>                       Debian Bug report logs - #200857
>                 xterm fails to honour dtterm sequence ESC[21t
>       allowWindowOps (class AllowWindowOps)
>               Specifies   whether   extended   window    control
>               sequences  (as  used  in  dtterm)  for  should  be
>               allowed.
>From: Vivek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Ok then: assuming this defaults/will default to "false", there's no
>real need to stomp on the sequence handling completely, then, right?

That's my viewpoint - if Brendan adds a "false" to the system app-defaults
file, it would still allow a user to override it and get the features.

Making it return an empty string would be incorrect behavior - if it's
not implemented, it should be parsed & ignored.
Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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