Author: branden
Date: 2005-06-10 15:43:23 -0500 (Fri, 10 Jun 2005)
New Revision: 179

Consolidate most patches that were in 000_stolen_from_HEAD into
0000_backport_from_upstream.  Improve documentation and provide better
examples of how to backport patches (including upstream commit log messge
describing what backported patches actually do -> good).

This regresses some post-6.8.2 updates to xf86PciInfo.h and the ati and nv
drivers relative to Ubuntu, mainly because it was difficult to tell exactly
which upstream commits were backported.  Add TODO item so that we restore
this functionality before releasing to unstable.

Modified: trunk/debian/TODO
--- trunk/debian/TODO   2005-06-10 14:02:03 UTC (rev 178)
+++ trunk/debian/TODO   2005-06-10 20:43:23 UTC (rev 179)
@@ -329,6 +329,9 @@
 * Coordinate translations with Christian Perrier and debian-i18n. See for info.
+* Grab updates to ati and nv drivers (and xf86PciInfo.h) from upstream CVS HEAD
+  so that we don't regress relative to Ubuntu (patches dropped in r179).
 unspecified future
 * Grab fix for xfree86 extension library manpage generation from

Modified: trunk/debian/patches/0000_backport_from_upstream.diff
--- trunk/debian/patches/0000_backport_from_upstream.diff       2005-06-10 
14:02:03 UTC (rev 178)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/0000_backport_from_upstream.diff       2005-06-10 
20:43:23 UTC (rev 179)
@@ -2,11 +2,55 @@
 Change descriptions are taken from xc/ChangeLog, with comments in
 [brackets] added by Debian where necessary for further explanation or
+context.  If only part of a commit is applied, use an ellipsis in brackets
+to denote removal of piece of the commit log.
 Diffs from CVS may have hunks that change only RCS/CVS keyword lines
-elided so that they apply cleanly.
+elided so that they apply cleanly.  (Also, the expanded CVS keywords seem
+to lag the actual revision by one, so they are often misleading.)
+2004-11-07 Fabio M. Di Nitto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * programs/Xserver/hw/dmx/config/Imakefile
+       Add missing InstallProgram targets for the Xdmx configuration tools.
+2004-11-08 Fabio M. Di Nitto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/Imakefile
+       the former is not used anymore.
+       Also ensure tohandle properly XFree86CustomVersion to not break
+       actual build systems and provide smooth transition.
+       If both XorgCustomVersion and XFree86CustomVersion are defined,
+       the former is always preferred.
+       * config/cf/
+       Rename XFree86CustomVersion to XorgCustomVersion in the Debian
+       Maintainer section.
+2005-01-24  Adam Jackson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/i2c/xf86i2c.c:
+       Bug #2004: Make DDC delay slightly longer.  (Thomas J. Moore)
+2005-01-27  Daniel Stone  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * include/extensions/scrnsaver.h:
+       Include <X11/Xlib.h>.
+2005-02-01  Daniel Stone  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * config/cf/
+       * config/cf/
+       Re-enable building of tdfx for ia64 and amd64, since libglide3 is
+       available there.
+2005-02-21  Matthieu Herrb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+       * extras/Xpm/lib/create.c:
+       * extras/Xpm/lib/scan.c:
+       Avoid inifite loops. From Chris Gilbert in bug #1920.
 2005-03-06 Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        * xc/config/cf/
@@ -16,14 +60,55 @@
        intended to prevent this, but it apparently is not in effect yet
        when is parsed.)
+Index: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/dmx/config/Imakefile
+RCS file: /cvs/xorg/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/dmx/config/Imakefile,v
+retrieving revision 1.2
+retrieving revision 1.3
+diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
+--- xc/programs/Xserver/hw/dmx/config/Imakefile        30 Jul 2004 06:20:53 
-0000      1.2
++++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/dmx/config/Imakefile        7 Nov 2004 12:47:05 
-0000       1.3
+@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@
+ LinkSourceFile(dmxlog.c,..)
+ InstallManPage(dmxtodmx,$(MANDIR))
+ InstallManPage(vdltodmx,$(MANDIR))
+ InstallManPage(xdmxconfig,$(MANDIR))
+Index: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/Imakefile
+RCS file: /cvs/xorg/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/Imakefile,v
+retrieving revision 1.8
+retrieving revision 1.9
+diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
+--- xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/Imakefile    26 Sep 2004 13:06:27 
-0000      1.8
++++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/Imakefile    8 Nov 2004 06:35:27 
-0000       1.9
+@@ -190,10 +190,14 @@
+      OSNAME = OSName
+    OSVENDOR = OSVendor
+-#if defined(XFree86CustomVersion)
++#if defined(XorgCustomVersion) || defined(XFree86CustomVersion)
++# if defined(XorgCustomVersion)
++CUSTOMVERSION = XorgCustomVersion
++# else
+ CUSTOMVERSION = XFree86CustomVersion
++# endif /* XorgCustomVersion */
++#endif /* XorgCustomVersion || XFree86CustomVersion */
+ #if defined(BuilderString)
+   BUILDERSTRING = BuilderString
 Index: xc/config/cf/
-RCS file: /cvs/xorg/xc/config/cf/,v
-retrieving revision 1.23
-retrieving revision 1.24
-diff -u -r1.23 -r1.24
---- xc/config/cf/      1 Feb 2005 02:02:31 -0000       1.23
-+++ xc/config/cf/      6 Mar 2005 01:05:00 -0000       1.24
+--- xc/config/cf/      (revision 142)
++++ xc/config/cf/      (working copy)
 @@ -95,13 +95,13 @@
  XCOMM binutils:       (LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion)
@@ -45,7 +130,160 @@
  # endif /* InstallAppDefFiles */
 -# endif /* !NothingOutsideProjectRoot */
-+# endif /* !defined(NothingOutsideProjectRoot) || !NothingOutsideProjectRoot 
++# endif /* !defined(NotingOutsideProjectRoot) || !NothingOutsideProjectRoot */
  # define SharedLibXdmGreet    NO
  # define LinkGLToUsrInclude   NO
  # define LinkGLToUsrLib               NO
+@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@
+  */
+ # ifdef DebianMaintainer
+-#  ifndef XFree86CustomVersion
+-#   define XFree86CustomVersion               "Debian"
++#  ifndef XorgCustomVersion
++#   define XorgCustomVersion          "Debian"
+ #  endif
+ #  ifndef BuilderEMailAddr
+ #   define BuilderEMailAddr           ""
+@@ -168,11 +168,13 @@
+ #    define HasGlide2                 YES
+ #    define Glide2IncDir              /usr/include/glide
+ #   endif /* i386Architecture */
+-/* at present, glide3 only works on alpha and i386 */
+-#   if defined(i386Architecture) || defined(AlphaArchitecture)
++/* at present, glide3 only works on alpha, amd64, i386 and ia64 */
++#   if defined(i386Architecture) || defined(AlphaArchitecture) || \
++       defined(ia64Architecture) || defined(AMD64Architecture)
+ #    define HasGlide3                 YES
+ #    define Glide3IncDir              /usr/include/glide3
+-#   endif /* i386Architecture || AlphaArchitecture */
++#   endif /* i386Architecture || AlphaArchitecture || ia64Architecture ||
++             AMD64Architecture */
+ /* extended instruction set support */
+ #   ifdef i386Architecture
+ #   define HasX86Support              YES
+Index: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/i2c/xf86i2c.c
+RCS file: /cvs/xorg/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/i2c/xf86i2c.c,v
+retrieving revision 1.3
+retrieving revision 1.4
+diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
+--- xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/i2c/xf86i2c.c       27 Jul 2004 02:50:41 
-0000      1.3
++++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/i2c/xf86i2c.c       24 Jan 2005 20:44:49 
-0000      1.4
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
+       d_secs  = (a_secs - b_secs);
+       d_usecs = (a_usecs - b_usecs);
+       diff = d_secs*1000000 + d_usecs;
+-    } while (diff>0 && diff< (usec + 1));
++    } while (diff>=0 && diff< (usec + 1));
+   }
+ }
+ #endif
+Index: xc/include/extensions/scrnsaver.h
+RCS file: /cvs/xorg/xc/include/extensions/scrnsaver.h,v
+retrieving revision 1.2
+retrieving revision 1.3
+diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
+--- xc/include/extensions/scrnsaver.h  23 Apr 2004 18:43:06 -0000      1.2
++++ xc/include/extensions/scrnsaver.h  27 Jan 2005 05:36:16 -0000      1.3
+@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
+ #define _SCRNSAVER_H_
+ #include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
++#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+ #include <X11/extensions/saver.h>
+ typedef struct {
+Index: xc/config/cf/
+RCS file: /cvs/xorg/xc/config/cf/,v
+retrieving revision 1.44
+retrieving revision 1.45
+diff -u -r1.44 -r1.45
+--- xc/config/cf/       27 Jan 2005 03:50:46 -0000      1.44
++++ xc/config/cf/       1 Feb 2005 02:02:31 -0000       1.45
+@@ -413,15 +413,12 @@
+ # ifndef DriDrivers
+ #  ifndef ia64Architecture
+-#   define i386DRIDrivers i810 i915 sis tdfx
++#   define i386DRIDrivers i810 i915 sis
+ #  else
+-   /*
+-    *  The tdfx driver needs Glide, which is not available for IA64.
+-    *  SiS is 64-bit unclean as of this writing. 
+-    */  
++   /* SiS is 64-bit unclean as of this writing. */
+ #   define i386DRIDrivers /**/
+ #  endif
+-#  define DriDrivers          gamma i386DRIDrivers mga r128 radeon r200
++#  define DriDrivers          gamma i386DRIDrivers mga r128 radeon r200 tdfx
+ # endif
+ #endif /* i386Architecture || ia64Architecture */
+@@ -456,12 +453,9 @@
+                               XF86OSCardDrivers XF86ExtraCardDrivers 
+ # endif
+- * The tdfx driver needs Glide, which is not available for AMD64.  
+- * SiS is 64-bit unclean as of this writing.
+- */
++/* SiS is 64-bit unclean as of this writing. */
+ # ifndef DriDrivers
+-#  define DriDrivers          i915 gamma mga r128 radeon r200
++#  define DriDrivers          i915 gamma mga r128 radeon r200 tdfx
+ # endif
+ #endif /*AMD64Arcitecture*/
+Index: xc/extras/Xpm/lib/create.c
+RCS file: /cvs/xorg/xc/extras/Xpm/lib/create.c,v
+retrieving revision 1.4
+retrieving revision 1.5
+diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
+--- xc/extras/Xpm/lib/create.c 25 Nov 2004 21:19:11 -0000      1.4
++++ xc/extras/Xpm/lib/create.c 21 Feb 2005 20:52:32 -0000      1.5
+@@ -1215,10 +1215,10 @@
+     register char *src;
+     register char *dst;
+     register unsigned int *iptr;
+-    register unsigned int x, y, i;
++    register unsigned int x, y;
+     register char *data;
+     Pixel pixel, px;
+-    int nbytes, depth, ibu, ibpp;
++    int nbytes, depth, ibu, ibpp, i;
+     data = image->data;
+     iptr = pixelindex;
+Index: xc/extras/Xpm/lib/scan.c
+RCS file: /cvs/xorg/xc/extras/Xpm/lib/scan.c,v
+retrieving revision 1.4
+retrieving revision 1.5
+diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
+--- xc/extras/Xpm/lib/scan.c   25 Nov 2004 21:19:11 -0000      1.4
++++ xc/extras/Xpm/lib/scan.c   21 Feb 2005 20:52:32 -0000      1.5
+@@ -621,8 +621,8 @@
+     char *dst;
+     unsigned int *iptr;
+     char *data;
+-    unsigned int x, y, i;
+-    int bits, depth, ibu, ibpp, offset;
++    unsigned int x, y;
++    int bits, depth, ibu, ibpp, offset, i;
+     unsigned long lbt;
+     Pixel pixel, px;
+@@ -633,6 +633,9 @@
+     ibpp = image->bits_per_pixel;
+     offset = image->xoffset;
++    if (image->bitmap_unit < 0)
++          return (XpmNoMemory);
+     if ((image->bits_per_pixel | image->depth) == 1) {
+       ibu = image->bitmap_unit;
+       for (y = 0; y < height; y++)

Deleted: trunk/debian/patches/000_stolen_from_HEAD.diff
--- trunk/debian/patches/000_stolen_from_HEAD.diff      2005-06-10 14:02:03 UTC 
(rev 178)
+++ trunk/debian/patches/000_stolen_from_HEAD.diff      2005-06-10 20:43:23 UTC 
(rev 179)
@@ -1,903 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN xc.orig/config/cf/ xc/config/cf/
---- xc.orig/config/cf/ 2005-03-29 00:50:32.412972192 +1000
-+++ xc/config/cf/      2005-03-29 00:52:27.671450240 +1000
-@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@
-  */
- # ifdef DebianMaintainer
--#  ifndef XFree86CustomVersion
--#   define XFree86CustomVersion               "Debian"
-+#  ifndef XorgCustomVersion
-+#   define XorgCustomVersion          "Debian"
- #  endif
- #  ifndef BuilderEMailAddr
- #   define BuilderEMailAddr           ""
-@@ -168,11 +168,13 @@
- #    define HasGlide2                 YES
- #    define Glide2IncDir              /usr/include/glide
- #   endif /* i386Architecture */
--/* at present, glide3 only works on alpha and i386 */
--#   if defined(i386Architecture) || defined(AlphaArchitecture)
-+/* at present, glide3 only works on alpha, amd64, i386 and ia64 */
-+#   if defined(i386Architecture) || defined(AlphaArchitecture) || \
-+       defined(ia64Architecture) || defined(AMD64Architecture)
- #    define HasGlide3                 YES
- #    define Glide3IncDir              /usr/include/glide3
--#   endif /* i386Architecture || AlphaArchitecture */
-+#   endif /* i386Architecture || AlphaArchitecture || ia64Architecture ||
-+             AMD64Architecture */
- /* extended instruction set support */
- #   ifdef i386Architecture
- #   define HasX86Support              YES
-diff -urN xc.orig/config/cf/ xc/config/cf/
---- xc.orig/config/cf/  2005-03-29 00:50:32.432969152 +1000
-+++ xc/config/cf/       2005-03-29 00:52:27.691447200 +1000
-@@ -415,15 +415,12 @@
- # ifndef DriDrivers
- #  ifndef ia64Architecture
--#   define i386DRIDrivers i810 i915 sis tdfx
-+#   define i386DRIDrivers i810 i915 sis
- #  else
--   /*
--    *  The tdfx driver needs Glide, which is not available for IA64.
--    *  SiS is 64-bit unclean as of this writing. 
--    */  
-+   /* SiS is 64-bit unclean as of this writing. */  
- #   define i386DRIDrivers /**/
- #  endif
--#  define DriDrivers          gamma i386DRIDrivers mga r128 radeon r200
-+#  define DriDrivers          gamma i386DRIDrivers mga r128 radeon r200 tdfx
- # endif
- #endif /* i386Architecture || ia64Architecture */
-@@ -448,12 +445,9 @@
-                               XF86OSCardDrivers XF86ExtraCardDrivers
- # endif
-- * The tdfx driver needs Glide, which is not available for AMD64.  
-- * SiS is 64-bit unclean as of this writing.
-- */
-+/* SiS is 64-bit unclean as of this writing. */
- # ifndef DriDrivers
--#  define DriDrivers          i915 gamma mga r128 radeon r200
-+#  define DriDrivers          i915 gamma mga r128 radeon r200 tdfx
- # endif
- #endif /*AMD64Arcitecture*/
-diff -ur xc.orig/extras/Xpm/lib/create.c xc/extras/Xpm/lib/create.c
---- xc.orig/extras/Xpm/lib/create.c    2005-06-04 11:27:07.000000000 -0400
-+++ xc/extras/Xpm/lib/create.c 2005-06-04 12:43:28.000000000 -0400
-@@ -1215,10 +1215,10 @@
-     register char *src;
-     register char *dst;
-     register unsigned int *iptr;
--    register unsigned int x, y, i;
-+    register unsigned int x, y;
-     register char *data;
-     Pixel pixel, px;
--    int nbytes, depth, ibu, ibpp;
-+    int nbytes, depth, ibu, ibpp, i;
-     data = image->data;
-     iptr = pixelindex;
-diff -urN xc.orig/extras/Xpm/lib/scan.c xc/extras/Xpm/lib/scan.c
---- xc.orig/extras/Xpm/lib/scan.c      2005-03-29 00:50:40.396758472 +1000
-+++ xc/extras/Xpm/lib/scan.c   2005-03-29 00:52:27.735440512 +1000
-@@ -621,8 +621,8 @@
-     char *dst;
-     unsigned int *iptr;
-     char *data;
--    unsigned int x, y, i;
--    int bits, depth, ibu, ibpp, offset;
-+    unsigned int x, y;
-+    int bits, depth, ibu, ibpp, offset, i;
-     unsigned long lbt;
-     Pixel pixel, px;
-@@ -633,6 +633,9 @@
-     ibpp = image->bits_per_pixel;
-     offset = image->xoffset;
-+    if (image->bitmap_unit < 0)
-+          return (XpmNoMemory);
-     if ((image->bits_per_pixel | image->depth) == 1) {
-       ibu = image->bitmap_unit;
-       for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
-diff -urN xc.orig/include/extensions/scrnsaver.h 
---- xc.orig/include/extensions/scrnsaver.h     2005-03-29 00:51:01.048618912 
-+++ xc/include/extensions/scrnsaver.h  2005-03-29 00:52:27.741439600 +1000
-@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
- #define _SCRNSAVER_H_
- #include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
-+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/extensions/saver.h>
- typedef struct {
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/dmx/config/Imakefile 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/dmx/config/Imakefile   2005-03-29 
00:51:11.455036896 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/dmx/config/Imakefile        2005-03-29 
00:52:27.750438232 +1000
-@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@
- LinkSourceFile(dmxlog.c,..)
- InstallManPage(dmxtodmx,$(MANDIR))
- InstallManPage(vdltodmx,$(MANDIR))
- InstallManPage(xdmxconfig,$(MANDIR))
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/Imakefile 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/Imakefile       2005-03-29 
00:51:13.286758432 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/Imakefile    2005-03-29 
00:52:27.751438080 +1000
-@@ -190,10 +190,14 @@
-      OSNAME = OSName
-    OSVENDOR = OSVendor
--#if defined(XFree86CustomVersion)
-+#if defined(XorgCustomVersion) || defined(XFree86CustomVersion)
-+# if defined(XorgCustomVersion)
-+CUSTOMVERSION = XorgCustomVersion
-+# else
- CUSTOMVERSION = XFree86CustomVersion
-+# endif /* XorgCustomVersion */
-+#endif /* XorgCustomVersion || XFree86CustomVersion */
- #if defined(BuilderString)
-   BUILDERSTRING = BuilderString
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/xf86PciInfo.h 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/xf86PciInfo.h   2005-03-29 
00:51:13.337750680 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common/xf86PciInfo.h        2005-03-29 
00:52:27.752437928 +1000
-@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV360_AR               0x4152
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV350_AS               0x4153
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV350_AT               0x4154
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV350_4155             0x4155
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV350_AV               0x4156
- #define PCI_CHIP_MACH32                       0x4158
- #define PCI_CHIP_RS250_4237           0x4237
-@@ -180,7 +181,12 @@
- #define PCI_CHIP_R420_JL                0x4A4C
- #define PCI_CHIP_R420_JM                0x4A4D
- #define PCI_CHIP_R420_JN                0x4A4E
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R420_4A4F              0x4A4F
- #define PCI_CHIP_R420_JP                0x4A50
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R481_4B49              0x4B49
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4A              0x4B4A
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4B              0x4B4B
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4C              0x4B4C
- #define PCI_CHIP_MACH64LB             0x4C42
- #define PCI_CHIP_MACH64LD             0x4C44
- #define PCI_CHIP_RAGE128LE            0x4C45
-@@ -258,6 +264,7 @@
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV200_QX             0x5158
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV100_QY             0x5159
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV100_QZ             0x515A
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RN50_515E            0x515E
- #define PCI_CHIP_RAGE128RE            0x5245
- #define PCI_CHIP_RAGE128RF            0x5246
- #define PCI_CHIP_RAGE128RG            0x5247
-@@ -289,9 +296,18 @@
- #define PCI_CHIP_R423_UI                0x5549
- #define PCI_CHIP_R423_UJ                0x554A
- #define PCI_CHIP_R423_UK                0x554B
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R430_554C              0x554C
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R430_554D              0x554D
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R430_554E              0x554E
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R430_554F              0x554F
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R423_5550              0x5550
- #define PCI_CHIP_R423_UQ                0x5551
- #define PCI_CHIP_R423_UR                0x5552
- #define PCI_CHIP_R423_UT                0x5554
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV410_564A             0x564A
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV410_564B             0x564B
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV410_5652             0x5652
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV410_5653             0x5653
- #define PCI_CHIP_MACH64VT             0x5654
- #define PCI_CHIP_MACH64VU             0x5655
- #define PCI_CHIP_MACH64VV             0x5656
-@@ -299,6 +315,20 @@
- #define PCI_CHIP_RS300_5835           0x5835
- #define PCI_CHIP_RS300_5836           0x5836
- #define PCI_CHIP_RS300_5837           0x5837
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RS480_5954             0x5954
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RS480_5955             0x5955
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV280_5960           0x5960
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV280_5961           0x5961
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV280_5962           0x5962
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV280_5964           0x5964
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV280_5965           0x5965
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RN50_5969            0x5969
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RS482_5974             0x5974
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RS482_5975             0x5975
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RS400_5A41             0x5A41
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RS400_5A42             0x5A42
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RC410_5A61             0x5A61
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RC410_5A62             0x5A62
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV370_5B60             0x5B60
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV370_5B61             0x5B61
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV370_5B62             0x5B62
-@@ -313,7 +343,22 @@
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV280_5964           0x5964
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV280_5C61           0x5C61
- #define PCI_CHIP_RV280_5C63           0x5C63
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R430_5D48              0x5D48
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R430_5D49              0x5D49
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R430_5D4A              0x5D4A
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4C              0x5D4C
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4D              0x5D4D
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4E              0x5D4E
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4F              0x5D4F
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R480_5D50              0x5D50
-+#define PCI_CHIP_R480_5D52              0x5D52
- #define PCI_CHIP_R423_5D57              0x5D57
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E48             0x5E48
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4A             0x5E4A
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4B             0x5E4B
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4C             0x5E4C
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4D             0x5E4D
-+#define PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4F             0x5E4F
- #define PCI_CHIP_RS350_7834             0x7834
- #define PCI_CHIP_RS350_7835             0x7835
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/ 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/ 2005-03-29 
00:51:14.788530128 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/      2005-03-29 
00:52:27.760436712 +1000
-@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@
- .B RS350
- Radeon 9200 IGP
- .TP 12
-+.B RS400
-+Radeon XPRESS 200/200M IGP
-+.TP 12
- .B RV280
- Radeon 9200PRO/9200/9200SE, M9+
- .TP 12
-@@ -76,11 +79,20 @@
- .B RV380
- Radeon X600, M24 (2d only)
- .TP 12
-+.B RV410
-+Radeon X700, M26 (2d only)
-+.TP 12
- .B R420
- Radeon X800 (2d only)
- .TP 12
- .B R423
- Radeon X800 PCIE (2d only)
-+.TP 12
-+.B R430
-+Radeon X800, X800 XL, M28 (2d only)
-+.TP 12
-+.B R480
-+Radeon X850 (2d only)
- Please refer to __xconfigfile__(__filemansuffix__) for general configuration
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_chipset.h 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_chipset.h   
2005-03-29 00:51:14.790529824 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_chipset.h        
2005-03-29 00:52:27.761436560 +1000
-@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5961, "ATI Radeon 9200 5961 (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5962, "ATI Radeon 9200 5962 (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5964, "ATI Radeon 9200SE 5964 (AGP)" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5965, "ATI FireMV 2200 (PCI)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5C61, "ATI Radeon Mobility 9200 (M9+) 5C61 (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5C63, "ATI Radeon Mobility 9200 (M9+) 5C63 (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R300_AD, "ATI Radeon 9500 AD (AGP)" },
-@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV350_NS, "ATI Radeon Mobility 9600 (M10) NS (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV350_NT, "ATI FireGL Mobility T2 (M10) NT (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV350_NV, "ATI FireGL Mobility T2e (M11) NV (AGP)" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV350_4155, "ATI RADEON 9650" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R350_AH, "ATI Radeon 9800SE AH (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R350_AI, "ATI Radeon 9800 AI (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R350_AJ, "ATI Radeon 9800 AJ (AGP)" },
-@@ -75,6 +77,24 @@
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV370_5B65, "ATI FireGL D1100 (RV370) 5B65 (PCIE)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV370_5460, "ATI Radeon Mobility M300 (M22) 5460 (PCIE)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV370_5464, "ATI FireGL M22 GL 5464 (PCIE)" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RS400_5A41, "ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RS400_5A42, "ATI RADEON XPRESS 200M Series" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RC410_5A61, "ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RC410_5A62, "ATI RADEON XPRESS 200M Series" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RS480_5954, "ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RS480_5955, "ATI RADEON XPRESS 200M Series" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RS482_5974, "ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RS482_5975, "ATI RADEON XPRESS 200M Series" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E48, "ATI FireGL V5000" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_564A, "ATI MOBILITY FireGL V5000" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_564B, "ATI MOBILITY FireGL V5000" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5652, "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5653, "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4B, "ATI RADEON X700 PRO" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4A, "ATI RADEON X700 XT" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4D, "ATI RADEON X700" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4C, "ATI RADEON X700 SE" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4F, "ATI RADEON X700 SE" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R420_JH, "ATI Radeon X800 (R420) JH (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R420_JI, "ATI Radeon X800PRO (R420) JI (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R420_JJ, "ATI Radeon X800SE (R420) JJ (AGP)" },
-@@ -83,6 +103,7 @@
-     { PCI_CHIP_R420_JM, "ATI FireGL X3 (R420) JM (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R420_JN, "ATI Radeon Mobility 9800 (M18) JN (AGP)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R420_JP, "ATI Radeon X800XT (R420) JP (AGP)" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R420_4A4F, "ATI RADEON X800 SE" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R423_UH, "ATI Radeon X800 (R423) UH (PCIE)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R423_UI, "ATI Radeon X800PRO (R423) UI (PCIE)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R423_UJ, "ATI Radeon X800LE (R423) UJ (PCIE)" },
-@@ -91,6 +112,24 @@
-     { PCI_CHIP_R423_UR, "ATI FireGL V5100 (R423) UR (PCIE)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R423_UT, "ATI FireGL V7100 (R423) UT (PCIE)" },
-     { PCI_CHIP_R423_5D57, "ATI Radeon X800XT (R423) 5D57 (PCIE)" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R423_5550, "ATI FireGL V7100" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_5D49, "ATI MOBILITY FireGL V5100" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_5D4A, "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X800" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_5D48, "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X800 XT" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_554F, "ATI RADEON X800" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_554D, "ATI RADEON X800 XL" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_554E, "ATI RADEON R430 SE" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_554C, "ATI RADEON R430 XTP" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4C, "ATI RADEON R480 4P" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D50, "ATI RADEON R480 GL 16P" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4E, "ATI RADEON R480 SE" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4F, "ATI RADEON X850 PRO" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D52, "ATI RADEON X850 XT" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4D, "ATI RADEON X850 XT Platinum Edition" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4B, "ATI RADEON X850 PRO" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4A, "ATI RADEON X850 SE" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R481_4B49, "ATI RADEON X850 XT" },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4C, "ATI RADEON X850 XT Platinum Edition" },
-     { -1,                 NULL }
- };
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_driver.c 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_driver.c    
2005-03-29 00:51:14.815526024 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_driver.c 2005-03-29 
00:52:27.793431696 +1000
-@@ -2148,6 +2148,8 @@
-     case PCI_CHIP_RV100_QY:
-     case PCI_CHIP_RV100_QZ:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RN50_515E:  /* RN50 is based on the RV100 but 3D isn't 
guaranteed to work.  YMMV. */
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RN50_5969:
-       info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_RV100;
-       /* DELL triple-head configuration. */
-@@ -2231,6 +2233,7 @@
-     case PCI_CHIP_RV280_5961:
-     case PCI_CHIP_RV280_5962:
-     case PCI_CHIP_RV280_5964:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV280_5965:
-       info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_RV280;
-       break;
-@@ -2258,6 +2261,7 @@
-     case PCI_CHIP_RV350_AS:
-     case PCI_CHIP_RV350_AT:
-     case PCI_CHIP_RV350_AV:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV350_4155:
-       info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_RV350;
-         break;
-@@ -2289,6 +2293,34 @@
-         info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_RV380;
-         break;
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RS400_5A42:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RC410_5A62:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RS480_5955:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RS482_5975:
-+        info->IsMobility = TRUE;
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RS400_5A41:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RC410_5A61:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RS480_5954:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RS482_5974:
-+      info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_RS300; /*CHIP_FAMILY_RS400*/
-+      info->IsIGP = TRUE;
-+      info->HasSingleDAC = TRUE; /*?*/
-+        break;
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV410_564A:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV410_564B:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV410_5652:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV410_5653:
-+        info->IsMobility = TRUE;
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E48:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4B:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4A:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4D:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4C:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E4F:
-+        info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_R420; /* CHIP_FAMILY_RV410*/
-+        break;
-     case PCI_CHIP_R420_JN:
-         info->IsMobility = TRUE;
-     case PCI_CHIP_R420_JH:
-@@ -2298,6 +2330,7 @@
-     case PCI_CHIP_R420_JL:
-     case PCI_CHIP_R420_JM:
-     case PCI_CHIP_R420_JP:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R420_4A4F:
-         info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_R420;
-         break;
-@@ -2309,9 +2342,34 @@
-     case PCI_CHIP_R423_UR:
-     case PCI_CHIP_R423_UT:
-     case PCI_CHIP_R423_5D57:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R423_5550:
-         info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_R420;
-         break;
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R430_5D49:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R430_5D4A:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R430_5D48:
-+        info->IsMobility = TRUE;
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R430_554F:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R430_554D:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R430_554E:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R430_554C:
-+        info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_R420; /*CHIP_FAMILY_R430*/
-+        break;
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4C:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R480_5D50:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4E:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4F:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R480_5D52:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4D:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4B:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4A:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R481_4B49:
-+    case PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4C:
-+        info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_R420; /*CHIP_FAMILY_R480*/
-+        break;
-     default:
-       /* Original Radeon/7200 */
-       info->ChipFamily = CHIP_FAMILY_RADEON;
-@@ -7159,7 +7217,6 @@
-       RADEONDoAdjustFrame(pScrn, x, y, FALSE);
-     }
--    RADEONSetFBLocation (pScrn);
- #ifdef XF86DRI
-       if (info->CPStarted) DRIUnlock(pScrn->pScreen);
- #endif
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_probe.c 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_probe.c     
2005-03-29 00:51:14.822524960 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/radeon_probe.c  2005-03-29 
00:59:24.304112448 +1000
-@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RN50_515E, PCI_CHIP_RN50_515E, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RN50_5969, PCI_CHIP_RN50_5969, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-@@ -84,10 +86,15 @@
-     { PCI_CHIP_RS300_5835, PCI_CHIP_RS300_5835, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RS350_7834, PCI_CHIP_RS350_7834, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RS350_7835, PCI_CHIP_RS350_7835, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RS480_5954, PCI_CHIP_RS480_5954, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RS480_5955, PCI_CHIP_RS480_5955, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RS482_5974, PCI_CHIP_RS482_5974, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RS482_5975, PCI_CHIP_RS482_5975, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5960, PCI_CHIP_RV280_5960, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5961, PCI_CHIP_RV280_5961, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5962, PCI_CHIP_RV280_5962, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5964, PCI_CHIP_RV280_5964, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5965, PCI_CHIP_RV280_5965, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5C61, PCI_CHIP_RV280_5C61, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV280_5C63, PCI_CHIP_RV280_5C63, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-@@ -110,6 +117,7 @@
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV350_4155, PCI_CHIP_RV350_4155, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-@@ -128,6 +136,18 @@
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV370_5B65, PCI_CHIP_RV370_5B65, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV370_5460, PCI_CHIP_RV370_5460, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { PCI_CHIP_RV370_5464, PCI_CHIP_RV370_5464, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_564A, PCI_CHIP_RV410_564A, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_564B, PCI_CHIP_RV410_564B, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5652, PCI_CHIP_RV410_5652, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5653, PCI_CHIP_RV410_5653, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E48, PCI_CHIP_RV410_5E48, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RC410_5A61, PCI_CHIP_RC410_5A61, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_RC410_5A62, PCI_CHIP_RC410_5A62, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-@@ -136,6 +156,7 @@
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R420_4A4F, PCI_CHIP_R420_4A4F, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-@@ -144,6 +165,24 @@
-     { PCI_CHIP_R423_5D57, PCI_CHIP_R423_5D57, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_5D48, PCI_CHIP_R430_5D48, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_5D49, PCI_CHIP_R430_5D49, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_5D4A, PCI_CHIP_R430_5D4A, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4C, PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4C, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4D, PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4D, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4E, PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4E, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4F, PCI_CHIP_R480_5D4F, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D50, PCI_CHIP_R480_5D50, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R480_5D52, PCI_CHIP_R480_5D52, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_554C, PCI_CHIP_R430_554C, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_554D, PCI_CHIP_R430_554D, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_554E, PCI_CHIP_R430_554E, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R430_554F, PCI_CHIP_R430_554F, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R423_5550, PCI_CHIP_R423_5550, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R481_4B49, PCI_CHIP_R481_4B49, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4A, PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4A, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4B, PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4B, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-+    { PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4C, PCI_CHIP_R481_4B4C, RES_SHARED_VGA },
-     { -1,                 -1,                 RES_UNDEFINED }
- };
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_driver.c 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_driver.c 2005-03-29 
00:51:17.268153168 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_driver.c      2005-03-29 
00:52:27.802430328 +1000
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--/* $XdotOrg: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_driver.c,v 
2004/12/16 01:42:35 gisburn Exp $ */
-+/* $XdotOrg: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_driver.c,v 1.10 
2005/01/26 01:36:04 alanc Exp $ */
- /* $XConsortium: nv_driver.c /main/3 1996/10/28 05:13:37 kaleb $ */
- /*
-  * Copyright 1996-1997  David J. McKay
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- /* Hacked together from mga driver and 3.3.4 NVIDIA driver by Jarno Paananen
--/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_driver.c,v 1.130 
2004/12/09 00:21:04 mvojkovi Exp $ */
-+/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_driver.c,v 1.131 
2005/01/20 01:01:00 mvojkovi Exp $ */
- #include "nv_include.h"
-@@ -86,25 +86,33 @@
- static SymTabRec NVKnownChipsets[] =
- {
-   { 0x12D20018, "RIVA 128" },
-   { 0x10DE0020, "RIVA TNT" },
-   { 0x10DE0028, "RIVA TNT2" },
-   { 0x10DE002A, "Unknown TNT2" },
-   { 0x10DE002C, "Vanta" },
-   { 0x10DE0029, "RIVA TNT2 Ultra" },
-   { 0x10DE002D, "RIVA TNT2 Model 64" },
-   { 0x10DE00A0, "Aladdin TNT2" },
-   { 0x10DE0100, "GeForce 256" },
-   { 0x10DE0101, "GeForce DDR" },
-   { 0x10DE0103, "Quadro" },
-   { 0x10DE0110, "GeForce2 MX/MX 400" },
-   { 0x10DE0111, "GeForce2 MX 100/200" },
-   { 0x10DE0112, "GeForce2 Go" },
-   { 0x10DE0113, "Quadro2 MXR/EX/Go" },
-   { 0x10DE01A0, "GeForce2 Integrated GPU" },
-   { 0x10DE0150, "GeForce2 GTS" },
-   { 0x10DE0151, "GeForce2 Ti" },
-   { 0x10DE0152, "GeForce2 Ultra" },
-   { 0x10DE0153, "Quadro2 Pro" },
-   { 0x10DE0170, "GeForce4 MX 460" },
-   { 0x10DE0171, "GeForce4 MX 440" },
-   { 0x10DE0172, "GeForce4 MX 420" },
-@@ -122,6 +130,7 @@
-   { 0x10DE017A, "Quadro4 NVS" },
-   { 0x10DE017C, "Quadro4 500 GoGL" },
-   { 0x10DE017D, "GeForce4 410 Go 16M" },
-   { 0x10DE0181, "GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X" },
-   { 0x10DE0182, "GeForce4 MX 440SE with AGP8X" },
-   { 0x10DE0183, "GeForce4 MX 420 with AGP8X" },
-@@ -136,11 +145,14 @@
-   { 0x10DE018B, "Quadro4 380 XGL" },
-   { 0x10DE018C, "Quadro NVS 50 PCI" },
-   { 0x10DE018D, "GeForce4 448 Go" },
-   { 0x10DE01F0, "GeForce4 MX Integrated GPU" },
-   { 0x10DE0200, "GeForce3" },
-   { 0x10DE0201, "GeForce3 Ti 200" },
-   { 0x10DE0202, "GeForce3 Ti 500" },
-   { 0x10DE0203, "Quadro DCC" },
-   { 0x10DE0250, "GeForce4 Ti 4600" },
-   { 0x10DE0251, "GeForce4 Ti 4400" },
-   { 0x10DE0252, "0x0252" },
-@@ -148,6 +160,7 @@
-   { 0x10DE0258, "Quadro4 900 XGL" },
-   { 0x10DE0259, "Quadro4 750 XGL" },
-   { 0x10DE025B, "Quadro4 700 XGL" },
-   { 0x10DE0280, "GeForce4 Ti 4800" },
-   { 0x10DE0281, "GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8X" },
-   { 0x10DE0282, "GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE" },
-@@ -155,10 +168,12 @@
-   { 0x10DE028C, "Quadro4 700 GoGL" },
-   { 0x10DE0288, "Quadro4 980 XGL" },
-   { 0x10DE0289, "Quadro4 780 XGL" },
-   { 0x10DE0301, "GeForce FX 5800 Ultra" },
-   { 0x10DE0302, "GeForce FX 5800" },
-   { 0x10DE0308, "Quadro FX 2000" },
-   { 0x10DE0309, "Quadro FX 1000" },
-   { 0x10DE0311, "GeForce FX 5600 Ultra" },
-   { 0x10DE0312, "GeForce FX 5600" },
-   { 0x10DE0313, "0x0313"},
-@@ -171,6 +186,7 @@
-   { 0x10DE031D, "0x031D" },
-   { 0x10DE031E, "0x031E" },
-   { 0x10DE031F, "0x031F" },
-   { 0x10DE0320, "GeForce FX 5200" },
-   { 0x10DE0321, "GeForce FX 5200 Ultra" },
-   { 0x10DE0322, "GeForce FX 5200" },
-@@ -190,6 +206,7 @@
-   { 0x10DE032C, "GeForce FX Go53xx Series" },
-   { 0x10DE032D, "GeForce FX Go5100" },
-   { 0x10DE032F, "0x032F" },
-   { 0x10DE0330, "GeForce FX 5900 Ultra" },
-   { 0x10DE0331, "GeForce FX 5900" },
-   { 0x10DE0332, "GeForce FX 5900XT" },
-@@ -197,6 +214,7 @@
-   { 0x10DE033F, "Quadro FX 700" },
-   { 0x10DE0334, "GeForce FX 5900ZT" },
-   { 0x10DE0338, "Quadro FX 3000" },
-   { 0x10DE0341, "GeForce FX 5700 Ultra" },
-   { 0x10DE0342, "GeForce FX 5700" },
-   { 0x10DE0343, "GeForce FX 5700LE" },
-@@ -209,6 +227,7 @@
-   { 0x10DE034C, "Quadro FX Go1000" },
-   { 0x10DE034E, "Quadro FX 1100" },
-   { 0x10DE034F, "0x034F" },
-   { 0x10DE0040, "GeForce 6800 Ultra" },
-   { 0x10DE0041, "GeForce 6800" },
-   { 0x10DE0042, "GeForce 6800 LE" },
-@@ -216,14 +235,16 @@
-   { 0x10DE0045, "GeForce 6800 GT" },
-   { 0x10DE0049, "0x0049" },
-   { 0x10DE004E, "Quadro FX 4000" },
--  { 0x10DE004D, "Quadro FX 4400" },
-   { 0x10DE00C0, "0x00C0" },
--  { 0x10DE00C1, "0x00C1" },
-+  { 0x10DE00C1, "GeForce 6800" },
-   { 0x10DE00C2, "GeForce 6800 LE" },
--  { 0x10DE00C8, "0x00C8" },
--  { 0x10DE00C9, "0x00C9" },
--  { 0x10DE00CC, "0x00CC" },
--  { 0x10DE00CE, "0x00CE" },
-+  { 0x10DE00C8, "GeForce Go 6800" },
-+  { 0x10DE00C9, "GeForce Go 6800 Ultra" },
-+  { 0x10DE00CC, "Quadro FX Go1400" },
-+  { 0x10DE00CD, "0x00CD" },
-+  { 0x10DE00CE, "Quadro FX 1400" },
-   { 0x10DE0140, "GeForce 6600 GT" },
-   { 0x10DE0141, "GeForce 6600" },
-   { 0x10DE0142, "0x0142" },
-@@ -239,12 +260,32 @@
-   { 0x10DE014D, "0x014D" },
-   { 0x10DE014E, "Quadro FX 540" },
-   { 0x10DE014F, "GeForce 6200" },
-   { 0x10DE0160, "0x0160" },
--  { 0x10DE0166, "0x0166" },
-+  { 0x10DE0161, "GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM)" },
-+  { 0x10DE0162, "0x0162" },
-+  { 0x10DE0163, "0x0163" },
-+  { 0x10DE0164, "GeForce Go 6200" },
-+  { 0x10DE0165, "0x0163" },
-+  { 0x10DE0166, "GeForce Go 6250" },
-+  { 0x10DE0167, "GeForce Go 6200" },
-+  { 0x10DE0168, "GeForce Go 6250" },
-+  { 0x10DE0169, "0x0169" },
-+  { 0x10DE016B, "0x016B" },
-+  { 0x10DE016C, "0x016C" },
-+  { 0x10DE016D, "0x016D" },
-+  { 0x10DE016E, "0x016E" },
-   { 0x10DE0210, "0x0210" },
--  { 0x10DE0211, "0x0211" },
--  { 0x10DE021D, "0x021D" },
--  { 0x10DE021E, "0x021E" },
-+  { 0x10DE0211, "GeForce 6800" },
-+  { 0x10DE0212, "GeForce 6800 LE" },
-+  { 0x10DE0215, "GeForce 6800 GT" },
-+  { 0x10DE0220, "0x0220" },
-+  { 0x10DE0221, "0x0221" },
-+  { 0x10DE0222, "0x0222" },
-+  { 0x10DE0228, "0x0228" },
-   {-1, NULL}
- };
-@@ -640,6 +681,8 @@
-                case 0x01D0:
-                case 0x0090:
-                case 0x0210:
-+               case 0x0220:
-+               case 0x0230:
-                    NVChipsets[numUsed].token = pciid;
-                    NVChipsets[numUsed].name = "Unknown NVIDIA chip";
-                    NVPciChipsets[numUsed].numChipset = pciid;
-@@ -1328,6 +1371,8 @@
-     case 0x01D0:
-     case 0x0090:
-     case 0x0210:
-+    case 0x0220:
-+    case 0x0230:
-          pNv->Architecture =  NV_ARCH_40;
-          break;
-     default:
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_hw.c 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_hw.c     2005-03-29 
00:51:17.274152256 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_hw.c  2005-03-29 
00:52:27.804430024 +1000
-@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
- |*     those rights set forth herein.                                        
- |*                                                                           
-  \***************************************************************************/
--/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_hw.c,v 1.13 
2004/12/09 00:21:04 mvojkovi Exp $ */
-+/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/nv_hw.c,v 1.15 
2005/02/03 23:16:50 mvojkovi Exp $ */
- #include "nv_local.h"
- #include "compiler.h"
-@@ -928,23 +928,16 @@
-     if(pNv->Architecture == NV_ARCH_04) {
-         pNv->PFB[0x0200/4] = state->config;
-+    } else if ((pNv->Chipset & 0xfff0) == 0x0090) {
-+        for(i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
-+           pNv->PFB[(0x0600 + (i * 0x10))/4] = 0;
-+           pNv->PFB[(0x0604 + (i * 0x10))/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
-+        }
-     } else {
--        pNv->PFB[0x0240/4] = 0;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0244/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0250/4] = 0;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0254/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0260/4] = 0;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0264/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0270/4] = 0;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0274/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0280/4] = 0;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0284/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0290/4] = 0;
--        pNv->PFB[0x0294/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
--        pNv->PFB[0x02A0/4] = 0;
--        pNv->PFB[0x02A4/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
--        pNv->PFB[0x02B0/4] = 0;
--        pNv->PFB[0x02B4/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
-+        for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
-+           pNv->PFB[(0x0240 + (i * 0x10))/4] = 0;
-+           pNv->PFB[(0x0244 + (i * 0x10))/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
-+        }
-     }
-     if(pNv->Architecture >= NV_ARCH_40) {
-@@ -1173,6 +1166,7 @@
-               switch(pNv->Chipset & 0xfff0) {
-               case 0x0040:
-+              case 0x0210:
-                  pNv->PGRAPH[0x09b8/4] = 0x0078e366;
-                  pNv->PGRAPH[0x09bc/4] = 0x0000014c;
-                  pNv->PFB[0x033C/4] &= 0xffff7fff;
-@@ -1182,6 +1176,7 @@
-                  pNv->PGRAPH[0x082C/4] = 0x00000108;
-                  break;
-               case 0x0160:
-+              case 0x01D0:
-                  pNv->PMC[0x1700/4] = pNv->PFB[0x020C/4];
-                  pNv->PMC[0x1704/4] = 0;
-                  pNv->PMC[0x1708/4] = 0;
-@@ -1194,6 +1189,17 @@
-                  pNv->PGRAPH[0x0828/4] = 0x0072cb77;
-                  pNv->PGRAPH[0x082C/4] = 0x00000108;
-                  break;
-+              case 0x0220:
-+              case 0x0230:
-+                 pNv->PGRAPH[0x0860/4] = 0;
-+                 pNv->PGRAPH[0x0864/4] = 0;
-+                 pNv->PRAMDAC[0x0608/4] |= 0x00100000;
-+                 break;
-+              case 0x0090:
-+                 pNv->PRAMDAC[0x0608/4] |= 0x00100000;
-+                 pNv->PGRAPH[0x0828/4] = 0x07830610;
-+                 pNv->PGRAPH[0x082C/4] = 0x0000016A;
-+                 break;
-               default:
-                  break;
-               };
-@@ -1237,8 +1243,13 @@
-               }
-            }
--           for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
--             pNv->PGRAPH[(0x0900/4) + i] = pNv->PFB[(0x0240/4) + i];
-+           if((pNv->Chipset & 0xfff0) == 0x0090) {
-+              for(i = 0; i < 60; i++)
-+                pNv->PGRAPH[(0x0D00/4) + i] = pNv->PFB[(0x0600/4) + i];
-+           } else {
-+              for(i = 0; i < 32; i++)
-+                pNv->PGRAPH[(0x0900/4) + i] = pNv->PFB[(0x0240/4) + i];
-+           }
-            if(pNv->Architecture >= NV_ARCH_40) {
-               if((pNv->Chipset & 0xfff0) == 0x0040) {
-@@ -1252,8 +1263,13 @@
-                  pNv->PGRAPH[0x0864/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
-                  pNv->PGRAPH[0x0868/4] = pNv->FbMapSize - 1;
-               } else {
--                 pNv->PGRAPH[0x09F0/4] = pNv->PFB[0x0200/4];
--                 pNv->PGRAPH[0x09F4/4] = pNv->PFB[0x0204/4];
-+                 if((pNv->Chipset & 0xfff0) == 0x0090) {
-+                    pNv->PGRAPH[0x0DF0/4] = pNv->PFB[0x0200/4];
-+                    pNv->PGRAPH[0x0DF4/4] = pNv->PFB[0x0204/4];
-+                 } else {
-+                    pNv->PGRAPH[0x09F0/4] = pNv->PFB[0x0200/4];
-+                    pNv->PGRAPH[0x09F4/4] = pNv->PFB[0x0204/4];
-+                 }
-                  pNv->PGRAPH[0x69F0/4] = pNv->PFB[0x0200/4];
-                  pNv->PGRAPH[0x69F4/4] = pNv->PFB[0x0204/4];
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/riva_driver.c 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/riva_driver.c       
2005-03-29 00:51:17.279151496 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/nv/riva_driver.c    2005-03-29 
00:52:27.810429112 +1000
-@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@
-      * function.  If not, the visuals will need to be setup before calling
-      * a fb ScreenInit() function and fixed up after.
-      *
--     * For most PC hardware at depths >= 8, the defaults that cfb uses
-+     * For most PC hardware at depths >= 8, the defaults that fb uses
-      * are not appropriate.  In this driver, we fixup the visuals after.
-      */
-diff -urN xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/i2c/xf86i2c.c 
---- xc.orig/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/i2c/xf86i2c.c  2005-03-29 
00:51:21.754471144 +1000
-+++ xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/i2c/xf86i2c.c       2005-03-29 
00:52:27.817428048 +1000
-@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
-       d_secs  = (a_secs - b_secs);
-       d_usecs = (a_usecs - b_usecs);
-       diff = d_secs*1000000 + d_usecs;
--    } while (diff>0 && diff< (usec + 1));
-+    } while (diff>=0 && diff< (usec + 1));
-   }
- }
- #endif

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