On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 04:18:08PM +0200, ketil V wrote:
> System info are located at http://ketil.homeunix.net/phpsysinfo/
> If you look at http://ketil.homeunix.net/log/ you will find additional 
> logs and a screendump of a failing KNode

Have you experienced the problem since upgrading to 4.2.1-8?  I see a
lot of failures in your xdm.log (referenced in your other mail) due to a
known and since-resolved bug in the Savage support in 4.2.1-6.

xfree86 (4.2.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
  * patch #000_stolen_from_HEAD_savage_driver:
    + (savage_video): Remove whitespace in front of pre-processor directives
      (Marc La France)
    + (savage_cursor.c,savage_dga.c,savage_driver.c,savage_driver.h):
      - Fixed VBE EDID read: due to a missing register setting read ended in
        endless loop on certain systems (Egbert Eich).
      - Savage driver: disable HW cursor on stretched LCD displays, let
        SaveScreen and DGA test if HW cursor is on before disabling/reenabling
        it (Egbert Eich).
    + (savage_driver.c):
       - Initializing clock ranges in several drivers to get rid of the
         annoying 'scaled from 0.0 MHz' message in xf86PrintModes() (Egbert
       - fixed typo in savage driver (Egbert Eich)
       - Reinstate the VBEInit() call in the savage driver's PreInit().  This
         appears to fix a problem on some Savage MX platforms (#5649, Mike
         Harris). (Closes: #182788)

G. Branden Robinson                |        Fair use is irrelevant and
Debian GNU/Linux                   |        improper.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |        -- Asst. U.S. Attorney Scott
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |        Frewing, explaining the DMCA

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