> Buddha Buck wrote:
> > At some point in the past, my /dev/mouse got to be a link to a named 
> > pipe created by gpm (I think it was "gpmdata", but I could be wrong.
> > 
> > I don't use gpm, so there was noting to listen to on that pipe.
> > 
> > When I ran "XFree86 -configure", it switched my monitor to a graphics 
> > mode, and hung forever (at least 8 hours).  After several attempts to 
> You could have switched to another console by pressing ctrl-alt-f1/f2
> and stoped the X server. ctrl-alt-backspace could have been your friend,
> too.

Yup, I could have, if those had worked.  ctrl-alt-delete didn't work 
either.  The only thing that worked was a) telnetting in from another 
machine and killing the process, or b) pressing the reset button.  Oh, 
yeah, pressing caps-lock and num-lock made the lights on my keyboard 
turn on and off, but while that is "normal", it isn't especially useful.
>  > [...]
> > Now I'm simply having trouble logging in with XDM...
> Probably You are - as me - missing the "sessreg" binary.
> As long as no one here is willing :-) to reveal which packet that
> beast belongs to, try disabling the use of sessreg by
> uncommenting out the "use-sessreg" line in /etc/X11/xdm/xdm.options.

Taken care of... XDM is working much better now.

> Boris

     Buddha Buck                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Just as the strength of the Internet is chaos, so the strength of our
liberty depends upon the chaos and cacophony of the unfettered speech
the First Amendment protects."  -- A.L.A. v. U.S. Dept. of Justice

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