On Tue, Aug 06, 2002 at 01:45:55PM +0200, Charl P. Botha wrote:
> > But...
> > 404 The requested URL /~cpbotha/xf410_potato/ was not found on this server
> > http://people.debian.org/~cpbotha/xf410_potato/
> Whoops, this must be due to the klecker move.  These are still available on
> http://klecker.debian.org/~cpbotha/xf410_potato/ - should I move these to
> people?  I wasn't paying 100% attention during the move.

people.debian.org is now aliased to gluck.debian.org.  gluck has a backup of
the klecker directories in /org/home/gluck (or whatever the exact location
was, I don't remember exactly.  So you could just mv your files from there
to gluck:~cpbotha, and people.debian.org/~cpbotha will work again.


PGP public key available at http://people.debian.org/~dparsons/drewskey.txt
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