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WIN A World-Class Colorado Elk Hunt: Front Page Tennessee's Boone Lake Remains a Strong Fishery Despite Drawdown By: Lewis Creek Shooting School One of America’s premier game fish is the striped bass. They're one of the most versatile angling targets. Stripers can be pursued using almost any imaginable sportfishing technique, from bait fishing and fly fishing to trolling. Stripers can thrive in Southern inland lakes or as ocean fish, and they prevalent on... Read More: OH_Featured_Videos Video: This is What Happens When You Launch a Rocket Under a Frozen Lake By: OutdoorHub Reporters Sometimes ice fishing can get a little boring, especially if you run out of beer or propane. It seems like Nils Bremer, the uploader of this video, got a more than a little bored on the ice because he decided to launch rockets under it, with surprisingly explosive results. First Nils broke a hole... Read More: Michigan's GEMS Are a Hunter's Best Friend By: Bob Gwizdz When the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) asked for a hunting-license fee increase a couple of years back, it promised to put some of those funds to work improving hunting opportunities. Among the first projects it tackled was upland game bird hunting. The DNR created a series of walk-in... Read More: Video: Grizzly Thoroughly Enjoys Roll Down Hill in Denali National Park By: OutdoorHub Reporters Remember the good ol' days when you were a kid and could enjoy a leisurely roll down a hill without worrying about ruining your clothes or looking like a crazy person? If this video purportedly recorded in Denali National Park is any indicator, apparently grizzly bears enjoy pretty much the exact... Read More: Video: Fox Steals a Bowl of Fruit Loops By: OutdoorHub Reporters Silly fox, Fruit Loops are for kids. We're not exactly sure what's going on in this video. The video starts off with a fox eyeing a bowl of Fruit Loops, but we can't tell why there is cereal or a fox in the first place. After a couple seconds of sizing up the cameraman, the fox ran in and snatched... Read More: OutdoorHub Videos Shawns Ranch The MRA crew checks out Shawn's new ranch in Texas ----- Another Look at the Special Edition Chevy Colorado Z71 Trail Boss Here’s a teaser reel showing off some of the features of the Chevy Colorado Z71 Trail Boss See more ----- AR-15 with Slide Fire Stock Firing in Slow Motion Ever wonder what an AR-15 with a Slide Fire stock looks like when it’s firing? OHUB Labs used an edg ----- ------- OutdoorHub News ------- © 2015, Carbon Media Group Manage Subscription: