When I resubmitted the bug I forget to attach the appropriate files. Here they are. /****************************************************** * .888888:. Steve Warner * * 88888.888. System Administrator * * .8888888888 Web Administrator * * 8' `88' `888 Site Administrator * * 8 8 88 8 888 Administrator Administrator * * 8:.,::,.:888 Only person who does any * * .8`::::::'888 @#$% work around here * * 88 `::' 888 * * .88 `888. [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * .88' .::. .:8888. * * 888.' :' `'88:88. * * .8888' ' 88:88. * * .8888' . 88:888 * * `88888 : 8:888' * * `.:.88 . .::888' * * .:::::88 ` .:::::::. * * .::::::.8 .::::::::: * * :::::::::.. .:::::::::' * * `:::::::::88888:::::::' * * `:::' `:' * ******************************************************/
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data