On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 10:57:27AM -0600, Derek Witt wrote:
> Aye, I noticed that too. If I tried enabling that option in the host.def,
> it complains about missing MAGIC_INIT. Problem being that I have
> /usr/include/linux/include/joystick.h which doesn't include that option.
> I'll snoop around the source looking for that stinker.  BTW, I'm still
> trying to build optimized X for K6-x (and with patched s3virge). I'll let
> ya know how that goes.

I'd appreciate it if you could track it down.  I'll be happy to turn this
on once we can get it building.

G. Branden Robinson             |
Debian GNU/Linux                |     The software said it required Windows
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |     3.1 or better, so I installed Linux.
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |

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