Dear all,

Please cc replies to me directly, as I currently not a member of any of
the lists.

I'm having DRI problem on my IBM Thinkpad T30 with Radeon 7500.
Sometimes it works, oftenly it doesnt. Withoud "Load dri" in
XF86Config-4, it work just fine. 

For first information, I got this problem too under WindowsXP, even
worse, it hangs after few seconds I login, sometimes, it doesn't let me
login at all and just printing some messages on BSOD so fast, I cannot
even see what it was actually printing. I just disabled the VideoCard
and uses Vesa instead. I rarely need to do winboot afterall. 

But when I try DRI on my Debian-Unstable Linuxbox. It doesn't work
either. Sure it sometimes work, but it just hangs my machine after a
while, no keyboar, no mouse, no network. And I can figure out why does
it work sometimes. The best guests I have is that, it works after I
switch off the laptop completely, put out the battery for a seconds, put
it back in, switch on and try to startx on a regular user account.

But I'm not sure, as I do several kernel-recompiling with different
kernel version (2.6.0-test9-mm4, 2.6.0-test10-mm1, 2.6.0-test11), and
different configuration (disabled/enabled framebuffer, disabled/enabled
preempt, disabled/enabled ACPI) to try to solve the issue. But still no

The system is:
linux-2.6.0-test10 with mm1 patches compiled using gcc-2.95.
XFree86 Version (Debian 4.3.0-0pre1v4 from experimental)
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.6.

Attached is my kernel.config, dmesg output, and XFree.0.log.
If anymore info needed, I will provide it.

I'm curious if this is an hardware bug?
Anyone with experiences? 

Best Regards.
Peace is Beautiful.

Attachment: XFree86.0.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: config.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: dmesg.021203.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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