~$ localectl System Locale: LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=ru_RU:ru VC Keymap: (unset) X11 Layout: us,ru X11 Model: pc105 X11 Variant: , X11 Options: grp_led:scroll
- Bug#1093056: xterm: Alt key combinations with non-Latin keyb... Ivan Sorokin
- Bug#1093056: xterm: Alt key combinations with non-Latin... Thomas Dickey
- Bug#1093056: (no subject) Ivan Sorokin
- Bug#1093056: xterm: Alt key combinations with non-L... Thomas Dickey
- Bug#1093056: Ivan Sorokin
- Bug#1093056: (no subject) Ivan Sorokin
- Bug#1093056: Re: Bug#1093056: xterm: Alt key combinatio... Ivan Sorokin
- Bug#1093056: Re: Bug#1093056: xterm: Alt key combin... Thomas Dickey