On Tue, 30 Sep 2003 16:13:33 -0500 Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can everyone else please attempt a build > and if the build is > successful, upload the packages to experimental? It builds fine (ibook 800 dual-usb). The only things: -) I cannot find is how to use dri, now that drm pachage is gone (ok, I've spent no time with it...). -) the mac (ibook) italian keymap doesn't work very well, it lacks the '<' and '>' (near 'Z' and left-shift) (Not subscribed to debian-x, so please cc: me) -- ()_() | Un OS per domarli, Un OS per trovarli, | +---- (°.°) | Un OS per ghermirli e nel buio incatenarli | +---+ 'm m' | Nella terra di Redmond, ove l'ombra cupa scende... | O | (___) | raffaele punto salmaso presso libero punto it