On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 02:47:42AM -0500, Zephaniah E. Hull wrote:
> This is going to generate spurious events when speaking the EXPS/2
> protocol from unpatched kernel HID layers, specificly
> drivers/input/mousedev.c generates the wheel data incorrectly, I have a
> patch for that which I'm trying to get accepted upstream.

Have you filed a bug against the "kernel" Debian package?  Maybe Xu will
patch our kernels in the meantime.

> I have actual hardware which speaks the protocol in question, in both
> one and two wheel versions, and none actually generate anything except
> 0x1 and 0xf for the first wheel, the kernel will generate something
> other then that, if unpatched, for /very/ rapid wheel movements on
> slower systems.
> The problems of that with X and this patch are further reduced by the
> fact that ZAxisMapping will, if only given two buttons, map W axis (0x2
> and 0xe) to the same buttons as the z axis, and if it is something other
> then those two it will be dropped.

...which should mean that most people using dexconf to generate their
XF86Config-4 files shouldnt' see it anyway, right?

> I do not expect to see anyone suddenly loosing functionality from this
> patch. (=:]

Okay.  If I get bug reports about spurious events I'll reassign them to

Thanks for the patch and the explanation.

G. Branden Robinson                |       Yesterday upon the stair,
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       I met a man who wasn't there.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |       He wasn't there again today,
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |       I think he's from the CIA.

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