On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 03:44:12AM +0200, Robert Millan wrote:
> after looking at your TODO, i have a pair of comments on your plan:
> - i think site.def is a more adequate place for debian-specific stuff
>   see what the upstream docs say about site.def (INSTALL-X.org, section 3.5)

I disagree and do not support that approach.  Debian is a vendor.  And,
strictly speaking, Debian is a meta-vendor.

> - you're moving stuff into debian.cf that isn't actualy debian-specific.
>   when i said "gnu-common.cf" i meant stuff common to GNUish systems
>   (mostly related to Glibc and userland), but not debian-specific. [1]

> I think we should take care to do these modifications in a way that they are
> acceptable for upstream. So if you split into gnu-common.cf the common
> stuff that isn't debian-specific, and into debian.cf (or site.def) the
> debian-specific stuff, we'd just have to send gnu-common.cf to upstream
> and maintain debian.cf/site.def in debian.

Here's what I think:

The Linux, Hurd, and *BSD .cf files should be split into kernel-space
and user-space files.



linux.cf would #include <gnu-userspace.cf>.  This can be conditionalized
based on a de-facto vendor define (like LinuxDistribution) if there is
ever a Linux distribution with a BSD userspace.  Other stuff in this
file would be restricted to kernel-specific stuff (which isn't much).

hurd.cf would #include <gnu-userspace.cf> and contain #defines relevant
to the Hurd's kernel architecture.

{Free,Net,Open}BSD.cf would have conditionalized #defines similar to the
way linux.cf already does.  On a Debian system, FreeBSD.cf would
#include <gnu-userspace.cf>; otherwise, #include <bsd-userspace.cf>.

G. Branden Robinson                |      Mob rule isn't any prettier just
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      because you call your mob a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      government.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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