#include <hallo.h>
* Branden Robinson [Wed, Nov 13 2002, 12:59:42PM]:

> > Even the fact XDM is not started during the installation is a
> > potentialy dangerous surprise.
> What's "dangerous" about it?
> Having a sudden VT switch in the middle of your upgrade procedure is
> also a surprise.

Imagine you misconfigured X, eg. wrong monitor settings You see the
problem and type Ctrl-Alt-Backspace quickly. Fine. Now, you continue the
installation and work without X. Next morning, you boot the box and see
some X thingie start. You kill it with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. You kill it.
It restarts. That is just annoying. And such things happen.

> > Or you want to change the login-manager. Why cannot you install multiple
> > at the same time? They could be managed with an x-login-manager
> > alternative, very easy.
> What's a login-manager?

Something we should have as alternative instead of hacking some config
files with postinst scripts.

"Unix ist ein Konzept! Windows hat garkeins (oder wo sind die Gemeinsamkeiten
 von Win 3, 9x, und NT?)" -- Lakmal Gunasekara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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