On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 06:27:32PM -0500, X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin 
> +    <p>[29 January] <strong>XFree86 4.2.1-16 has been accepted into Debian 
> unstable.</strong>  This is a minor,
> +    incremental release to resolve an FTBFS (failure-to-build-from-source) 
> bug on the SPARC architecture that has
> +    cropped up since <code>linux-kernel-headers</code>, which uses Linux 2.6 
> header files, because the canonical Linux
> +    kernel headers package for Build-Depends purposes.  Most of my time has 
> been going into preparing 4.3.0-1.
> +    <address>branden</address></p>

Do you have a patch status update?

Daniel Stone                                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian: the universal operating system                     http://www.debian.org

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