Author: branden
Date: 2003-09-10 15:48:13 -0500 (Wed, 10 Sep 2003)
New Revision: 504

Improve fix for #191463 (fix hangs when threaded apps use XInput library),
using the fix committed to upstream CVS HEAD after analysis by Bastien
Nocera, Owen Taylor, and Egbert Eich.
- debian/patches/095_fix_Xinput_deadlock.diff: out with the old
- debian/patches/000_stolen_from_HEAD.diff: in with the new

Modified: trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/debian/changelog      2003-09-10 20:27:31 UTC (rev 503)
+++ trunk/debian/changelog      2003-09-10 20:48:13 UTC (rev 504)
@@ -98,8 +98,14 @@
     + Fix an XAA pixmap cache server crash that can happen in some cases
       when the off-screen memory is heavily fragmented. (Closes: #208804)
- -- Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Wed, 10 Sep 2003 15:20:48 -0500
+  * Improve fix for #191463 (fix hangs when threaded apps use XInput library),
+    using the fix committed to upstream CVS HEAD after analysis by Bastien
+    Nocera, Owen Taylor, and Egbert Eich.
+    + patch #000_stolen_from_HEAD: in with the new
+    + patch #095: out with the old (deleted)
+ -- Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Wed, 10 Sep 2003 15:45:09 -0500
 xfree86 (4.2.1-11) unstable; urgency=medium
   * urgency set to medium because bug #206790 bites a lot of people (but,

Modified: trunk/debian/patches/000_stolen_from_HEAD.diff
--- trunk/debian/patches/000_stolen_from_HEAD.diff      2003-09-10 20:27:31 UTC 
(rev 503)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/000_stolen_from_HEAD.diff      2003-09-10 20:48:13 UTC 
(rev 504)
@@ -279,6 +279,13 @@
   when the off-screen memory is heavily fragmented (David Dawes, based on
   #5752, Koike Kazuhiko, Chisato Yamauchi).
+ xc/lib/Xi/XGetVers.c,
+ xc/lib/Xi/XIint.h):
+  282. Fixing deadlock in libXi - when is called _XLockDisplay() twice -
+  when calling a Xi function that calls XGetExtensionVersion() (Bugzilla
+  #260, Bastien Nocera, Owen Taylor).
 Index: xc/nls/XI18N_OBJS/Imakefile
 RCS file: /cvs/xc/nls/XI18N_OBJS/Imakefile,v
@@ -5570,3 +5577,83 @@
      if(!Num512) { /* no room */
      } else if((Num512 < 4) || (!Target512)) {
        while(Num512) {
+--- xc/lib/Xi/XGetVers.c       2002-10-16 02:37:29.000000000 +0200
++++ xc/lib/Xi/XGetVers.c       2003-07-08 13:58:15.000000000 +0200
+@@ -71,12 +71,33 @@
+     char              *name;
+ #endif
+     {       
++    XExtensionVersion         *ext;
++    LockDisplay (dpy);
++    ext = _XiGetExtensionVersion (dpy, name);
++    if (ext != NoSuchExtension) { /* This is unlocked in _XiCheckExtInit() */
++      UnlockDisplay (dpy);
++      SyncHandle();
++    }
++    return (ext);
++    }
++#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
++*_XiGetExtensionVersion (
++    register Display  *dpy,
++    _Xconst char      *name)
++*_XiGetExtensionVersion (dpy, name)
++    register Display  *dpy;
++    char              *name;
++    {       
+     xGetExtensionVersionReq   *req;
+     xGetExtensionVersionReply         rep;
+     XExtensionVersion         *ext;
+     XExtDisplayInfo *info = XInput_find_display (dpy);
+-    LockDisplay (dpy);
+     if (_XiCheckExtInit(dpy, Dont_Check) == -1)
+       return ((XExtensionVersion *) NoSuchExtension);
+@@ -89,8 +110,6 @@
+     if (! _XReply (dpy, (xReply *) &rep, 0, xTrue)) 
+       {
+-      UnlockDisplay(dpy);
+-      SyncHandle();
+       return (XExtensionVersion *) NULL;
+       }
+     ext = (XExtensionVersion *) Xmalloc (sizeof (XExtensionVersion));
+@@ -103,8 +122,6 @@
+           ext->minor_version = rep.minor_version;
+           }
+       }
+-    UnlockDisplay(dpy);
+-    SyncHandle();
+     return (ext);
+     }
+--- xc/lib/Xi/XIint.h  2001-08-01 02:44:39.000000000 +0200
++++ xc/lib/Xi/XIint.h  2003-07-08 13:58:15.000000000 +0200
+@@ -21,4 +21,11 @@
+ #endif
+ );
++extern XExtensionVersion * _XiGetExtensionVersion(
++#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
++      Display*,
++      _Xconst char*
+ #endif
+--- xc/lib/Xi/XExtInt.c        2002-10-16 02:37:28.000000000 +0200
++++ xc/lib/Xi/XExtInt.c        2003-07-08 13:58:15.000000000 +0200
+@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
+           return (-1);
+           }
+       ((XInputData *) info->data)->vers =
+-          XGetExtensionVersion (dpy, "XInputExtension");
++          _XiGetExtensionVersion (dpy, "XInputExtension");
+       }
+     if (versions[version_index].major_version > Dont_Check)

Deleted: trunk/debian/patches/095_fix_Xinput_deadlock.diff
--- trunk/debian/patches/095_fix_Xinput_deadlock.diff   2003-09-10 20:27:31 UTC 
(rev 503)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/095_fix_Xinput_deadlock.diff   2003-09-10 20:48:13 UTC 
(rev 504)
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-This patch by Bastien Nocera, reviewed by Owen Taylor.
-See <>.
-Hasn't appeared in XFree86 CVS as of 2003-06-26.
-diff -urN xc/lib/Xi/XExtInt.c xc/lib/Xi/XExtInt.c
---- xc/lib/Xi/XExtInt.c        2002-10-16 01:37:28.000000000 +0100
-+++ xc/lib/Xi/XExtInt.c        2003-06-24 00:09:49.000000000 +0100
-@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
-           return (-1);
-           }
-       ((XInputData *) info->data)->vers =
--          XGetExtensionVersion (dpy, "XInputExtension");
-+          _XiGetExtensionVersion (dpy, "XInputExtension");
-       }
-     if (versions[version_index].major_version > Dont_Check)
-diff -urN xc/lib/Xi/XGetVers.c xc/lib/Xi/XGetVers.c
---- xc/lib/Xi/XGetVers.c       2002-10-16 01:37:29.000000000 +0100
-+++ xc/lib/Xi/XGetVers.c       2003-06-24 18:25:10.000000000 +0100
-@@ -71,12 +71,31 @@
-     char              *name;
- #endif
-     {       
-+    XExtensionVersion         *ext;
-+    LockDisplay (dpy);
-+    ext = _XiGetExtensionVersion (dpy, name);
-+    UnlockDisplay (dpy);
-+    SyncHandle();
-+    return (ext);
-+    }
-+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-+*_XiGetExtensionVersion (
-+    register Display  *dpy,
-+    _Xconst char      *name)
-+*_XiGetExtensionVersion (dpy, name)
-+    register Display  *dpy;
-+    char              *name;
-+    {       
-     xGetExtensionVersionReq   *req;
-     xGetExtensionVersionReply         rep;
-     XExtensionVersion         *ext;
-     XExtDisplayInfo *info = XInput_find_display (dpy);
--    LockDisplay (dpy);
-     if (_XiCheckExtInit(dpy, Dont_Check) == -1)
-       return ((XExtensionVersion *) NoSuchExtension);
-@@ -89,8 +108,6 @@
-     if (! _XReply (dpy, (xReply *) &rep, 0, xTrue)) 
-       {
--      UnlockDisplay(dpy);
--      SyncHandle();
-       return (XExtensionVersion *) NULL;
-       }
-     ext = (XExtensionVersion *) Xmalloc (sizeof (XExtensionVersion));
-@@ -103,8 +120,6 @@
-           ext->minor_version = rep.minor_version;
-           }
-       }
--    UnlockDisplay(dpy);
--    SyncHandle();
-     return (ext);
-     }
-diff -urN xc/lib/Xi/XIint.h xc/lib/Xi/XIint.h
---- xc/lib/Xi/XIint.h  2001-08-01 01:44:39.000000000 +0100
-+++ xc/lib/Xi/XIint.h  2003-06-24 00:09:49.000000000 +0100
-@@ -21,4 +21,11 @@
- #endif
- );
-+extern XExtensionVersion * _XiGetExtensionVersion(
-+#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
-+      Display*,
-+      _Xconst char*
- #endif

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