Control: tags -1 fixed-upstream patch

This was probably triggered by python-attrs 24 removing the temporary tuples from __eq__ (for efficiency):
This means that comparing an object to itself is no longer automatically True but compares the fields normally, causing an infinite recursion loop through _arg / _arg_for.

Upstream switched to dataclasses in
which probably avoids this.

(Dataclasses also remove the temporary tuples from __eq__ in Python 3.13, but re-add an explicit check for object identity to deal with this case, .)

Alternatively, if you want a smaller (but untested) fix:

--- libei-1.3.0.orig/proto/ei-scanner
+++ libei-1.3.0/proto/ei-scanner
@@ -151,6 +151,11 @@ class Argument:
+# avoid infinite _arg / _arg_for recursion (#1084247)
+inner_attribute_eq = Attribute.__eq__
+Attribute.__eq__ = lambda self, other: (self is other or
           inner_attribute_eq(self, other))
+del inner_attribute_eq


(Also, unrelated to this bug: your Vcs-Git points to a repository you haven't used for several releases, which is why I'm not sending this as a merge request.)

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