Package: libneatvnc0
Version: 0.8.0+dfsg-1
Severity: important
Justification: Policy 8.6.2
Tags: upstream

libneatvnc 0.8.0 removes a public function from its API/ABI:

│ -const char* nvnc_client_get_hostname(const struct nvnc_client* client);
│ +int nvnc_client_get_address(const struct nvnc_client* client,
│ +             struct sockaddr* restrict addr, socklen_t* restrict addrlen);

>From, it seems that nothing in Debian actually calls
nvnc_client_get_hostname(), so perhaps this is non-RC. Normally I'd be
saying this is a decision for its maintainer, but it was recently orphaned
(in the same upload that updated it to this new upstream version, which
seems an unusual choice), so now it's a decision for whoever takes over

If important packages like weston are going to have dependencies on
neatvnc, then I think it would be helpful for whoever takes over this
package to teach its upstream about the two options for ABI stability
(briefly: either don't break ABI, or do break ABI but at the same time
also bump the SONAME).


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