> Just now, i am in large struggle with my notebook. I did an ordinary update
> within woody and discovered X4 in it . Wow! But:
> I have a chips&technologies 65555 , that usually was covered by the
> XF_SVGA-Driver. Now, since 3.3.6-12 support has been vanished. oops.
> OK, i wanted to test X4, but here i get a total system-lockup when trying to
> use the "chips" driver. The log ist not closed, so i cant post it :-(

My machine also freezes completely when I try the new X.  I have the
same card, the CT65555, in my Transmonde laptop, and the machine dies
when I run startx or "/etc/init.d/xdm start".  It does successfully
run X -probeonly.  The programs dexter, X -configure, and xf86config
all run without error, but the config files they produce all cause my
machine to freeze.  (The xf86cfg program itself locks up the machine
too.)  I've also tried various manual tweaks to the config file, e.g.
NoAccel, UseVclk1, noBitBlt, noMMIO, etc, but I still get consistent

So, two questions:

1) Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to fix this?

2) What's the easiest way to downgrade to the old version X?

Incidentally, a brief attempt to get the new svga driver to work
failed as well.

I've attached the output from "X -probeonly -verbose 9" and one
version of the various XF86Config files that I've tried.  Note
that I have to specify my chipset explicitly, or X thinks I have
a ct69000 for some reason.  But I also tried letting X think that,
and it still crashes.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.


Attachment: x.probe4
Description: output from X -probeonly

Attachment: XF86Config
Description: XF86Config

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