici."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:146
msgid ""
"Users of PowerPC machines, and users of any computer with multiple video "
"devices, should specify the BusID of the video card in the format:"
msgstr ""
"U�ivatel� po��ta�� PowerPC a u�ivatel� s v�ce grafick�mi kartami by m�li "
"zadat BusID grafick� karty ve form�tu:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:146
msgid "PCI:nn:nn:nn"
msgstr "PCI:nn:nn:nn"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:146
msgid ""
"(where each nn is a decimal number referring to the card's bus, device, and "
"function number, respectively)."
msgstr ""
"(kde ka�d� nn je des�tkov� ��slo p��slu�n� sb�rnici, za��zen� a funkci "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:146
msgid ""
"For users of multi-head setups, this option will configure only one of the "
"heads.  Further configuration will have to be done manually in the X server "
"configuration file, /etc/X11/XF86Config-4."
msgstr ""
"Pro u�ivatele s v�ce monitory nastav� tato volba pouze jeden z nich. Ostatn� "
"budete muset nastavit ru�n� v souboru /etc/X11/XFConfig-4."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:146
msgid ""
"You may wish to use the \"lspci\" command to determine the bus location of "
"your PCI or AGP video card.  Keep in mind that lspci reports the bus, "
"device, and function numbers in hexadecimal, not decimal."
msgstr ""
"Pro ur�en� um�st�n� grafick� karty PCI nebo AGP m��ete pou��t p��kaz \"lspci"
"\". Pamatujete, �e lspcci vypisuje ��sla sb�rnic, za��zen� a funkc� v "
"�estn�ctkov� (ne v des�tkov�) soustav�."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:146
msgid ""
"When possible, this question has been pre-answered for you and you should "
"accept the default unless you know it doesn't work."
msgstr ""
"Jestli�e to �lo, byla tato ot�zka p�ednastavena. Pokud nev�te co d�l�te, "
"m�li byste pou��t nab�dnutou hodnotu."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:146
msgid ""
"Users of non-PowerPC machines with only one video card should leave this "
"entry blank."
msgstr ""
"U�ivatel� ne-PowerPC po��ta�� s jednou grafickou kartou by m�li toto pole "
"nechat voln�."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:171
msgid "Please enter a bus identifier in the proper format."
msgstr "Zadejte identifik�tor ve str�vn�m tvaru."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:171
msgid "The BusID should be a string in the following format:"
msgstr "BusID by m�l b�t �et�zec v n�sleduj�c�m tvaru:"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:171
msgid "bustype:bus:device:function"
msgstr "typsb�rnice:sb�rnice:za��zen�:funkce"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:171
msgid ""
"Where \"bustype\" is \"PCI\" for PCI and AGP video cards, and each of \"bus"
"\", \"device\", and \"function\" is a decimal (not hexadecimal) value.  For "
"example, \"PCI:0:16:0\" is valid input (without the double-quotes)."
msgstr ""
"Kde \"typsb�rnice\" je pro grafick� karty PCI a AGP \"PCI\", a ostatn� "
"polo�ky jsou des�tkov� (ne �estn�ckov�) hodnoty. P��klad spr�vn�ho vstupu: "
"\"PCI:0:16:0\" (bez uvozovek)."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:182
msgid "Enter the amount of memory (in kB) to be used by your video card."
msgstr "Zadejte mno�stv� pam�ti (v kB), pro grafickou kartu."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:182
msgid ""
"Typically, the amount of dedicated memory your video card has is "
"autodetected by the X server, but some integrated video chips (such as the "
"Intel i810) have little or no video memory of their own, and instead borrow "
"main system memory for their needs."
msgstr ""
"Obvykle je velikost pam�ti na grafick� kart� rozpozn�na X serverem "
"automaticky, ale n�kter� integrovan� grafick� �ipy (jako Intel i810) maj� "
"malou, nebo dokonce ��dnou pam�� a p�j�uj� si ji z hlavn� opera�n� pam�ti."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:182
msgid ""
"It is perfectly acceptable to leave this parameter blank; only if your video "
"card lacks RAM, or if the X server has trouble autodetecting the amount, is "
"it necessary to specify the amount of video RAM."
msgstr ""
"Klidn� nechte tento parametr pr�zdn�. Velikost pam�ti je pot�eba zadat pouze "
"pokud grafick� karta nem� vlastn� pam��, nebo X server neum� rozpoznat jej� "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:199
msgid "Please select the XKB rule set to use."
msgstr "Zadejte mno�inu XKB pravidel, kter� se m� pou��t."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:199
msgid ""
"For the X server to handle your keyboard correctly, an XKB rule set must be "
msgstr ""
"Aby X server pracoval spr�vn� s va�� kl�vesnic�, mus�te vybrat mno�inu XKB "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:199
msgid ""
"Users of most keyboards should enter \"xfree86\".  Users of Sun Type 4 and "
"Type 5 keyboards, however, should enter \"sun\"."
msgstr ""
"V�t�ina u�ivatel� by m�la zadat \"xfree86\". U�ivatel� kl�vesnic Sun Type 4 "
"a Type 5 by m�li zadat \"sun\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:199
msgid ""
"Advanced users can use any defined XKB rule set.  If the xlibs package has "
"been unpacked, see the /etc/X11/xkb/rules directory for available rule sets."
msgstr ""
"Pokro�il� u�ivatel� mohou pou��t libovolnou definovanou mno�inu XKB "
"pravidel. Pokud ji� byl rozbalen bal�k xlibs, v adres��i /etc/X11/xkb/rules "
"naleznete v�echna dostupn� pravidla."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:199
msgid "If you don't know what rule set to use, enter \"xfree86\"."
msgstr "Pokud nev�te jakou mno�inu pravidel zadat, pou�ijte \"xfree86\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid "Please select your keyboard model."
msgstr "Zadejte model sv� kl�vesnice."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid ""
"For the X server to handle your keyboard correctly, a keyboard model must be "
"entered.  Available models depend on which XKB rule set is in use."
msgstr ""
"Aby X server pracoval spr�vn� s va�� kl�vesnic�, mus�te zadat model "
"kl�vesnice. Dostupn� modely kl�vesnic z�vis� na tom, jak� jste vybrali XKB "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid ""
"The \"pc101\" keyboard is a traditional IBM PC/AT style keyboard with 101 "
"keys, historically common in the United States.  It does not have the \"logo"
"\" or \"menu\" keys."
msgstr ""
"pc101 je tradi�n� kl�vesnice typu IBM PC/AT se 101 kl�vesami, historicky "
"velmi roz���en�. Nem� kl�vesy \"logo\" ani \"menu\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid ""
"The \"pc104\" keyboard is like the pc101 model, with additional keys.  These "
"keys are usually engraved with a \"logo\" symbol (there is typically a pair "
"of these, between each set of control and alt keys), and a \"menu\" key."
msgstr ""
"Kl�vesnice \"pc104\" je jako model pc101, ale m� nav�c t�i kl�vesy. Obvykle "
"jsou to kl�vesy se symboly \"logo\" a \"menu\" mezi kl�vesami Control a Alt."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid ""
"The \"pc102\" and \"pc105\" models are versions of the pc101 and pc104 "
"keyboards, respectively, often found in Europe."
msgstr ""
"Modely \"pc102\" a \"pc105\" jsou variaty kl�vesnic pc101 a pc104 hojn� "
"roz���en� v Evrop�."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid ""
"The \"macintosh\" model is for Macintosh keyboards where the kernel and "
"console tools use the new input layer which uses Linux keycodes; "
"\"macintosh_old\" is for Macintosh keyboard users who are not using the new "
"input layer."
msgstr ""
"Model \"macintosh\" je pro Macintosh� kl�vesnice, kde j�dro a konzolov� "
"n�stroje pou��vaj� novou vstupn� vrstvu, kter� pou��v� linuxov� k�dy kl�ves; "
"\"macintosh_old\" je pro u�ivatele kl�vesnic Macintosh, kte�� nepou��vaj� "
"novou vstupn� vrstvu."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid "All of the above models use the \"xfree86\" rule set."
msgstr "V�echny dosud zm�n�n� modely pou��vaj� mno�inu pravidel \"xfree86\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid ""
"The \"type4\" and \"type5\" models are for Sun Type4 and Type5 keyboards, "
"respectively.  These models can only be used if the \"sun\" XKB rule set is "
"in use."
msgstr ""
"Modely \"type4\" a \"type5\" odpov�daj� kl�vesnic�m Syn Type4 a Type5. "
"M��ete je pou��t pouze s XKB pravidly \"sun\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid ""
"Laptop keyboards often do not have as many keys as standalone models; laptop "
"users should select the keyboard model most closely approximated by the "
msgstr ""
"Kl�vesnice notebook� obvykle nem�vaj� tolik kl�ves, jako stoln� modely. "
"U�ivatel� notebooku by m�li vybrat model co nejpodobn�j��."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid ""
"Advanced users can use any model defined by the selected XKB rule set.  If "
"the xlibs package has been unpacked, see the /etc/X11/xkb/rules directory "
"for available rule sets."
msgstr ""
"Pokro�il� u�ivatel� mohou pou��t libovoln� model definovan� zvolenou "
"mno�inou XKB pravidel. Pokud ji� byl rozbalen bal�k xlibs, v adres��i /etc/"
"X11/xkb/rules naleznete v�echna dostupn� pravidla."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:213
msgid "Users of U.S. English keyboards should generally enter \"pc104\"."
msgstr "U�ivatel� anglick� US kl�vesnice by m�li v�t�inou zadat \"pc104\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:250
msgid "Please select your keyboard layout."
msgstr "Zadejte rozlo�en� kl�vesnice."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:250
msgid ""
"For the X server to handle your keyboard correctly, a keyboard layout must "
"be entered.  Available layouts depend on which XKB rule set and keyboard "
"model were previously selected."
msgstr ""
"Aby X server pracoval spr�vn� s va�� kl�vesnic�, mus�te zadat rozlo�en� "
"kl�ves. Dostupn� rozlo�en� z�vis� na tom, jak� jste vybrali XKB pravidla a "
"model kl�vesnice."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:250
msgid ""
"Advanced users can use any layout supported by the selected XKB rule set.  "
"If the xlibs package has been unpacked, see the /etc/X11/xkb/rules directory "
"for available rule sets, and the /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory for "
"available layouts."
msgstr ""
"Pokro�il� u�ivatel� mohou pou��t libovoln� rozlo�en� podporovan� pravidly "
"XKB. Pokud ji� byl rozbalen bal�k xlibs, v adres��i /etc/X11/xkb/rules "
"naleznete v�echna dostupn� pravidla a v adres��i /etc/X11/xkb/symbols "
"dostupn� rozlo�en�."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:250
msgid ""
"Users of U.S. English keyboards should enter \"us\".  Users of keyboards "
"localized for other countries should generally enter their ISO 3166 country "
"code.  E.g., France uses \"fr\", and Germany uses \"de\"."
msgstr ""
"U�ivatel� anglick� US kl�vesnice by m�li zadat \"us\". U�ivatel� ostatn�ch "
"kl�vesnic by m�li zadat k�d sv� zem� podle ISO 3166. Nap�. N�mecko pou��v� "
"\"de\", �esk� republika \"cz\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:266
msgid "Please select your keyboard variant."
msgstr "Zadejte variantu sv� kl�vesnice."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:266
msgid ""
"For the X server to handle your keyboard as you desire, a keyboard variant "
"may be entered.  Available variants depend on which XKB rule set, model, and "
"layout were previously selected."
msgstr ""
"Aby X server pracoval s kl�vesnic� podle o�ek�v�n�, m��ete zadat variantu "
"kl�vesnice. Dostupn� varianty z�vis� na tom, jak� jste vybrali XKB pravidla, "
"model kl�vesnice a rozlo�en�."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:266
msgid ""
"Many keyboard layouts support an option to treat \"dead\" keys such as non-"
"spacing accent marks and diaereses as normal spacing keys, and if this is "
"the preferred behavior, enter \"nodeadkeys\"."
msgstr ""
"Mnoho rozlo�en� kl�vesnic um� zm�nit chov�n� \"mrtv�ch\" kl�ves (h��ek a "
"��rka), aby fungonaly jako ostatn� kl�vesy (posunou kurzor d�l). Pokud je to "
"po�adovan� chov�n�, zadejte \"nodeadkeys\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:266
msgid ""
"Advanced users can use any variant supported by the selected XKB layout.  If "
"the xlibs package has been unpacked, see the /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory "
"for the file corresponding to your selected layout for available variants."
msgstr ""
"Pokro�il� u�ivatel� mohou pou��t libovolnou variantu podporovanou zvolen�mi "
"pravidly XKB. Pokud ji� byl rozbalen bal�k xlibs, naleznete dostupn� "
"varianty v adres��i /etc/X11/xkb/symbols v souboru odpov�daj�c�mu vybran�mu "

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:266
msgid ""
"Users of U.S. English keyboards should generally leave this entry blank."
msgstr "U�ivalel� anglick� US kl�vesnice by toto pole m�li nechat pr�zdn�."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:283
msgid "Please select your keyboard options."
msgstr "Zadejte volby pro va�i kl�vesnici."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:283
msgid ""
"For the X server to handle your keyboard as you desire, keyboard options may "
"be entered.  Available options depend on which XKB rule set was previously "
"selected.  Not all options will work with every keyboard model and layout."
msgstr ""
"Aby X server pracoval s kl�vesnic� podle o�ek�v�n�, m��ete zadat volby "
"kl�vesnice. Dostupn� volby z�vis� na tom, jak� jste vybrali XKB pravidla. Ne "
"v�echny volby pracuj� s ka�d�m modelem kl�vesnice a rozlo�en�m."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:283
msgid ""
"For example, if you wish the Caps Lock key to behave as an additional "
"Control key, you may enter \"ctrl:nocaps\"; if you would like to switch the "
"Caps Lock and left Control keys, you may enter \"ctrl:swapcaps\"."
msgstr ""
"Nap��klad pokud chcete, aby se kl�vesa Caps Lock chovala jako dal�� kl�vesa "
"Control, m��ete zadat \"ctrl:nocaps\". Zad�te-li \"ctrl:swapcaps\", prohod� "
"se v�znam kl�ves Caps Lock a lev� Control."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:283
msgid ""
"As another example, some people prefer having the Meta keys available on "
"their keyboard's Alt keys (this is the default), while other people prefer "
"having the Meta keys on the Windows or \"logo\" keys instead.  If you prefer "
"to use your Windows or logo keys as Meta keys, you may enter \"altwin:"
msgstr ""
"Jin�m p��kladem m��e b�t fakt, �e n�kte�� lid� preferuj� kl�vesu Meta na sv� "
"kl�vese Alt (standardn� nastaven�), jin� ji maj� rad�ji na kl�vese Windows "
"nebo \"logo\". Pokud pat��te do druh� skupiny, pou�ijte \"altwin:meta_win\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:283
msgid ""
"You can combine options by separating them with a comma; for example, if you "
"wish the Caps Lock key to behave as an additional Control key and you would "
"like to use your Windows or logo keys as Meta keys, you may enter \"ctrl:"
msgstr ""
"Jednotliv� volby m��ete kombinovat, sta�� je odd�lit ��rkou. Nap��klad "
"nastaven�, aby se kl�vesa Caps Lock chovala jako dal�� Control a aby se "
"Windows nebo logo kl�vesy chovaly jako kl�vesy Meta, m��ete zadat \"ctrl:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:283
msgid ""
"Advanced users can use any options compatible with the selected XKB model, "
"layout and variant.  If the xlibs package has been unpacked, see the /etc/"
"X11/xkb/symbols directory available options files, which define only partial "
"keyboard translations.  (For example, /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/ctrl.)"
msgstr ""
"Pokro�il� u�ivatel� mohou pou��t libovolnou volbu kompatibiln� se zvolen�m "
"XKB modelem, rozlo�en�m a variantou. Pokud ji� byl rozbalen bal�k xlibs, "
"pod�vejte se na soubory v adres��i /etc/X11/xkb/symbols, kter� definuj� "
"��ste�n� p�eklady kl�ves (nap�. /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/ctrl)."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:283
msgid "If you don't know what options to use, leave this entry blank."
msgstr "Pokud nev�te jak� volby pou��t, nechte pole voln�."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:313
msgid "Attempt mouse device autodetection?"
msgstr "Pokusit se o rozpozn�n� my�i?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:313
msgid ""
"If you have a mouse attached to the computer, an attempt to detect it can be "
"made; it may help to move the mouse while detection is attempted (also, the "
"gpm program should not be running).  If you would like to attach a PS/2 or "
"bus/inport mouse to your computer, you should shut down the system, turn off "
"the computer's power, connect the mouse, turn the computer back on, and "
"reboot.  If you wish to select a mouse type manually, decline this option."
msgstr ""
"Pokud m�te k po��ta�i p�ipojenou my�, m��ete nechat syst�m, aby ji "
"zkusilrozpoznat. Rozpozn�v�n� napom��e, pokud s my�� budete pohybovat (tak� "
"by nem�l b��et program gpm). Pokud chcete k po��ta�i p�ipojit s�riovou, "
"sb�rnicovou, nebo PS/2 my�, m�li byste vypnout syst�m, odpojit nap�jen�, "
"p�ipojit my�, zapnout po��ta� a restartovat. Pokud chcete zadat typ my�i "
"ru�n�, tuto mo�nost zam�tn�te."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:313
msgid ""
"If you accept this option and autodetection fails, you will be asked this "
"question again.  You may attempt autodetection as many times as desired.  If "
"autodetection succeeds, further debconf questions about your mouse will be "
msgstr ""
"Pokud tuto mo�nost p�ijmete a rozpozn�n� sel�e, bude tato ot�zka zopakov�na. "
"(Rozpozn�n� m��ete zkou�et kolikr�t chcete.) Jestli rozpozn�n� usp�je, dal�� "
"ot�zky budou p�edodpov�zen�."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:329
msgid "Please choose your mouse port."
msgstr "Zadejte port my�i."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:329
msgid ""
"For the X Window System graphical user interface to operate correctly, "
"certain characteristics of your mouse (or other pointing device, such as a "
"trackball) must be known."
msgstr ""
"Aby grafick� rozhran� X Window System pracovalo spr�vn�, mus� zn�t n�kter� "
"vlastnosti p�ipojen� my�i (nebo jin�ho ukazovac�ho za��zen�, nap�. "

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:329
msgid ""
"It is necessary to determine which port (connection type) your mouse uses. "
"Serial ports use D-shaped connectors with 9 or 25 pins (a.k.a. DB-9 or DB-"
"25); the mouse connector is female (has holes) and the computer connector is "
"male (has pins).  PS/2 ports are small round connectors (DIN) with 6 pins; "
"the mouse connector is male and the computer side female.  You may "
"alternatively have a USB mouse, a bus/inport (very old) mouse, or be using "
"the gpm program as a repeater.  If you need to attach or remove PS/2 or bus/"
"inport devices from your computer, please do so with the computer's power "
msgstr ""
"Nejprve je nezbytn� ur�it port, kter�m my� p�ipojujete k po��ta�i. S�riov� "
"porty pou��vaj� konektory s 9 nebo 25 piny (DB-9 nebo DB-25) typu samec, "
"konektor na my�i je typu samice. Porty PS/2 jsou mal� kulat� konektory (DIN) "
"se 6 piny typu samice, konektor my�i je typu samec. D�le m��ete pou��t USB "
"my�, sb�rnicovou (velmi starou) my� nebo program gpm jako opakova�."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:347
msgid "Please choose the entry that best describes your mouse."
msgstr "Vyberte polo�ku, kter� nejl�pe vystihuje va�i my�."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:352
msgid "Emulate 3 button mouse?"
msgstr "Emulovat 3 tla��tkovou my�?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:352
msgid ""
"Most programs in the X Window System expect your mouse to have 3 buttons "
"(left, right, and middle).  Mice with only 2 buttons can emulate the "
"presence of a middle button by treating simultaneous clicks or drags of the "
"left and right buttons as middle button events."
msgstr ""
"V�t�ina program� v X Window Syst�mu p�edpokl�d�, �e my� m� t�i tla��tka "
"(lev�, prost�edn� a prav�). My� se dv�mi tla��tky m��e emulovat prost�edn� "
"tla��tko sou�asn�m stiskem obou tla��tek."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:352
msgid ""
"This option may also be used on mice with 3 or more buttons; the middle "
"button will continue to work normally."
msgstr ""
"Tato volba bude fungovat i na t�� a v�cetla��tkov�ch my��ch; prost�edn� "
"tla��tko bude fungovat jako obvykle."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:368
msgid "Enable scroll events from mouse wheel?"
msgstr "Povolit rolovac� ud�losti z kole�ka my�i?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:368
msgid ""
"Events from a wheeled mouse's wheel can be treated as clicks of additional "
"buttons (buttons 4 and 5).  Some X applications treat buttons 4 and 5 as "
"scroll-up and scroll-down events, making the mouse wheel work as expected. "
"This is application-level behavior however, and may not always work.  Also, "
"exotic mice with more than 3 buttons in addition to a wheel may behave in an "
"unexpected fashion if this option is set."
msgstr ""
"Ud�losti z kole�ka my�i se mohou br�t jako kliknut� dal��ch tla��tek (4. a "
"5.). N�kter� X aplikace ch�pou tla��tka 4 a 5 jako ud�losti roluj-nahoru a "
"roluj-dol�, tak�e kole�ko funguje podle o�ek�v�n�. Toto chov�n� nemus� v�dy "
"fungovat dle o�ek�v�n�. Tak� exotick� my�i s v�ce ne� t�emi tla��tky se "
"mohou p�i t�to volb� chovat neo�ek�van�."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:368
msgid "Enabling this option is harmless if your mouse has no scroll wheel."
msgstr "Pokud va�e my� nem� kole�ko, je zapnut� t�to volby ne�kodn�."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:368
msgid ""
"Note that mouse buttons in excess of five (counting a scroll wheel as two "
"buttons, one each for \"up\" and \"down\", and a third if the wheel \"clicks"
"\") are not yet supported with this configuration tool."
msgstr ""
"Tento konfigura�n� n�stroj nepodporuje v�ce ne� p�t tla��tek (v�etn� "
"kole�ka, kter� se po��t� za dv� - jedno \"nahoru\" a jedno \"dol�\", t�et� "
"b�v� \"klik\" kole�ka)."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:385
msgid "Attempt monitor autodetection?"
msgstr "Pokusit se o rozpozn�n� monitoru?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:385
msgid ""
"Many monitors (including LCD's) and video cards support a communication "
"protocol that allows the monitor's technical characteristics to be "
"communicated back to the computer.  If your monitor and video card speak the "
"same dialect of this protocol, further debconf questions about your monitor "
"will be pre-answered."
msgstr ""
"Mnoho monitor� (v�etn� LCD) a grafick�ch karet podporuj� komunika�n� "
"protokol, kter�m m��e po��ta� zjistit technick� parametry monitoru. Pokud "
"v�� monitor i grafick� karta hovo�� stejn�m dialektem tohoto protokolu, "
"budou n�sleduj�c� ot�zky p�edzodpov�zeny."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:385
msgid ""
"If you have an NVidia video card, you may want to decline this option, as "
"these cards' support for the DDC protocol is often so poor that attempts to "
"use it can result in system lockups."
msgstr ""
"Jestli�e m�te grafickou kartu NVidia, rad�ji tuto mo�nost zam�tn�te, proto�e "
"zm�n�n� karty implementuj� DDC protokol tak b�dn�, �e p�i pokusu jej pou��t, "
"m��ete dokonce zablokovat syst�m."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:385
msgid ""
"If autodetection fails, you will be asked for information about your monitor."
msgstr ""
"Pokud automatick� rozpozn�n� monitoru sel�e, budete po��d�ni o zad�n� "
"informac� ru�n�."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:401
msgid "Is your monitor an LCD device?"
msgstr "Je v�� monitor LCD za��zen�m?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:401
msgid ""
"If your monitor is a liquid-crystal display (which is the case with almost "
"all laptops), you should set this option."
msgstr ""
"Pokud je v�� monitor typu LCD (co� je p��pad naprost� v�t�iny notebook�), "
"m�li byste odpov�d�t kladn�."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:401
msgid ""
"Users of traditional cathode-ray tube (CRT) monitors should not set this "
msgstr "U�ivatel� klasick�ch monitor� (CRT) by m�li odpov�d�t z�porn�."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:411
msgid "Please choose a method for selecting your monitor characteristics."
msgstr "Zadejte zp�sob v�b�ru vlastnost� monitoru."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:411
msgid ""
"For the X Window System graphical user interface to operate correctly, "
"certain characteristics of your monitor must be known."
msgstr ""
"Aby grafick� rozhran� X Window System pracovalo spr�vn�, mus� zn�t n�kter� "
"vlastnosti p�ipojen�ho monitoru."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:411
msgid ""
"For the \"simple\" option, you need only know the monitor's physical size; "
"this will set some configuration values appropriate for a typical CRT of the "
"corresponding size, but may be suboptimal for high-quality CRT's.  (This "
"option is disabled for LCD panel users, since such displays are configured "
"for a particular resolution.)"
msgstr ""
"Pro volbu \"simple\" v�m sta�� zn�t pouze fyzickou velikost monitoru. T�m se "
"nastav� standardn� hodnoty pro typick� CRT monitor t�to velikosti, kter� ale "
"nemus� vyhovovat vysoce kvalitn�m monitor�m. (Tato volba je nedostupn� pro "
"u�ivatele s LCD, proto�e tyto obrazovky se konfiguruj� pro konkr�tn� "

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:411
msgid ""
"The \"medium\" option will present you with a list of resolutions and "
"refresh rates, such as \"800x600 @ 85Hz\"; you should choose the best mode "
"you wish to use (and that you know your monitor is capable of)."
msgstr ""
"Mo�nost \"medium\" v�m nab�dne seznam rozli�en� a obnovovac�ch frekvenc�, "
"nap�. \"800x600 @ 85Hz\". M�li byste si vybrat nejlep�� re�im, kter� budete "
"pou��vat a kter� zvl�dne v�� monitor."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:411
msgid ""
"The \"advanced\" option will let you specify your monitor's horizontal sync "
"and vertical refresh tolerances directly."
msgstr ""
"Volba \"advanced\" v�s nech� p��mo zadat rozsah vertik�ln� a horizont�ln� "
"frekvence monitoru."

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:430
msgid ""
"Up to 14 inches (355 mm), 15 inches (380 mm), 17 inches (430 mm), 19-20 "
"inches (480-510 mm), 21 inches (530 mm) or more"
msgstr ""
"Do 14 palc� (355 mm), 15 palc� (380 mm), 17 palc� (430 mm), 19-20 palc� (480-"
"510 mm), 21 palc� (530 mm) nebo v�ce"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:432
msgid "Please choose your approximate monitor size."
msgstr "Zadejte p�ibli�nou velikost monitoru."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:432
msgid "High-quality CRT's may be able to use the next highest size category."
msgstr ""
"Vysoce kvalitn� monitory um� pracovat i s nastaven�m z vy��� kategorie."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:439
msgid "Please select your monitor's best video mode."
msgstr "Zadejte nejlep�� re�im monitoru."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:439
msgid ""
"Choose the \"best\" resolution and refresh rate you believe your monitor "
"capable of.  Larger resolutions and refresh rates are better.  If you use a "
"CRT monitor, it is perfectly acceptable to select a \"worse\" video mode "
"than your monitor's best if you wish.  Users of LCD displays may also be "
"able to do this, but only if both the video chipset and the driver support "
"it; if in doubt, use the video mode recommended by the manufacturer of your "
msgstr ""
"Vyberte \"nejlep��\" rozli�en� a obnovovac� frekvenci, kterou v���te, �e v�� "
"monitor zvl�dne. V�t�� rozli�en� a obnovovac� frekvence jsou lep��. Pokud "
"chcete, samoz�ejm� m��ete vybrat i \"hor��\" video re�im. U�ivatel� s LCD "
"displeji by m�li vybrat re�im doporu�en� v�robcem monitoru."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:449
msgid "Enter an identifier for your monitor."
msgstr "Zadejte identifik�tor sv�ho monitoru."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:449
msgid ""
"The X server configuration file associates your monitor with a name that you "
"may provide.  This is usually the vendor or brand name followed by the model "
"name, e.g., \"Sony E200\" or \"Dell E770s\"."
msgstr ""
"Konfigura�n� soubor X serveru sp�ruje monitor se jm�nem, kter� zde zad�te. "
"Obvykle se pou��v� jm�no v�robce nebo zna�ky n�sledovan� n�zvem modelu, "
"t�eba \"Eizo F56\" nebo \"Benq FP767\"."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:456
msgid "Enter your monitor's horizontal sync range."
msgstr "Zadejte horizont�ln� frekvenci monitoru."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:456
msgid ""
"Please enter either a comma-separated list of discrete values (for fixed-"
"frequency displays), or a pair of values separated by a dash (all modern "
"CRT's).  This information should be available in your monitor's manual.  "
"Values lower than 30 or higher than 130 are extremely rare."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte bu� seznam hodnot odd�len�ch ��rkou (pro monitory s pevnou "
"frekvenc�), nebo rozsah hodnot - dv� ��sla odd�len� poml�kou (v�echny "
"modern� CRT monitory). Tyto informace naleznete v manu�lu k monitoru. "
"Hodnoty men�� ne� 30 a vy��� ne� 130 jsou velmi ��dk�."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:464
msgid "Enter your monitor's vertical refresh range."
msgstr "Zadejte vertik�ln� frekvenci monitoru."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:464
msgid ""
"Please enter either a comma-separated list of discrete values (for fixed-"
"frequency displays), or a pair of values separated by a dash (all modern "
"CRT's).  This information should be available in your monitor's manual.  "
"Values lower than 50 or higher than 160 are extremely rare."
msgstr ""
"Zadejte bu� seznam hodnot odd�len�ch ��rkou (pro monitory s pevnou "
"frekvenc�), nebo rozsah hodnot - dv� ��sla odd�len� poml�kou (v�echny "
"modern� CRT monitory). Tyto informace naleznete v manu�lu k monitoru. "
"Hodnoty men�� ne� 50 a vy��� ne� 160 jsou velmi ��dk�."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:472
msgid "Please enter a comma-separated list of ranges or values."
msgstr "Zadejte seznam hodnot nebo rozsah� odd�len� ��rkami."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:472
msgid ""
"The valid syntax is a comma-separated list of discrete values, or a pair of "
"values separated by a dash."
msgstr ""
"Platn� syntaxe je ��rkami odd�len� seznam diskr�tn�ch hodnot, nebo p�r ��sel "
"odd�len� poml�kou."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:480
msgid "Select the video modes you would like the X server to use."
msgstr "Vyberte grafick� re�imy, kter� m��e X server pou��vat."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:480
msgid ""
"If there are some resolutions you would not like the X server to use even if "
"your hardware is capable of them, remove them from the list below.  Removing "
"all of them is effectively the same as removing none, since in both cases "
"the X server will attempt to use the highest possible resolution."
msgstr ""
"Pokud se zde nach�zej� rozli�en�, kter� X server nem� pou��vat, i kdy� je "
"v�� hardware zvl�dne, odstra�te je ze seznamu. Odstran�n� v�ech je stejn�, "
"jako neodstran�n� ��dn�ho, proto�e v obou p��padech se X server bude sna�it "
"pou��t nejvy��� mo�n� rozli�en�."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:490
msgid "Please select your desired default color depth in bits."
msgstr "Zadejte po�adovanou barevnou hloubku v bitech."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:490
msgid ""
"Usually 24-bit color is desirable, but on graphics cards with limited "
"amounts of framebuffer memory, higher resolutions may be achieved at the "
"expense of higher color depth.  Also, some cards support hardware 3D "
"acceleration only for certain depths.  Consult your video card manual for "
"more information."
msgstr ""
"Obvykle se po��v� 24 bitov� hloubka, ale na grafick�ch kart�ch s omezenou "
"pam�t� m��ete sn��en�m po�tu barev z�skat v�t�� rozli�en�. Tak� n�kter� "
"karty podporuj� 3D akceleraci pouze ve vybran�ch hloubk�ch. V�ce informac� "
"naleznete v manu�lu ke sv� grafick� kart�."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:490
msgid ""
"Note that on some old ATI hardware, such as the Mach8 (VGA Wonder), Mach32, "
"and early Mach64 (\"GX\") chipsets, depths higher than 8 are unsupported."
msgstr ""
"Na n�kter�ch star�ch kart�ch od ATI s �ipov�mi sadami Mach8 (VGA Wonder), "
"Mach32 a ran� Mach64 (\"GX\") nejsou podporov�ny hloubky v�t�� ne� 8 bit�."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:490
msgid ""
"(So-called \"32-bit color\" is actually 24 bits of color information plus 8 "
"bits of alpha channel or simple zero padding; the X Window System can handle "
"both.  If you want either, select 24 bits.)"
msgstr ""
"(Takzvan� \"32 bitov� barvy\" jsou ve skute�nosti 24 bitov� plus 8 bit� alfa "
"kan�lu nebo jednodu�e zarovnan� nulami. X Window System zvl�d� ob� mo�nosti. "
"V obou p��padech vyberte 24 bit�.)"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:506
msgid "Write default DRI section to configuration file?"
msgstr "Zapsat do konfigura�n�ho souboru standardn� sekci DRI?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:506
msgid ""
"The DRI section of the X server configuration file determines the "
"permissions of the DRI device.  This option is for advanced users.  In most "
"cases, you should enable it."
msgstr ""
"Sekce DRI v konfigura�n�m souboru X serveru ur�uje pr�va DRI za��zen�. Tato "
"volba je pro pokro�il� u�ivatele. Ve v�t�in� p��pad� byste ji m�li povolit."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:506
msgid ""
"Disable this option if you want to write your own \"DRI\" section into the "
"XFree86 server configuration file.  You may wish to do this if you want to "
"change the access privileges to the DRI port."
msgstr ""
"Pokud si chcete napsat vlastn� \"DRI\" sekci (nap��klad pokud chcete zm�nit "
"pr�va pro p��stup k DRI portu), tuto mo�nost zam�tn�te."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:517
msgid "Please enter a value for the entry."
msgstr "Zadejte pros�m hodnotu polo�ky."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:517
msgid "A null entry is not permitted."
msgstr "Pr�zdn� polo�ka nen� dovolena."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:522
msgid "Please enter a value without double-quotes."
msgstr "Zadejte hodnotu bez uvozovek."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:522
msgid "Double-quote (\") characters are not permitted in the entry value."
msgstr "Uvozovky (\") nejsou v polo�ce povoleny."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:527
msgid "Please enter only a numeric value."
msgstr "Zadejte pouze ��selnou hodnotu."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../xserver-xfree86.templates:527
msgid "Characters other than digits are not allowed in the entry."
msgstr "Znaky odli�n� od ��slic nejsou v polo�ce povoleny."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "The bitmap, freetype, speedo, type1, and xtt modules are all font "
#~ "rasterizers.  The freetype and xtt modules should not be enabled at the "
#~ "same time, as they are incompatible.  The freetype module should be used "
#~ "for Western languages and anti-aliased font support; the xtt module "
#~ "should be used for East Asian character set support (specifically, for "
#~ "CID-keyed fonts)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Moduly bitmap, freetype, speedo, type1 a xtt slou�� pro rastrov�n� font�. "
#~ "freetype a xtt nemohou b�t zapnuty z�rove�. Modul freetype by se m�l "
#~ "pou��vat pro z�padn� jazyky a pro podporu antialiaingu, modul xtt slou�� "
#~ "hlavn� pro v�chodoasijsk� znaky."

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