Tag 'vulkan-' created by Timo Aaltonen <tjaal...@debian.org> at 2016-04-14 10:58 +0000
Tagging upload of vulkan to unstable. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAABAgAGBQJXD3fNAAoJEMtwMWWoiYTcTnMQAIdIKLfMEvhZg6wn+Nuiw3cm zBW7JYiXn0M+RBswF15dzsKs11lsa9vmhP4TRQ9o44N3KP8eUgSQOoytPjzeGjFL k3lLLVnvgcSc7fOQZVu+n/pd/X3CUiBEao7sWDlNXYq7mP96+MAGSO9KrG5gSpZp AYKgXYsfkK1P0XzvMDjsbaMPhdnEiFFMr2Rg8d2UOzbZtKKhS+00q+E3Sa4ao/dO c40hRm0nn0BANny9vWPJbV9LDKSQrWHqK3km2w9c1mYRoUI55cAp9pwsRk3ckiKL wtJngtsnQAlvH7b9GuTXIH6O+CbUvz+agTCeXLGpr5xVqKSap4f5SaSIT8fOyja9 9XE630xev0ApRonA1sWWrIguuKw57u0yplUApgeSSY7emXazk601scd75ARUHXAL Gfc9C1laGmcfiIoI/totMrVZnsCDtK/YBLehXVQdMuzi3+6Go/4fvJJFTf7IBwUd 9ht2GScNynTcNLq8nkVPOmoxsOChk1knZOG5V7SfHDYjrS+tA7ryjSyV8tum7gEX qYpXR857QKQAv/9VqrJtWhyRFJEijCUOE3zGgbLxBfh6HB0foyON5sL4qIqgHVd3 NvBP46YATNJy2ntvqDPqHFvsg7Q1lTlEzCe83vUayFDF++6pGA3z/nJk4EIfWlwm vp1v9Bv0+erSQPEkDxWR =zVQE -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Changes since vulkan- Aaron Karp (1): #include formatting changes for relative look-up. Andrzej Kotlowski (1): loader: GL120, move critical section to cover loader_get_icd_and_device Chris Forbes (58): layers: Fix issues with some command buffer tracking structures being left uninitialized layers: Don't skip over tessellation stages when validating stage interfaces layers: Validate specialization entry data is fully contained within the specialization data block. tests: Add optional entrypoint name to test shader object. layers: Minor housekeeping in draw_state. layers: Look up entrypoint for each shader stage layers: Use entrypoint interface specification to collect variables layers: Pass the entrypoint down to collect_interface_by_location layers: Collect OpFunction defs layers: Add spirv static call tree walker layers: Use accessible id set when determining shader's descriptor use layers: Add component awareness to SC interface matching layers: Separate some variables layers: DS: populate features correctly tests: Enable VF->VS array type test layers: Remove nonsense `sinterface` param from layers: Add push constant storage class to stringify support layers: extract helper for getting to block/struct type layers: move get_shader_stage_id up a bit layers: add more shader checker error codes layers: validate push constant ranges accessed by shader tests: Add a test for push constant block used in shader but missing layers: GHPR43, Add tracking of total number of levels and layers for images layers: Validate pipeline derivative requirements in DrawState layers: Remove vestigial bits of old derivatives API from DS layers: Validate subpass index in CreateGraphicsPipelines layers: Add descriptor type matching to DrawState layers: Lighten object tracker slightly layers: validate capabilities against device features layers: Just return the whole binding struct from has_descriptor_binding layers: Add check for descriptor count layers: Determine required descriptor count when stripping array levels layers: More housekeeping: use stringstreams for describe_type layers: More housekeeping: slightly lighten descriptor set compatibility layers: Hold shader_module by unique_ptr, clean up properly layers: Slightly simplify descriptor uses loop in SC layers: tidy up PIPELINE_NODE a bit layers: remove weird double assignment to pAttachments layers: Get rid of 1K limit on debug message length layers: Relax descriptor type match for texel buffers slightly layers: remove unused getTIDIndex function and associated data layers: Reduce noise in string conversion of objects layers: Remove dead render_pass forward declaration layers: Add device handle in CV layer data layers: Separate out validation of a single pipeline stage layers: Make some SC error reporting slightly less misleading layers: More slight tidying of SC pass layers: Build up next layer for compute shader validation layers: Don't stash pointer to caller memory in bound function layers: Fix the other half of #212 (bad error) layers: Don't leak a VkFramebufferCreateInfo from vkCreateFramebuffer layers: Fix remaining leak in vkDestroyFramebuffers layers: Get rid of DEVICE_MEM_INFO::refCount layers: Replace DEVICE_MEM_INFO::pObjBindings with unordered_set layers: Replace DEVICE_MEM_INFO::pCommandBufferBindings with layers: trivial: remove stray () from end of error message layers: Get rid of a bunch of linked list copying when retiring CBs layers: Replace GLOBAL_CB_NODE::pMemObjList with unordered_set Cody Northrop (11): layers: MR217 Fix Android build of swapchain layers: MR217 Turn on more layers for Android build windows: Add android-generate.bat android: Drop layer validation tests for now layers: GH PR17, Add support for building for Android on Windows build: GH PR17, Add Android WSI info to Windows version of codegen script android: Commit latest version of vulkan wrapper android: Re-enable layer validation tests using shaderc and vulkan_wrapper toolchain: Add Android specific update scripts docs: Add OSX and Android build steps toolchain: Fix android build Courtney Goeltzenleuchter (27): loader: MR215 device extensions not enumerated layers: MR215 Update spec version to match json files bug 134: param_checker using layer private data before it's been created bug-135: param_checker incorrectly checking optional strings param_checker: Check for pQueuePriorities android: Add support for Android surface extension loader: Add line breaks to interface doc loader: Add images to interface Doc loader: Doc review comments layers: MR221: Fix implementationVersion swapchain: MR221: Use proper layer name swapchain: MR221: Remove unused property info layers: MR221: Update extension info to match json files layers: MR221: Add Enumerate for Android layers: MR221: Android needs Enumerate*Properties layers: MR221: rename threading test layers: MR221: Correct name for unique_objects layer loader: doc cleanup loader: doc cleanup loader: Add example code layers: Fix clang warning layers: Fix file permissions layers: remove unused file layers: GH156 (bug-155): Check for WSI enables GH171: Fix for NDK packaging GH171: Fix compiler warning GH171: Use relative path for building Android bits Damien Leone (1): demos: Fix window resize on Linux David Pinedo (39): windowsrtinstaller: update estimated size for Programs and Features windowrtinstaller: Add more details to README.txt windowsrtinstaller: updated license windowsrtinstaller: Change lincense info. winrtinstaller: Improve search for layer json files in SDK Bin dir winrtinstaller: update licenses winrtinstaller: update license text winrtinstaller: install to to same dir if already installed. PUBLISHER changed. winrtinstaller: fix install dir not recorded in registry correctly winrtinstaller: Allow uninstall to be run from any dir winrtinstaller: A new dir is created for reinstall of same version winrtinstaller: add more error checks during install, uninstall winrtinstaller: Add section on error return values. winrtinstaller: change to README so it matches sdk_1.0.3 version winrtinstaller: Add file properties to rt installer executable winrtinstaller: Remove mention of SDK from RT license file licensing: Add RenderDoc to LICENSE.txt winrtinstaller: add section to README on ProductVersion property winrtinstaller: Fix typo in messagebox license: move RenderDoc license from LoaderAndTools to SDK loader: check for null pointers in loader_add_layer_property_meta winrtinstaller: Unique error codes winrtinstaller: change error message winrtinstaller: update README.txt to better explain rt installer exit codes winrtinsaller: change comment winrtinstaller: Don't create a menu item for each version of RT installed winrtinstaller: sign uninstaller loader: fix cmake file so it doesn't always build loader with DEBUG loader: fix cmake file so it doesn't always build loader with DEBUG winrtinstaller: Verify vulkan-1-*dll has correct file name format winrtinstaller: Install both x86 and x64 redist's if either is not installed winrtinstaller: Allow layers from SDK older than RT to be configured for use winrtinstaller: Set up proper Access Control for install/temp dirs and files winrtinstaller: sign Config powershell script winrtinstaller: Add logging support to Windows Runtime Installer winrtinstaller: convert RT installer log file to ascii winrtinstaller: removed vulkaninfo from RT Start Menu winrtinstaller: fix typos in windowsRuntimeInstaller/README.txt winrtinstaller: fix install dir not being removed on uninstall. Dominik Witczak (6): layers: GL156 Ignore pQueueFamilyIndices if exclusive sharing mode is requested layers: GH67: Add missing mem_tracker interception for vkCmdBlitImage() calls layers: GH132 Event handle should be printed as a hexadecimal value #37: vkAcquireNextImageKHR() will no longer treat VK_NULL_HANDLE arg as a valid semaphore handle layers: GH215 Removes an invalid check in vkCmdBindDescriptorSets() #238: Fixes the "num samples mismatch" error being shown incorrectly for subpasses with 0 attachments Dustin Graves (29): demos/tests: Enable unique_objects layer demos: Minor cube/tri updates layers: Fix 32-bit Windows build layers: Fix 32-bit Windows build layers: Fix CreateSemaphore/CreateEvent conflict layers: Fix 32-bit Windows build layers: MR243: Add param checker code generation layers: MR243: NULL pointer and struct type checks tests: Fix ClearDepthStencilImageWithinRenderPass demos: Adjust vulkaninfo failure cases layers: Add vkFreeCommandBuffers param check layers: Handle indirection in param_checker layers: Add NULL/sType checks for struct members layers: Add param checks for CreateInstance/Device layers: Add func pointer NULL checks layers: Remove redundant/unused param checker code layers: Add string array parameter checking layers: Add pNext parameter checking layers: draw state image/layout cleanup cmake: Find spirv/glslang dependencies layers: Fix layer debug action initialization layers: Additional null checks for param_checker layers: Fix VS2013 build layers: 1.0.7 update for XML Registry files layers: Codegen VkBool32/enum parameter validation layers: Update param_checker VkResult validation layers: Fix param checker struct array handling layers: LX414: Fix device_limits alignment check layers: Fix paramcheck struct array NULL indexing Eric Engestrom (1): layers: Remove unnecessary null pointer checks Eric Werness (1): layers: MR247, Snap start and end to page to compare for mem_tracker GregF (4): Build: Remove LunarGLASS from update_external_sources.sh glslang / spirv-tools: get latest versions SPIR-V: Update glslang and spriv-tools to latest SPIRV: Adjust to spirv-tools library move Hugo Landau (1): demos: Fix vulkaninfo on win32 to use existing console Ian Elliott (17): layers: MR209 Fix swapchain's vkDestroyInstance to error about devices ... layers: Improve locking in the draw_state layer. layers: MR208 Improve locking in the mem_tracker layer. layers: MR212 Add locking to the swapchain layer. layers: Fix vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices()--was always returning an error. layers: Redo draw_state locking--all in top-level functions. draw_state: Add FIXME/TODO for vkAcquireNextImageKHR(..., fence, ...). layers: draw_state validates VkPipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo layers: Fix typo in vk_validation_layer_details.md layers: GH117: swapchain layer warns if app uses neither semaphore nor fence. layers: GH117: Change warning to an error. layers: WSI functions should not work unless enabled. loader: Convert fprintf() calls to loader_log() loader: Setup temporary callback for vkDestroyInstance cube: Call vkCreateInstance so that it sets up a temporary callback. loader: Fix bugs found in code review. loader: vk{Create|Destroy}Instance can have multiple tmp callbacks Jason Ekstrand (2): cmake: Add options for each of the linux wsi interfaces loader: Fix Wayland support Jeff Juliano (1): loader: Fix typos, spelling, grammar in loader interface doc Jeremy Hayes (9): linux: use linux naming conventions layers: gllavl#76 validate initialLayout layers: gllavl#77 validate layout during clear layers: gllavl#78 validate base pipeline layers: fix imageLayout bug layers: add missing error check loader: gllavl#46 add check for device extensions loader: report implicit instance extensions loader: bump linux version Jesse Hall (2): vkjson: Fix include paths and clang errors Merge pull request #201 from critsec/vkjson-build-fixes Jon Ashburn (68): layers: Fix Windows build error in device_limits loader: filter device extensions in the terminator instead of trampoline loader: add Architecture and interface document loader: Change error to warning for missing layer registry key header: Update to version 1.0.3 which adds some version macros loader: rerun clang-format on some files loader: Update the interface document loader: Add feature standard-validation layer from application loader: add support for standard_validation layer enabled from env var loader: For dev ext trampoline error code, add error logging layers: Fix Windows build with device_limits.cpp loader: change so LoaderAndLayerInterface document is the sole document loader: Add more info in layer interface doc, the layer section loader: more doc updates loader: move doc png file to loader current directory for use of same file in SDK loader: Add better checks for malformed disable_environment in layer JSON file loader:Force Cmake to build dev_ext_trampoline.c always relase mode spirv-tools: update versions for 1.0.3 loader: Add a ICD and layer search path for loader to discover JSON files loader: Fix windows build from last loader checkin loader: Environment variable override got broken with recent change loader: Fix threading layer name in loader standard_threading loader: Fix standard_validation enumeration on instance chain demos: Add --validate option to tri loader: Update doc to add the Linux search path Docs: GH39, Update BUILD.md for directions on installing python lxml module layers: Fix compliation error in draw_state loader: Better delineate trampoline and terminator functions loader: refactor EnumerateDevice*Properties terminate/trampoline code loader: ghlvl 33, ghlvl 34 Fix aliasing of VkPhysicalDevice loader: Update documentation to remove editing comments. misc: Remove lunarg_debug_marker extension misc: Update to header version 1.0.4 header: update to version 1.0.5 loader: gllvl #50, Add support for the WSI extension KHR_display build: Enable Xlib support to default ON on Linux builds loader: Fix issue passing wrong instance if layer wraps instances layers: clang-format layers directory docs: Update README.md docs: Update README.md layers: Fix helper script to not dereference strings with a NULL pointer. layers: Fix helper script to not dereference strings with a NULL pointer. loader: Fix cmake on win for list of normal and opt sources loader: Fix cmake on win for list of normal and opt sources loader: make sure createDevice uses ICDs physicalDevice loader: make sure createDevice uses ICDs physicalDevice layers: Change header path for spirv.h in draw_state misc: Update to header version 1.0.6 tests: Use header macro for API version rather than make_version layers: fix bad api version loader: ghlvl 116 Fix CreateDevice to use the proper ICDs PhysDev loader: Fix some typos from the recent WSI checkins: broke wayland demos: Simplify vulkaninfo to not enable any extensions. loader: ghlvl#79, Fix to not report unsupported WSI surface extensions on Linux cmake: Add post build event for MSVC for vulkan dll copy demos: Change MSVC proj files to remove PATH and add VK_LAYER_PATH header: update to version 1.0.7 layers: update json to 1.0.7 loader: Fix MSVC post-build event so copy with non-existent dir works loader: Remove the instance_info in the layer chain structure loader: Add instance callback to set dispatchable objects loader: Remove the device_info in the layer chain structure loader: Add device callback to set dispatchable object loader: Fix createDev treminator to init the logicalDevs ICD dev header: update to vers 1.0.8 which had no changes layers: Update to version 1.0.8 JSON files loader: Temp workaround to add WSI surface extensions enumerated. loader: temp workaround for advertising linux wsi surface extensions Karl Schultz (44): vkjson: Copyright updates. demos: Copyright update tests: Copyright updates Remove WTFPL from LICENSE.txt layers: In GetInstanceProcAddr, intercept instance procs even if NULL instance Adjust .gitignore to remove vktrace files and add cmake user file. Add .clang-format: LLVM style with IndentWidth of 4. Remove Khronos confidential clause from license text. include: Use single-quote no paths when including sibling headers codegen: Add special case for DebugReportCallback inconsistency layers: Update debug_report spec version in json files to match vulkan.h glslang: Update revision to pick up recent fixes Update build info to reflect ICD moving to VulkanTools build: Remove LunarGLASS from Win update ext sources. docs: fix bad link in layers/README.md loader: Fix MSVS warnings docs: Update BUILD.md docs: Add CONTRIBUTING.md layers: LVLGH47 DS Include swapchain images in search add generated files for smoke demo. layers: LX423 Set string var with handle value before using. demos: Change layer order in cube.c to put param_check sooner. loader: VulkanTools PR 13 Resolve ...XlibPresentationSupportKHR build: Fix CMake Xlib DisplayServer name. codegen: LX424 Generate code for WSI-specific funs in GIPA. layers: LX405 Avoid some checks when rastrization is disabled. Update CONTRIBUTING.md Update CONTRIBUTING.md Update CONTRIBUTING.md Update BUILD.md Update BUILD.md spirv: Pick up SPIRV-Tools fix for version generation script. spirv: Pick up SPIRV-Tools fix for version generation script. Remove faulty LineLength .clang-format directive. build: Cleanup build_windows_targets.bat demos: cube exit status reflects validation status demos: Unify cmd arg handling between cube and tri. layers: LX453 fix typo in output message. layers: Use vector::resize instead of reserve to avoid portability issue. demos: Implement --break for cube and tri. demos: add missing signal.h to tri. demos: Fix 32-bit Windows compilation problem. tests: Fix ImageAspectMask usage for vk_blit_tests operation. demos: Try for std val layer and fallback the same way tri does. Mark Lobodzinski (67): layers: Move logging callback destroy after logging calls layers: Fix subscript-out-of-range crash in mem_tracker layers: LX324, Fix descriptor indices in draw_state layers: Add UTF-8 String validation utility layers: Add string validation to param_checker loader: Null-terminated string checks header: Update 1.0.3 header revision for inclusion of debug report extension layers/loader: Fix string validation error layers: Re-enable support for linux layers: Fix Win32 build errors in draw_state layers: Fix UpdateDescriptorSets crash in mem_tracker layers: Fix possible crash in draw_state layer layers: Fix typo in mem_tracker demos: Fix drawstate transition errors in tri. demos: Properly destroy DebugReportCallback layers: LX232, Removed invalid object_tracker QueueBindSparse error message layers: Fix memory leak in mem_tracker layers: Added TODO in drawstate for Khronos-github issue #30 layers: Make layer option names more consistent and update docs cmake: GH PR17, Fix vulkan.py code generation script for Windows builds loader: GH PR17, Add windows support for new displayserver types cmake: GH PR17, Improve error detection for displayserver selection build: GH PR17, Remove unused displayserver ENV settings layers: LX322, Track semaphore state acroos QueueBindSparse calls layers: GL207, Validate queue_family_index layers: GL107, Validate queueFamilyIndices for CreateSwapchain layers: GH LVL#49, Updated layer docs/README for new layers layers: Update QueueFamilyIndex validation layers: LX401, Handle VK_WHOLE_SIZE in flush/invalidateMappedMemoryRanges layers: LX413, Fix dynamicOffsets crash in draw_state layers: LX402, Invalid CmdBindPipeline validation error layers: GHLVL87, Fix cut/paste VerifyImageLayout call in draw_state layers: GHLVL88, Fix ValidateBarriers in draw_state tests: Remove BindPipelineNoRenderPass from layer_validation_tests layers: LX431, FENCE_NODE structures not initialized layers: LX430, Modfiy object_tracker to handle multiple instances layers: Suppress swapchain warning message for the SDK release layers: Fix draw_state handling of special image layouts in CmdPipelineBarrier layers: Update layer validation details document layers: Update layer validation details document layers: Temporary SDK workaround to prevent DOTA2/RST crashes layers: Add in Michael's fix for the Source2 crashes, remove workaround layers: Fix draw_state handling of special image layouts in CmdPipelineBarrier demos: Fix typo in tri.c that prevented validate arg from working correctly layers: Fix core_validation compilation error layers: Add json files for core_validation layer layers: Fix crash in core_validation layer cmake: Fix windows debug build for large object files layers: Replace draw_state and mem_tracker with core validation layers: Move layer debug action initialization into layer_utils layers: Update validation layer details doc for layer renaming layers: Fix 'Debug Report callbacks not removed' error messages layers: Rename param_checker to parameter_validation layers: Fix windows issue in smoketest --validate layers: Fix core_validation layer cube --validate failure layers: Fix up MTMERGE in CV layer to allow disabling mem_tracker validation layers: Fix AV in core_validaton layers: LX448, Prevent descriptorSetCount overflow in core_validation layers: LX450, Tighten up queueFamilyIndex validation, fix crash layers: Additional mutex fixes layers: Michael's fix for uninit'd data in FindLayout layers: Improve core_validation image layout error message layers: LX446, Allow GetDeviceQueue to be called multiple times layers: LX458, Extend image extent validation for CmdCopyImage layers: Update layer validation doc for CopyImage validation additions tests: Update validation layer tests for CopyImage validation additions layers: LX459,GH#99,#100, Fix semaphore reference count Mark Young (7): windowssdk: Fix 32-bit install issue with Powershell script. windowssdk: Fixed Config powershell script to look at Windows Folder. windowsrtinstall: Fix errors on vcredist not being present before install. layers: Fix issue when sub-passes have diff attachment count. layers: LX265 Error if color blend attch count != subpass attch. layers: Fix layer_validation_tests errors and update new message layers: LX250 Verify color and depth/stencil are different. Michael Lentine (57): layers: Add queue bit checks. layers: Improve in flight cmd buffer validation layers: Add occlusion query precise check. layers: Add check to make sure inherited queries in enabled before use. layers: Check that queryFlags is valid if enabled. layers: GL122 Init queueFamilyIndex in command pool. layers: Valdiate query is not active when cmd buffer is ending. layers: Validate render pass compatiblity for executed secondary command buffers. layers: Validate that the framebuffer specified in the secondary command buffer is the same as the current one. layers: Make sure fb render pass and secondary render pass are compatible. layers: Validate subpass index in begin info is valid. layers: Validate that fence is not in use when submitted. layers: Validate command buffer is not being used simultaneously unless specified. layers: Validate secondary command buffers are most recently bound. layers: Verify that command buffer is recorded when submitted to a primary. layers: MR213 GL126 Fix render pass compatibility check Fix so that store images and buffers are assumed written. layers: Enable Wall and Werror. layers: Validate no active queries unless enabled. layers: Validate pipeline stats query with secondary cmdbufs. layers: Validate command buffer doesn't have duplicate query type. layers: Validate fence not in use when deleted. layers: Validate fences not in use when reset. layers: Validate semaphore is not in use when deleted. layers: Also allow fences to be submitted via acquire next image. layers: Validate event is not in use when deleted. Validate buffer barrier size and offset. layers: Fix and re-enable layout checks. layers: Validate wait event sourceStageMask. layers: Fix android build and update hash. layers: Allow draw_state layout mismatch with UNDEFINED layers: Validate image barrier in draw_state layers: Allow use of QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED for BufferMemoryBarriers build: LVLPR65, Fix android extensions support in unique_objects Remove unused var. Regester event on creation and delete on deletion. Fix assert for layouts. Use size_t types for output size_t. layers: Count attachments as the same if they have overlapping memory. layers: Format updates for attachments overlapping memory code in draw_state layers: Add checking for may alias bit. layers: GH99 Track all command buffers submitted at once at the same time. layers: Enfoce that unique objects if enabled happens before draw_state in the chain. layers: Fix overlapping attachment aliasing dependency check in draw_state layers: Track lifetime when using cross-queue semaphores. Allow REMAINING for subresources. layers: Fix message for array layers to say array layers. layers: Update event tracking to account for sequential cross command buffer and queue tracking. layers: Fix layout transitions for combined aspect masks. layers: Update layout mismatch message to provide more detail. layers: Make layout checks warnings for pass begin. layers: Add check for renderArea being within framebuffer bounds. Revert "layers: Make layout checks warnings for pass begin." layers: Clarify message when query has not been performed. Don't validate memory if used for both input and output. layers: Adding attachment checks to make sure they aren't out of range. Fix find layout to search on each aspect bit. Michael Mc Donnell (1): layers: Fix signed/unsigned comparison warnings in thread_check.h Mike Stroyan (14): layers: bring xml and scripts from documentation layers: Add threading layer generation tests: disable bailout in teardown layers: Handle 32-bit threading validation layers: change android build to xml threading layers: use less of namespace std layers: allow one thread multiple uses of object layers: thread checks for vkDestroyInstance and vkDestroyDevice layers: thread checks of VkCommandBuffer pool read layers: lock use of threading layer cmd pool map layers: draw_state allow pInheritanceInfo NULL layers: param_check- enable android build layers: Allow draw_state layout mismatch with UNDEFINED layers: draw_state VK_WHOLE_SIZE in barriers Mun, Gwan-gyeong (7): loader: GH PR17, Fix typo in comment layers: GH PR17, Add Wayland, Xlib, Android & Mir extensions to codegen scripts cmake: GH PR17, Pass WSI arg to layer generating scripts layers: GH PR17, Add WSI argument passing to vk-generate.py cmake: GH PR17, Add WSI options to loader codegen script Build: GH PR17, Add Android WSI info to android codegen script cmake: GH PR17, Add DisplayServer variables for the WSI interfaces Peter Lohrmann (1): Update build info and references to new public GitHub names Piers Daniell (5): Don't use width=0,height=0 on window minimize loader: Fix loader_unwrap_physical_device() to cast to correct type loader: Trampoline vkEnumeratePhysDev should use layer-returned physDev count loader: Remove trampoline/terminator dependency in vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices loader: Fix regression with dEQP-VK.api.object_management.alloc_callback_fail.device Timo Aaltonen (19): Delete stuff we can't ship or are useless to us. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/upstream-unstable-trim' into u-u-t Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian-unstable' into d-u patches: Refreshed. Don't build smoke demo, needs glslang like tri/cube. control: Add libx11-dev and python3-lxml to build-depends. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/upstream-unstable' into d-u Merge branch 'debian-unstable' into d-u bump version Drop layers-use-local-spirv-hpp.diff, use a config option to find debian/SPIRV/spirv.hpp copyright: Fix Files-Excluded. watch: Match more tags. refresh patches copyright: fix spirv.hpp location copyright: Add buildAndroid to Files-Excluded. remove buildAndroid, we don't need it control: Bump policy to 3.9.7, no changes. control: Use https for Vcs-Git. release to unstable Tobin Ehlis (46): layers: GL64 Don't warn on descriptor set that's not updated layers: GL96 validateCommandBufferState should return skipCall layers: Fix for GL119 to correctly index into pBindings layers: GL127 GL128 fix duplicate in_use updates layer: GL125 only check for fence in_use on valid fence handles layers: MR217 Fix unique_objects android build Merge branch 'stroyan_draw_state_beginCB' into 'master' layers: Correctly handle VK_WHOLE_SIZE for dynamic offsets layers: Update vk_helper to generate safe_struct wrappers layers: Update unique_objects to make use of safe_structs demos: Fix a few layout transition bugs in cube layers: Special case VkWriteDescriptorSet safe_struct code layers: Fix android build of safe_struct wrappers layers: Fix descriptor resource tracking in mem_tracker layers: Add push constant validation to draw_state layers: Fix android build from linux or Win32 system layers: Fix android build of draw_state layers: GH41 Flag error if cmd buffer references destroyed framebuffer layers: Fix layer documentation so that it can be auto-validated layers: GH83 Fix updates of copies descriptor sets in draw_state layers: Remove documentation for now-defunct check "FS_MIXED_BROADCAST" layers: GH94 Correctly map bindingToIndex in draw_state (thanks @baldurk) layers: GH98 Only check fence in-use once per QueueSubmit layers: GH96 Fix error messages for bad layout android: Fix android build layers: GH130 Fix to correctly get type/flags from set binding layers: Merge mem_tracker and draw_state layers into core_validation layer layers: Add some defensive code to core_validation layers: Update doc validation to use core_validation filenames android: Fix android build layers: Consolidate swapchainMaps in core_validation layers: Remove global wsi_enabled in core_validation layers: Consolidate properties checks in core_validation layers: Consolidate VkDeviceMemory maps into a single map layers: Fix validation of vkCmdBindDescriptorSets() during renderpass layers: GH157 Update error messages to be consistent layers: Merge of cmd buffer maps in core_validation layers: Merge framebuffer maps in core_validation layers: Merge renderpass maps in core_validation layers: GH177 Fix deadlocks tests: Fix InvalidQueueFamilyIndex test layers: Migrate active_sets to active_slots layers: Replace ptr-to-ptr descriptor data struct with vector layers: GH195 Fix core_validation dynamic state checks layers: Update descriptor tracking in core_validation layers: GH218 Reset availableSets count in vkResetDescriptorPool Tony Barbour (30): remove reference to run_all_tests_with_layers, which has been removed layers: Update api version to 1.0.3 in json files More api version bumps Use API Version 1.0.0 instead of using VK_API_VERSION for tests/demos demos: Add Hologram snapshot as Smoke test/demo smoke: use $<TARGET_FILE> instead of LOCATION prop LX #410 - Use ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} for PYTHON_CMD tests: LEx 294 Don't create empty descriptor pools tests: Fix image creation with invalid initial layout tests: Remove unused mip levels from rendersystem image creation tests: Clean up misc validation warnings layers: Fix false positive on initialLayout in image layer Remove generated files from source control validation: Promote validation warnings to errors demos: Remove allocation callback code from tri demo Bump api_version to 1.0.5 in json files demos: Put smoketest exe in same dir as cube and tri layers: Move lock around add_object_create_info in core_validation layers: Lock around image and buffer range erases in core validation layers: Lock around destroyedFramebuffers inserts in core_validation layers: Lock around changes to imageMap in image layer layers: Add lock around erase from frameBufferMap in core_validation Remove device from layer_data_map at destroy in parameter_validation layers: DL - Get inheritedQueries support from physical device features Remove device from layer_data_map at destroy in parameter_validation Turn off XLIB define layers: Accept a wider range of utf8 characters as valid Revert "layers: LX265 Error if color blend attch count != subpass attch." Remove NumBlendAttachMismatch until check is in place layers: Move call to validateCommandBuffersNotInUse inside lock rdb (1): Check boolean values in vkCreateSampler szdarkhack (2): layers: Fixed markStoreImagesAndBuffersAsWritten() in mem_tracker layers: PR118, Remove erroneous validation error from swapchain tobine (3): Merge pull request #42 from chrisforbes/push-constants Merge pull request #59 from chrisforbes/ds-more-fixes Merge pull request #80 from lentinem/mlentine-buildfix --- .gitignore | 2 BUILD.md | 394 CMakeLists.txt | 158 CONTRIBUTING.md | 90 LunarGLASS_revision | 1 LunarGLASS_revision_R32 | 1 README.md | 34 buildAndroid/android-generate.sh | 27 buildAndroid/jni/Android.mk | 134 buildAndroid/jni/Application.mk | 21 build_windows_targets.bat | 76 debian/SPIRV/spirv.hpp | 879 debian/changelog | 16 debian/control | 6 debian/copyright | 8 debian/local/spirv.hpp | 879 debian/patches/demos-add-install-rule.diff | 7 debian/patches/demos-dont-build-tri-or-cube-or-smoke.diff | 40 debian/patches/demos-dont-build-tri-or-cube.diff | 39 debian/patches/layers-dont-set-an-rpath.diff | 4 debian/patches/layers-install-to-cmake-install-libdir.diff | 8 debian/patches/layers-use-local-spirv-hpp.diff | 11 debian/patches/loader-add-install-rule.diff | 6 debian/patches/series | 3 debian/patches/trim-build.diff | 6 debian/rules | 3 debian/watch | 2 demos/CMakeLists.txt | 41 demos/cube.c | 210 demos/cube.vcxproj.user | 6 demos/smoke/CMakeLists.txt | 78 demos/smoke/Game.h | 133 demos/smoke/Helpers.h | 131 demos/smoke/Main.cpp | 90 demos/smoke/Meshes.cpp | 537 demos/smoke/Meshes.h | 67 demos/smoke/Meshes.teapot.h | 2666 ++ demos/smoke/README.md | 1 demos/smoke/Shell.cpp | 591 demos/smoke/Shell.h | 162 demos/smoke/ShellAndroid.cpp | 227 demos/smoke/ShellAndroid.h | 68 demos/smoke/ShellWin32.cpp | 256 demos/smoke/ShellWin32.h | 63 demos/smoke/ShellXcb.cpp | 344 demos/smoke/ShellXcb.h | 62 demos/smoke/Simulation.cpp | 327 demos/smoke/Simulation.h | 112 demos/smoke/Smoke.cpp | 915 demos/smoke/Smoke.frag | 12 demos/smoke/Smoke.h | 195 demos/smoke/Smoke.push_constant.vert | 27 demos/smoke/Smoke.vert | 27 demos/smoke/android/build-and-install | 30 demos/smoke/android/build.gradle | 87 demos/smoke/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar |binary demos/smoke/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties | 6 demos/smoke/android/gradlew | 160 demos/smoke/android/gradlew.bat | 90 demos/smoke/android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml | 20 demos/smoke/android/src/main/jni/Smoke.frag.h | 78 demos/smoke/android/src/main/jni/Smoke.push_constant.vert.h | 352 demos/smoke/android/src/main/jni/Smoke.vert.h | 354 demos/smoke/android/src/main/res/values/strings.xml | 4 demos/smoke/generate-dispatch-table | 498 demos/smoke/glsl-to-spirv | 100 demos/tri.c | 376 demos/tri.vcxproj.user | 6 demos/vulkaninfo.c | 174 demos/vulkaninfo.vcxproj.user | 6 generator.py | 3607 +++ genvk.py | 360 glslang_revision | 2 include/vulkan/vk_debug_marker_layer.h | 44 include/vulkan/vk_icd.h | 13 include/vulkan/vk_layer.h | 46 include/vulkan/vk_lunarg_debug_marker.h | 98 include/vulkan/vk_platform.h | 6 include/vulkan/vulkan.h | 107 layers/.clang-format | 6 layers/CMakeLists.txt | 53 layers/README.md | 27 layers/core_validation.cpp |11041 +++++++++++ layers/core_validation.h | 933 layers/device_limits.cpp | 911 layers/device_limits.h | 48 layers/draw_state.cpp | 8959 -------- layers/draw_state.h | 655 layers/image.cpp | 1590 - layers/image.h | 56 layers/linux/VkLayer_core_validation.json | 22 layers/linux/VkLayer_device_limits.json | 4 layers/linux/VkLayer_draw_state.json | 24 layers/linux/VkLayer_image.json | 4 layers/linux/VkLayer_mem_tracker.json | 17 layers/linux/VkLayer_object_tracker.json | 4 layers/linux/VkLayer_param_checker.json | 17 layers/linux/VkLayer_parameter_validation.json | 17 layers/linux/VkLayer_swapchain.json | 4 layers/linux/VkLayer_threading.json | 8 layers/linux/VkLayer_unique_objects.json | 2 layers/mem_tracker.cpp | 3962 --- layers/mem_tracker.h | 242 layers/object_tracker.h | 882 layers/param_check.h | 1743 - layers/param_checker.cpp | 7146 ------- layers/param_checker_utils.h | 293 layers/parameter_validation.cpp | 3872 +++ layers/parameter_validation_utils.h | 571 layers/swapchain.cpp | 4653 +--- layers/swapchain.h | 267 layers/threading.cpp | 344 layers/threading.h | 310 layers/unique_objects.h | 655 layers/vk_layer_config.cpp | 22 layers/vk_layer_config.h | 3 layers/vk_layer_data.h | 4 layers/vk_layer_debug_marker_table.cpp | 72 layers/vk_layer_debug_marker_table.h | 49 layers/vk_layer_extension_utils.cpp | 15 layers/vk_layer_extension_utils.h | 9 layers/vk_layer_logging.h | 169 layers/vk_layer_settings.txt | 126 layers/vk_layer_table.cpp | 121 layers/vk_layer_table.h | 30 layers/vk_layer_utils.cpp | 474 layers/vk_layer_utils.h | 131 layers/vk_validation_layer_details.md | 253 layers/windows/VkLayer_core_validation.json | 17 layers/windows/VkLayer_device_limits.json | 4 layers/windows/VkLayer_draw_state.json | 24 layers/windows/VkLayer_image.json | 4 layers/windows/VkLayer_mem_tracker.json | 17 layers/windows/VkLayer_object_tracker.json | 4 layers/windows/VkLayer_param_checker.json | 17 layers/windows/VkLayer_parameter_validation.json | 17 layers/windows/VkLayer_swapchain.json | 4 layers/windows/VkLayer_threading.json | 8 layers/windows/VkLayer_unique_objects.json | 2 libs/vkjson/vkjson.cc | 8 libs/vkjson/vkjson_device.cc | 2 libs/vkjson/vkjson_info.cc | 2 loader/CMakeLists.txt | 37 loader/LoaderAndLayerInterface.md | 352 loader/cJSON.c | 3 loader/debug_report.c | 126 loader/debug_report.h | 37 loader/dirent_on_windows.c | 2 loader/loader.c | 1454 - loader/loader.h | 256 loader/table_ops.h | 44 loader/trampoline.c | 633 loader/vk-loader-generate.py | 19 loader/vk_loader_platform.h | 9 loader/wsi.c | 822 loader/wsi.h | 124 reg.py | 762 spirv-tools_revision | 2 tests/CMakeLists.txt | 42 tests/layer_validation_tests.cpp | 612 tests/test_environment.cpp | 2 tests/vk_layer_settings.txt | 30 tests/vkrenderframework.cpp | 149 tests/vkrenderframework.h | 22 tests/vktestbinding.cpp | 2 tests/vktestbinding.h | 49 tests/vktestframeworkandroid.cpp | 79 tests/vulkan_wrapper.cpp | 401 tests/vulkan_wrapper.h | 232 update_external_sources.bat | 369 update_external_sources.sh | 80 vk-generate.py | 15 vk-layer-generate.py | 668 vk.xml | 5155 +++++ vk_helper.py | 268 vk_layer_documentation_generate.py | 15 vulkan.py | 133 177 files changed, 46462 insertions(+), 34320 deletions(-) ---