retitle 226210 xserver-xfree86: [debconfage rewrite] mouse port/protocol 
question priorities too high when autodetected

On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 05:40:56PM -0500, Joey Hess wrote:
> Package: xserver-xfree86
> Version: 4.2.1-14
> Severity: normal
> mdetect is easily able to detect the internal ps2 pointing device on my
> LC2000 laptop. It reports:
> /dev/psaux
> psaux
> Despite the availability of this information, xserver-xfree86's
> configure script persists in prompting for the mouse port, at an
> inflated debconf priority (high). The priority should be low, as there
> is a reasonable default value.

Hmm.  I thought I did this.

Actually, I do.  Except I'm asking at medium, not high.  It's a "normal
item that has a reasonable default" (see debconf-devel(7)).  A correct
answer is important for the user to have a good computing experience, so
it cannot be low priority ("Very trivial items that have defaults that
will work in the vast majority of cases; only control freaks see

Perhaps you can help me find the bug in the following:

    738 # mouse device detection
    740 # priority of xserver-xfree86/config/inputdevice/mouse/{port,protocol}
    741 PRIORITY=high
    745 # determine if we're using devfs
    746 if [ -c /dev/.devfsd ]; then
    747   USING_DEVFS=true
    748 else
    749   USING_DEVFS=
    750 fi
    752 if [ -n "$USING_DEVFS" ]; then
    753   MOUSE_PORT_CHOICES="/dev/misc/psaux, /dev/tts/0, /dev/tts/1, 
/dev/tts/2, /dev/tts/3, /dev/input/mice, /dev/misc/atixl, /dev/gpmdata"
    754   DEFAULT_PORT="/dev/misc/psaux"
    755 else
    756   MOUSE_PORT_CHOICES="/dev/psaux, /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1, /dev/ttyS2, 
/dev/ttyS3, /dev/input/mice, /dev/atibm, /dev/sunmouse, /dev/gpmdata"
    757   DEFAULT_PORT="/dev/psaux"
    758 fi
    760 # if configuring for the first time, ask if user wants to autodetect
    761 if [ -z "$RECONFIGURE" ]; then
    762   while :; do
    763     # bail out if autodetection tool not available
    764     which mdetect > /dev/null 2>&1 || break
    765     auto_answer db_input "$(priority_ceil $PRIORITY)" 
xserver-xfree86/autodetect_mouse "false"
    766     db_get xserver-xfree86/autodetect_mouse
    767     if [ "$RET" = "true" ]; then
    768       set +e
    769       MDETECT_OUTPUT=$(mdetect -x)
    770       set -e
    771       if [ -n "$MDETECT_OUTPUT" ]; then
    772         if [ $(echo "$MDETECT_OUTPUT" | wc -l) -ne 2 ]; then
    773           debug_echo "bug in mdetect; did not return two lines of 
    774           break
    775         fi
    776         AUTODETECTED_PORT=$(echo "$MDETECT_OUTPUT" | head -n 1)
    777         AUTODETECTED_PROTOCOL=$(echo "$MDETECT_OUTPUT" | tail -n 1)
    778         debug_echo "mdetect returned port \"$AUTODETECTED_PORT\"; 
    779         if [ -n "$AUTODETECTED_PORT" ]; then
    780           # /dev/input/mouse* means we autodetected a USB pointer; we 
    781           # store /dev/input/mice instead.
    782           if expr "$AUTODETECTED_PORT" : "/dev/input/mouse.*" > 
/dev/null 2>&1; then
    783             AUTODETECTED_PORT="/dev/input/mice"
    784           fi
    785         else
    786           debug_echo "bug in mdetect: returned nothing for mouse port"
    787           break
    788         fi
    789         if [ -z "$AUTODETECTED_PROTOCOL" ]; then
    790           debug_echo "bug in mdetect: returned nothing for mouse 
    791           break
    792         fi
    793       else
    794         debug_echo "mdetect returned no output; unable to autodetect 
    795         # permit user to retry, but set to false in the case question 
    796         # get asked (for noninteractive configuration)
    797         db_set xserver-xfree86/autodetect_mouse "false"
    798       fi
    799       if [ -n "$AUTODETECTED_PORT" -a -n "$AUTODETECTED_PROTOCOL" ]; 
    800         PRIORITY=medium
    801         break # port and protocol determined
    802       fi
    803     else
    804       debug_echo "user declined mouse autodetection"
    805       break # bail out; autodetection not desired
    806     fi
    807   done
    808 else
    809   debug_echo "not prompting for mouse autodetection; reconfiguring"
    810 fi
    812 db_subst xserver-xfree86/config/inputdevice/mouse/port choices 
    813 auto_answer db_input "$(priority_ceil $PRIORITY)" 

> It also neglects to select the /dev/psaux item in the debconf question
> about the mouse port. This is not obvious if the dialog frontend is
> used, since "/dev/psaux" happens to be at the top of the list and so is
> the implicit default, but in the text frontend, there is no default
> selected.

See my reply to another recent bug of yours regarding autoconfiguration
vs.  template defaults.  I had a bitch of a time getting that right[1].
I think it had to do with the fact that I can't program a default
dynamically, and pre-*answering* the question (which changes the
default) is not the right thing to do.

[1] You don't have to tell me you don't think I did get it right; I
already know.

G. Branden Robinson                |    The basic test of freedom is
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    perhaps less in what we are free to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    do than in what we are free not to |    do.                  -- Eric Hoffer

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