Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > reassign 226496 xbase-clients Bug#226496: xfree86-common: preinst overwrites it's own debug information Bug reassigned from package `xfree86-common' to `xbase-clients'.
> severity 226496 normal Bug#226496: xfree86-common: preinst overwrites it's own debug information Severity set to `normal'. > close 226496 Bug#226496: xfree86-common: preinst overwrites it's own debug information 'close' is deprecated; see Bug closed, send any further explanations to Peter Bortas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > merge 226496 220713 Bug#220713: xbase-clients: preinst script truncates error string on line 311 Bug#226496: xfree86-common: preinst overwrites it's own debug information Bug#225311: xbase-clients preinst script bug Merged 220713 225311 226496. > thanks Stopping processing here. Please contact me if you need assistance. Debian bug tracking system administrator (administrator, Debian Bugs database)