On Mon, May 05, 2003 at 12:46:51PM +0200, Remco Seesink wrote:
> During a recent upgrade in testing of several X packages to their 4.2.1-6 
> version
> This bug has rendered some system including mine with hard to read fonts. I 
> experienced
> no problems before. It was discussed on debian-testing in this thread:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-testing/2003/debian-testing-200305/msg00002.html

You've probably grabbed Xft2 and fontconfig, which need to be separately
configured by GNOME. This explains why KDE fonts look fine, but GNOME
fonts aren't anti-aliased anymore.

Daniel Stone         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
KDE: Konquering a desktop near you - http://www.kde.org

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