On 2003.11.14 06:47, Branden Robinson wrote:
On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 12:08:57PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> It looks as if many of the locales in the original list
> submitted for this bug are not supported by the X libraries.
Can you elaborate on this statement, please?
I am taking the locale.dir file (as opposed to locale.alias) as the
definitive list of locales supported by the X libraries with the
name of the locale as it would appear in LANG etc. on the right.
For each C library locale, if I can't find an entry in locale.dir or in
locale.alias I apply some transformations to coerce the character set
name into the format used in locale.dir and locale.alias. If I still
can't find an entry in locale.dir I assume it isn't supported, while if
I can find an entry in locale.dir I generate an alias line to add to
locale.alias to map it correctly.
I'd like to include this in the debian/scripts directory of the
xfree86 source package, but before I can do that we need to sort out
its copyright. If the script is your work (and/or you're in touch
with those whose work it [also] is) and you're willing to license it
under DFSG-compatible terms, please let me know.
The script is my work and you may release it under the GPL.