#include <hallo.h>
Hugo van der Merwe wrote on Thu Sep 27, 2001 um 06:43:17PM:

> then after a few minutes my keyboard and PS/2 mouse become unresponsive.
> My Serial mouse still works though...

I could reproduce it a while ago with kernel 2.2.19. After loading
fail-safe setting in my BIOS, the problem disappeared. I still suspect
xserver-xfree86 to be buggy, the problem did never appear with kernel
2.4 and did not appear after playing with BIOS on these day.

> perfectly again. Any ideas how I can debug this? I think I will try
> enabling dual-mouse support in gpm and using it's repeater... I dodn't

I was using the repeater. Did not help.

Heute kann man ja kaum noch eine AOL-CD aus dem Fenster werfen, ohne
jemanden zu treffen, der einen SuSE-Karton unter dem Arm trägt.
                        Jochem Huhmann in de.comp.os.unix.discussion

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