As stated in the forwarded upstream bug report, they have a hacky workaround:

They do not want to merge it as-is, as they want to think about the proper 
solution first (details in the bug report).

However I don't see that it could cause any harm, it makes something that is 
broken work again - could you please apply it in the Debian package?


Ximin Luo:
> Control: forwarded -1
> Timo Aaltonen:
>> [..]
>>> Despite the presence of CLOVER_DEBUG=llvm,native 
>>> CLOVER_DEBUG_FILE=dump-file there were
>>> no dump-files dumped by the above leelaz command, maybe you can deduce 
>>> something from that.
>>> Let me know if I can run anything else to provide further information.
>>> For the time being I am using the proprietary AMD OpenCL lib as described 
>>> in #976295.
>>> Ximin
>> What was the previous version of mesa? Regressions should be filed upstream 
>> too.
> 18.1 worked, can't remember if 19 did or not.
> I narrowed down the problem further: 
> Something to do with cl-denorms-are-zero but previous versions of mesa 
> recognised it fine.
> X

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