Timo Aaltonen pushed to branch upstream-unstable at X Strike Force / vulkan / 

04db24d6 by PENGUINLIONG at 2024-03-20T08:38:06-07:00
Register spq tools for SPIR-V (#399)

* Update spir-v.xml

* Update spir-v.xml

* Update spir-v.xml
- - - - -
7d500c4d by Michal Paszkowski at 2024-03-22T10:23:05-07:00
Register LLVM SPIR-V Backend as SPIR-V generator (#423)

* Register LLVM SPIR-V Backend as SPIR-V generator

* Change LLVM SPIR-V Backend vendor from "Intel" to "LLVM"
- - - - -
4f7b471f by Adel Ejjeh at 2024-03-27T08:37:11-07:00
Update bit reservations for loop controsl and memory operands (#424)

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- include/spirv/spir-v.xml


@@ -92,7 +92,9 @@
         <id value="39"  vendor="SirLynix" tool="Nazara ShaderLang Compiler" 
comment="Contact Jérôme Leclercq, https://github.com/NazaraEngine/ShaderLang"/>
         <id value="40"  vendor="NVIDIA" tool="Slang Compiler" comment="Contact 
Theresa Foley, tfo...@nvidia.com, https://github.com/shader-slang/slang/"/>
         <id value="41"  vendor="Zig Software Foundation" tool="Zig Compiler" 
comment="Contact Robin Voetter, https://github.com/Snektron"/>
-        <unused start="42" end="0xFFFF" comment="Tool ID range reservable for 
future use by vendors"/>
+        <id value="42"  vendor="Rendong Liang" tool="spq" comment="Contact 
Rendong Liang, ad...@penguinliong.moe, https://github.com/PENGUINLIONG/spq-rs"/>
+        <id value="43"  vendor="LLVM" tool="LLVM SPIR-V Backend" 
comment="Contact Michal Paszkowski, michal.paszkow...@intel.com, 
+        <unused start="44" end="0xFFFF" comment="Tool ID range reservable for 
future use by vendors"/>
     <!-- SECTION: SPIR-V Opcodes and Enumerants -->
@@ -208,8 +210,8 @@
     <!-- Reserved loop control bits -->
     <ids type="LoopControl" start="0" end="15" vendor="Khronos" 
comment="Reserved LoopControl bits, not available to vendors - see the SPIR-V 
-    <ids type="LoopControl" start="16" end="25" vendor="Intel" 
comment="Contact michael.kins...@intel.com"/>
-    <ids type="LoopControl" start="26" end="30" comment="Unreserved bits 
reservable for use by vendors"/>
+    <ids type="LoopControl" start="16" end="27" vendor="Intel" 
comment="Contact michael.kins...@intel.com"/>
+    <ids type="LoopControl" start="28" end="30" comment="Unreserved bits 
reservable for use by vendors"/>
     <ids type="LoopControl" start="31" end="31" vendor="Khronos" 
comment="Reserved LoopControl bit, not available to vendors"/>
@@ -269,8 +271,8 @@
     <!-- Reserved memory operand bits -->
     <ids type="MemoryOperand" start="0" end="15" vendor="Khronos" 
comment="Reserved MemoryOperand bits, not available to vendors - see the SPIR-V 
-    <ids type="MemoryOperand" start="16" end="17" vendor="Intel" 
comment="Contact michael.kins...@intel.com"/>
-    <ids type="MemoryOperand" start="18" end="30" comment="Unreserved bits 
reservable for use by vendors"/>
+    <ids type="MemoryOperand" start="16" end="18" vendor="Intel" 
comment="Contact michael.kins...@intel.com"/>
+    <ids type="MemoryOperand" start="19" end="30" comment="Unreserved bits 
reservable for use by vendors"/>
     <ids type="MemoryOperand" start="31" end="31" vendor="Khronos" 
comment="Reserved MemoryOperand bit, not available to vendors"/>
     <!-- SECTION: SPIR-V Image Operand Bit Reservations -->

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