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Michel Dänzer wrote:
| On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 09:20 +0200, Fabio Massimo Di Nitto wrote:
|>X Strike Force SVN Repository Admin wrote:
|>| +|
|>| +|-->  xorg-source-include                       -->  xorg-include
|>Hi XSF,
|>~      as you might have noticed, we started (at low priority) working on
|>X.org packages.
| Great!
|>Modularized tree (files are not patched coming from xorg-source-include):
|>lsdiff libfoo/debian/patch/XXXfix_foo_due_to_baz.diff
|>~ xc/include/libfoo/foo.h
|>lsdiff libbar/debian/patch/XXXfix_bar_due_to_baz.diff
|>~ xc/include/libbar/bar.h
|>(note that there might no be xc/include/libfoo at all)
|>bang! now both libfoo and libbar either will not compile properly due to
|>foo.h and bar.h not being patched at the same time or they will not work
|>properly for the same reason.
| I'm not sure this is really an issue at all.

Neither am I houenstly. I am still not there at a point to build stuff
around. All these are only "ideas" and possible problems that we might
face and we definetly want to be ready to address immediatly.

| When a component moves to
| its own module, it should have a more or less stable interface to other
| modules. That interface should be preserved by any patches touching
| several modules, so the parts for every module can really be considered
| separate patches.

I agree.

| Of course, I may be missing something or simply have a misconception
| about how the modularization is supposed to work...

This step of the modularization is fake. What I am trying to achive is
to split the source in small sources and be able to build everything out
of the small pieces.

Consider it the an exploration of the modularization. It might work as
well as it might end up into full crap. It is definetely worth a try. In
the worst case we will know that it is not possible yet.


- --
<user> fajita: step one
<fajita> Whatever the problem, step one is always to look in the error log.
<user> fajita: step two
<fajita> When in danger or in doubt, step two is to scream and shout.
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