Source: xdm
Version: 1:1.1.11-3.1
Severity: important


If I remember correctly, kibi@ said their X-related packages is no longer
being worked on. I don't see that the Xorg team umbrella is meaningfully
having some of these package maintained, and thus I am filing an ITS
(Intent to Salvage) request against this package according to section
5.12 in Debian's Developers' Reference [1].

I am planning to refresh packaging, introduce the latest upstream release
and put my name into the package uploaders field. If possible,
I would also like to join the Salsa xorg-team so that its Salsa repo could
be updated. I had a long pending request for Salsa team joining, but looks
like the request was either dismissed or disappeared. Otherwise I could move
the git packaging maintenance to Salsa Debian namespace.

According to the criteria listed at [2], I will upload a Non-
maintainer Upload (NMU) of this package onto DELAYED/7 after 21 days
(July 09, 2022) to continue with the package salvaging. If you find it
necessary to pause the ITS process, please let me know immediately by
replying this bug report.


Best Regards,
Boyuan Yang

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