tag 275005 + moreinfo upstream
retitle 275005 xserver-xfree86: ATI Rage Mobility P/M not well supported

On Tue, Oct 05, 2004 at 02:50:13PM +0200, Ludovic Danigo wrote:
> I am having problems like X crashing from time to time, without core,
> and nothing in the logs. Furthermore, try to play some video using
> Xv irremediably crash the X system ( without core,and nothing in the
> logs of course :( ) and the mouse pointer has a dotted line on his
> right side.

[The following is a form letter.]

Dear bug submitter,

Since the XFree86 X server is a large and complex piece of software, some
more information is required of you before this bug can be handled.  Please
run the following commands from a shell prompt to gather and deliver this
information to us:

$ /usr/share/bug/xserver-xfree86 > /tmp/output 3>&1
$ mailx -s "Re: Bug#275005 followup" [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /tmp/output

If you do not have a "mailx" command on your system, you can get it by
installing the "mailx" Debian package; for example, with the "aptitude
install mailx" or "apt-get install mailx" commands as root.  Alternatively,
you can also use a mail command that is compatible with mailx's
command-line syntax, such as "mutt".

One very good way to file bugs with the Debian Bug Tracking System is to
use the "reportbug" package and command of the same name.  The reportbug
program does a lot of automatic information-gathering that helps package
maintainers to understand your system configuration, and also ensures that
your message to the Debian Bug Tracking System is well-formed so that it is
processed correctly by the automated tools that manage the reports.  (If
you've ever gotten a "bounce" message from the Debian Bug Tracking System
that tells you your message couldn't be processed, you might appreciate
this latter feature.)

Therefore, I strongly urge you to give "reportbug" a try as your primary
bug reporting tool for the Debian System in the future.

If you *did* use reportbug to file your report, then you're receiving this
message because the information we expected to see was not present.

If you deliberately deleted this information from the report, please don't
do that in the future, even if it seems like it makes the mail too large.
50 kB (kilobytes) of configuration and log data is typical.  Only if the
included information greatly exceeds this amount (more than 100 kB) should
you consider omitting it; instead, put it up on the World Wide Web
somewhere and provide URLs to it in your report, or in subsequent followup
by mailing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Thank you!

G. Branden Robinson                |    Somebody once asked me if I thought
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    sex was dirty.  I said, "It is if
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    you're doing it right."
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Woody Allen

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