On Mon, Jul 01, 2019 at 01:27:28PM +0300, Protesilaos Stavrou wrote:
> Package: xterm
> Version: 344-1
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> While using proportional fonts, the Greek letter pi (π) is treated as
> a box-drawing character or, more likely, as missing from the
> proportional font altogether.  This happens _only at certain point
> sizes_ AND/OR _only with specific fonts_.
> Scenario 1: Greek pi works, but box-drawing does not
> ----------------------------------------------------
> With these settings:
>       xterm.vt100.faceName: DejaVu Sans Mono

actually that's not a proportional font (it's fixed-pitch)

>       xterm.vt100.faceSize: 10
>       XTerm.vt100.forceBoxChars: false
> The greek letter pi is displayed correctly, but the second vertical line
> (drawn with U+2502) is almost the same as the first one (drawn with
> U+007C).

> Regardless of typeface, enabling forceBoxChars will always draw the
> letter pi in a bitmap font.

       forceBoxChars (class ForceBoxChars)
               Specifies whether xterm-dev should assume the normal and bold
               fonts have VT100 line-drawing characters:
That sounds as expected: the lower-case "pi" happens to be one of the
VT100 graphic characters (if I made the manpage say "graphic", there
would be more confusion than referring to them as line-drawing).

Thomas E. Dickey <dic...@invisible-island.net>

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