When I resubmitted the bug I forget to attach the appropriate files.
Here they are.
*           .888888:.    Steve Warner                 *
*           88888.888.   System Administrator         *
*          .8888888888   Web Administrator            *
*          8' `88' `888  Site Administrator           *
*          8 8 88 8 888  Administrator Administrator  *
*          8:.,::,.:888  Only person who does any     *
*         .8`::::::'888        @#$% work around here  *
*         88  `::'  888                               *
*        .88        `888. [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
*      .88'   .::.  .:8888.                           *
*      888.'   :'    `'88:88.                         *
*    .8888'    '        88:88.                        *
*   .8888'     .        88:888                        *
*   `88888     :        8:888'                        *
*    `.:.88    .       .::888'                        *
*   .:::::88   `      .:::::::.                       *
* .::::::.8         .:::::::::                        *
* :::::::::..     .:::::::::'                         *
*  `:::::::::88888:::::::'                            *
*      `:::'       `:'                                *

Attachment: XFree86.0.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: XF86Config-4
Description: Binary data

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