I guess I ought to be a responsible nefarious dictator and tell all you
guys what's up with the packaging of 3.3.5.

Long story short:

*) The slowest and hardest part, migrating our patches from the 3.3.4
   source tree to 3.3.5, has been completed.

*) Christian's m68k patches have been partially applied; I'm still working
   on this.

*) Jim Pick's ARM patches haven't been applied yet.  If they're fairly
   clean against 3.3.5 and I don't see any scathing whoppers (stuff that would
   break every other arch, for instance), they'll go in.

*) Sven Luther's Amiga framebuffer patch still needs to go in but I fully
   intend to include it.  Thanks, Sven!

For your reading pleasure I am attaching the current ls -l of the patches
directory and the changelog.

Also, I'd really like some more feedback on my font policy proposal.
Silence is probably either disinterest or tacit agreement.  Which is it?

G. Branden Robinson              |
Debian GNU/Linux                 |   If encryption is outlawed, only outlaws
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |   will @goH7OjBd7*dnfk=<q4fDj]Kz?.
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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