Processing commands for > unblock 900145 by 900352 900316 Bug #900145 [mesa] plasma-workspace: plasmashell freezes every few times it appears 900145 was blocked by: 900316 900352 900145 was not blocking any bugs. Removed blocking bug(s) of 900145: 900316 and 900352 > unblock 900149 by 900352 900316 Bug #900149 [mesa] xserver-xorg: plasmashell freezes after upgrade xserver-xorg 900149 was blocked by: 900316 900352 900149 was blocking: 900316 900352 Removed blocking bug(s) of 900149: 900352 and 900316 > unblock 900333 by 900352 900316 Bug #900333 [mesa] xserver-xorg-core: flickering, black screen and modeset driver error: flip queue failed: Cannot allocate memory 900333 was blocked by: 900352 900316 900333 was not blocking any bugs. Removed blocking bug(s) of 900333: 900352 and 900316 > unblock 900497 by 900352 900316 Bug #900497 [mesa] libgl1-mesa-dri: Causes random freezes in plasmashell 900497 was blocked by: 900316 900352 900497 was not blocking any bugs. Removed blocking bug(s) of 900497: 900316 and 900352 > unblock 900352 by 900149 Bug #900352 [src:xorg-server] xserver 1.20 must ensure it gets installed with a working mesa Bug #900316 [src:xorg-server] xserver 1.20 must ensure it gets installed with a working mesa 900352 was blocked by: 900149 900352 was not blocking any bugs. Removed blocking bug(s) of 900352: 900149 900316 was blocked by: 900149 900316 was not blocking any bugs. Removed blocking bug(s) of 900316: 900149 > unblock 900316 by 900149 Bug #900316 [src:xorg-server] xserver 1.20 must ensure it gets installed with a working mesa Bug #900352 [src:xorg-server] xserver 1.20 must ensure it gets installed with a working mesa 900316 was not blocked by any bugs. 900316 was not blocking any bugs. Removed blocking bug(s) of 900316: 900149 900352 was not blocked by any bugs. 900352 was not blocking any bugs. Removed blocking bug(s) of 900352: 900149 > thanks Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance. -- 900145: 900149: 900316: 900333: 900352: 900497: Debian Bug Tracking System Contact with problems