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OutdoorHub Daily Newswire

Front Page

Video: Tuna Accidentally Swallows Seagull
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
If you spend enough time on the water, you'll get to see all sorts of neat 
things. These anglers at the Port of L'Escala in Spain managed to record this 
video of a tuna swallowing a floating seagull. Apparently it didn't like the 
taste of the bird much, since it spat the confused avian back out several...

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Last Minute Gear and Prep for Turkey Season Success
By: Outwrite Outdoors
It’s here! Winter is gone and it’s time to get out into the woods and chase 
longbeards around. Is there any other springtime activity that is more fun than 
turkey hunting? Just any other season, you need to do your pre-hunt prep work. 
It’s also a great reason to go buy some new gear. And who doesn’t...

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Senate Passes Energy Bill with Big Benefits for Sportsmen
By: Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
The Senate has just passed a comprehensive energy reform bill that includes key 
conservation provisions to benefit fish, wildlife, and sportsmen’s access. This 
is a true bipartisan achievement that highlights our uniquely American 
conservation values.

“Sportsmen’s groups, including the Theodore...

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Video: Two Barrett 50 BMGs Turn Man into Human Gun Turret
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
We can't speak for his accuracy, but this man is handling a lot of serious 
firepower. Shooting just one Barrett M82/M107 is impressive enough, but two at 
the same time? His arms are going to be sore later. To put things in 
perspective, the M82 fires a .50 BMG round (something which was originally 

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Quiz: Are You Operator as &%#$?
By: OutdoorHub
Do you think you have what it takes to be a Tier X, Super Delta Alpha operator? 
Do you conduct high-risk, low speed, high drag covert missions, specialize in 
direct action, combat search and rescue, and have the gear to prove it? Well, 
instead of packing on an additional five pounds of accessories on...

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Should Anglers Worry About the Zika Virus?
By: OutdoorHub Social
Summer means fishing, and that means putting up with mosquitoes.

The government is sounding the alarm that mosquitoes could rapidly spread the 
dangerous Zika Virus as it moves north from countries south of the border -- 
where it is already causing major problems.

How worried should you be?


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Baits VS Lures: Which is More Beneficial?
By: Gina Sanders
Debates among fishing buddies can cover a wide range of topics. There is so 
much to agree or disagree on that much precious time can be lost in 
conversation. One of the many points to discuss when it comes to successful 
angling is which is more beneficial, bait or a lure?

Although it is indisputable...

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Video: Australian Politician Makes Stand for Gun Rights
By: OutdoorHub Reporters
Shots fired! Australian Senator Ricky Muir recently shared a video of himself 
making an impassioned plea for gun rights, specifically on the issue of 12 
gauge lever-action shotguns. Australia is already well known for its tough 
stance on gun control, especially after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996....

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OutdoorHub Videos 
Persistence Pays Off - CO Elk 
Adam Wells heads into the high country of Colorado as his patience and 
persistence are put to the te
Bald Eagle's Second Egg Hatches! 
The second egg in the bald eagles' nest hatches!
Dead Battery Buck 
This 170 inch buck gets some luck when the camera battery dies.
Chris Knight 
A rare and personal look at Singer/Songwriter Chris Knight whose unique sound 
and sensibility is car


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