On 2018-10-15 5:48 p.m., Gong S. wrote:
> Using "glamor" instead of "EXA" works. However, the manpage says "EXA
> (for pre-TAHITI GPUs) and glamor (for R300 or higher)". TURKS GPUs
> are pre-TAHITI ones.

They're also post-R300. :) The next sentence (with side note which
doesn't apply here elided) in the manpage is:

The default is glamor with R600 or newer [...], otherwise EXA.

> I cannot test the patch for you.
No problem. I'll send out the patch for review anyway, it's pretty
likely it'll fix the crash.

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               http://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X developer

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