.dir-locals.el | 1 COPYING | 1 ChangeLog | 5208 +++++++++- Makefile.am | 2 Xext/panoramiX.c | 20 Xext/saver.c | 6 Xext/security.c | 11 Xext/sync.c | 134 Xext/xvdisp.c | 8 Xext/xvmain.c | 4 Xi/chgdctl.c | 6 Xi/exevents.c | 29 Xi/extinit.c | 2 Xi/grabdev.c | 5 Xi/setdval.c | 3 Xi/setmode.c | 4 Xi/xiallowev.c | 2 Xi/xibarriers.c | 12 Xi/xibarriers.h | 4 composite/compalloc.c | 4 composite/compext.c | 7 config/10-quirks.conf | 54 config/Makefile.am | 4 config/non-seat0.conf.multi-seat | 18 config/udev.c | 4 configure.ac | 37 damageext/damageext.c | 42 dbe/Makefile.am | 3 dbe/dbe.c | 81 dbe/dbestruct.h | 21 dbe/midbe.c | 126 dbe/midbestr.h | 75 debian/changelog | 47 debian/control | 33 debian/patches/02_improve-posix-saved-ids-check.diff | 65 debian/patches/04_hashtabletest-s390x.diff | 27 debian/patches/10_Include-missing-selection-h.diff | 20 debian/patches/os-move-arpa-inet.h-for-any-win32-system.patch | 42 debian/patches/series | 6 debian/patches/xfree86-Bump-to-video-ABI-15-and-input-ABI-20.patch | 30 debian/patches/xfree86-hurd-include-hurd.h.patch | 53 debian/rules | 12 debian/serverminver | 6 debian/xserver-xfbdev.install | 1 dix/Makefile.am | 3 dix/cursor.c | 6 dix/devices.c | 48 dix/dispatch.c | 112 dix/dixfonts.c | 5 dix/dixutils.c | 8 dix/events.c | 123 dix/getevents.c | 46 dix/globals.c | 1 dix/inpututils.c | 30 dix/main.c | 12 dix/pixmap.c | 1 dix/privates.c | 1 dix/ptrveloc.c | 5 dix/registry.c | 25 dix/stubmain.c | 35 dix/window.c | 15 exa/Makefile.am | 2 exa/exa_classic.c | 1 exa/exa_migration_mixed.c | 12 exa/exa_mixed.c | 13 fb/fb.h | 34 fb/fbcopy.c | 27 fb/fbpict.c | 8 fb/wfbrename.h | 1 glx/Makefile.am | 4 glx/extension_string.c | 2 glx/extension_string.h | 5 glx/glxcmds.c | 127 glx/glxcontext.h | 1 glx/glxdri.c | 8 glx/glxdri2.c | 16 glx/glxdricommon.c | 4 glx/glxext.c | 4 glx/glxscreens.c | 17 glx/glxscreens.h | 8 hw/dmx/Makefile.am | 2 hw/dmx/config/dmxcompat.c | 4 hw/dmx/dmx.h | 4 hw/dmx/dmx_glxvisuals.c | 25 hw/dmx/dmxcursor.c | 2 hw/dmx/dmxinit.c | 10 hw/dmx/dmxpict.c | 4 hw/dmx/dmxscrinit.c | 255 hw/dmx/dmxshadow.c | 70 hw/dmx/dmxshadow.h | 46 hw/dmx/glxProxy/Makefile.am | 1 hw/dmx/glxProxy/glxcmds.c | 18 hw/dmx/glxProxy/glxext.c | 6 hw/dmx/glxProxy/glxscreens.c | 9 hw/dmx/glxProxy/glxserver.h | 2 hw/dmx/glxProxy/glxsingle.c | 36 hw/dmx/glxProxy/glxutil.c | 37 hw/dmx/glxProxy/glxutil.h | 2 hw/dmx/glxProxy/glxvendor.c | 34 hw/dmx/input/dmxbackend.c | 6 hw/dmx/input/dmxcommon.c | 5 hw/dmx/input/usb-private.h | 4 hw/dmx/man/Xdmx.man | 10 hw/kdrive/ephyr/Makefile.am | 93 hw/kdrive/ephyr/XF86dri.c | 647 - hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyr.c | 445 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyr.h | 20 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrdri.c | 202 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrdri.h | 2 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrdriext.c | 32 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrglxext.c | 14 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrhostglx.c | 662 - hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrhostglx.h | 11 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrhostproxy.c | 91 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrhostproxy.h | 51 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrhostvideo.c | 975 - hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrhostvideo.h | 231 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrinit.c | 43 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrproxyext.c | 115 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrproxyext.h | 33 hw/kdrive/ephyr/ephyrvideo.c | 770 - hw/kdrive/ephyr/hostx.c | 1223 -- hw/kdrive/ephyr/hostx.h | 104 hw/kdrive/ephyr/man/Xephyr.man | 6 hw/kdrive/ephyr/os.c | 2 hw/kdrive/ephyr/xf86dri.h | 124 hw/kdrive/fake/Makefile.am | 2 hw/kdrive/fbdev/Makefile.am | 2 hw/kdrive/fbdev/fbdev.c | 167 hw/kdrive/fbdev/fbdev.h | 2 hw/kdrive/linux/Makefile.am | 2 hw/kdrive/linux/evdev.c | 2 hw/kdrive/linux/linux.c | 2 hw/kdrive/linux/mouse.c | 12 hw/kdrive/linux/ps2.c | 2 hw/kdrive/src/Makefile.am | 2 hw/kdrive/src/kdrive.c | 9 hw/kdrive/src/kdrive.h | 13 hw/kdrive/src/kinput.c | 19 hw/kdrive/src/kxv.c | 2 hw/xfree86/Makefile.am | 23 hw/xfree86/common/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/common/xf86.h | 25 hw/xfree86/common/xf86Config.c | 1 hw/xfree86/common/xf86Cursor.c | 3 hw/xfree86/common/xf86Events.c | 1 hw/xfree86/common/xf86Mode.c | 17 hw/xfree86/common/xf86Module.h | 2 hw/xfree86/common/xf86Option.c | 2 hw/xfree86/common/xf86fbman.c | 12 hw/xfree86/common/xf86platformBus.c | 3 hw/xfree86/common/xf86sbusBus.c | 6 hw/xfree86/common/xf86xvmc.c | 4 hw/xfree86/ddc/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/ddc/ddc.c | 7 hw/xfree86/ddc/xf86DDC.h | 2 hw/xfree86/dixmods/Makefile.am | 4 hw/xfree86/dri2/dri2.c | 19 hw/xfree86/exa/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/fbdevhw/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/fbdevhw/fbdevhw.c | 1 hw/xfree86/i2c/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/int10/Makefile.am | 6 hw/xfree86/loader/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/man/xorg.conf.man | 18 hw/xfree86/modes/Makefile.am | 6 hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.c | 89 hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Crtc.h | 3 hw/xfree86/modes/xf86DisplayIDModes.c | 1 hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Modes.h | 6 hw/xfree86/modes/xf86RandR12.c | 22 hw/xfree86/modes/xf86RandR12.h | 3 hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Rename.h | 94 hw/xfree86/modes/xf86Rotate.c | 6 hw/xfree86/os-support/bsd/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/os-support/bus/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/os-support/bus/Sbus.c | 8 hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_init.c | 1 hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_mmap.c | 1 hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_video.c | 1 hw/xfree86/os-support/linux/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/os-support/linux/lnx_platform.c | 14 hw/xfree86/os-support/misc/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/os-support/shared/vidmem.c | 13 hw/xfree86/os-support/solaris/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/os-support/stub/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/os-support/xf86OSpriv.h | 2 hw/xfree86/os-support/xf86_OSlib.h | 5 hw/xfree86/os-support/xf86_OSproc.h | 2 hw/xfree86/parser/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/parser/write.c | 3 hw/xfree86/ramdac/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/ramdac/xf86Cursor.c | 1 hw/xfree86/shadowfb/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/utils/cvt/Makefile.am | 3 hw/xfree86/utils/cvt/cvt.c | 1 hw/xfree86/vbe/Makefile.am | 3 hw/xfree86/vbe/vbe.c | 18 hw/xfree86/vgahw/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xfree86/x86emu/Makefile.am | 2 hw/xnest/Args.h | 2 hw/xnest/GCOps.c | 14 hw/xnest/Pixmap.c | 15 hw/xnest/Screen.c | 1 hw/xnest/XNPixmap.h | 2 hw/xquartz/GL/glcontextmodes.c | 1 hw/xquartz/GL/visualConfigs.c | 6 hw/xquartz/Makefile.am | 5 hw/xquartz/pbproxy/x-selection.m | 3 hw/xquartz/pseudoramiX.c | 516 hw/xquartz/pseudoramiX.h | 10 hw/xquartz/xpr/Makefile.am | 1 hw/xquartz/xpr/xprCursor.c | 2 hw/xwin/InitInput.c | 1 hw/xwin/InitOutput.c | 40 hw/xwin/Makefile.am | 8 hw/xwin/XWin.exe.manifest | 2 hw/xwin/glx/Makefile.am | 6 hw/xwin/glx/indirect.c | 11 hw/xwin/win.h | 29 hw/xwin/winauth.c | 7 hw/xwin/winclipboard.h | 4 hw/xwin/winclipboardthread.c | 16 hw/xwin/winclipboardwndproc.c | 11 hw/xwin/winclipboardwrappers.c | 2 hw/xwin/wincursor.c | 43 hw/xwin/windialogs.c | 74 hw/xwin/winfillsp.c | 2 hw/xwin/winglobals.c | 2 hw/xwin/winglobals.h | 5 hw/xwin/winkeybd.c | 64 hw/xwin/winmessages.h | 2 hw/xwin/winmouse.c | 50 hw/xwin/winmsgwindow.c | 180 hw/xwin/winmultiwindowclass.c | 31 hw/xwin/winmultiwindowclass.h | 2 hw/xwin/winmultiwindowicons.c | 6 hw/xwin/winmultiwindowwindow.c | 15 hw/xwin/winmultiwindowwm.c | 56 hw/xwin/winmultiwindowwndproc.c | 30 hw/xwin/winpfbdd.c | 13 hw/xwin/winprefs.c | 29 hw/xwin/winprefs.h | 10 hw/xwin/winscrinit.c | 6 hw/xwin/winsetsp.c | 52 hw/xwin/wintrayicon.c | 2 hw/xwin/winwin32rootless.c | 44 hw/xwin/winwin32rootlesswindow.c | 8 hw/xwin/winwin32rootlesswndproc.c | 27 hw/xwin/winwindow.c | 4 hw/xwin/winwindow.h | 1 hw/xwin/winwindowswm.c | 21 hw/xwin/winwndproc.c | 27 include/callback.h | 1 include/cursorstr.h | 2 include/dix-config.h.in | 3 include/dix.h | 11 include/dixstruct.h | 12 include/extinit.h | 2 include/input.h | 11 include/inputstr.h | 2 include/list.h | 2 include/privates.h | 1 include/registry.h | 2 include/xkbsrv.h | 3 include/xorg-config.h.in | 3 mi/miinitext.c | 7 mi/mipointer.c | 23 mi/mipointer.h | 12 mi/misprite.c | 10 mi/miwideline.c | 6 miext/damage/Makefile.am | 2 miext/damage/damage.c | 151 miext/damage/damage.h | 20 miext/damage/damagestr.h | 3 miext/rootless/rootlessWindow.c | 6 miext/shadow/Makefile.am | 5 miext/shadow/c2p_core.h | 187 miext/shadow/shadow.c | 2 miext/shadow/shadow.h | 12 miext/shadow/shafb4.c | 139 miext/shadow/shafb8.c | 143 miext/shadow/shiplan2p4.c | 136 miext/shadow/shiplan2p8.c | 137 miext/shadow/shpacked.c | 1 miext/sync/Makefile.am | 2 miext/sync/misync.c | 21 os/Makefile.am | 5 os/WaitFor.c | 2 os/access.c | 8 os/backtrace.c | 75 os/io.c | 63 os/log.c | 3 os/utils.c | 2 os/xdmcp.c | 2 pseudoramiX/Makefile.am | 7 pseudoramiX/pseudoramiX.c | 516 pseudoramiX/pseudoramiX.h | 10 randr/randr.c | 24 randr/randrstr.h | 4 randr/rrcrtc.c | 11 randr/rrinfo.c | 2 randr/rroutput.c | 2 randr/rrpointer.c | 2 randr/rrscreen.c | 2 test/.gitignore | 1 test/Makefile.am | 4 test/hashtabletest.c | 4 test/input.c | 2 test/signal-logging.c | 3 test/xi2/Makefile.am | 2 xfixes/cursor.c | 10 xkb/xkb.c | 3 xkb/xkbActions.c | 149 xkb/xkbInit.c | 26 316 files changed, 10164 insertions(+), 7655 deletions(-)
New commits: commit f2bae75e4a83ead183341a7ac8be1df4363cb191 Author: Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Date: Mon Oct 21 21:57:11 2013 +0200 Reduce noise from dh_install --list-missing Delete some files from the udeb build after make install. diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog index eae7378..2f6dc10 100644 --- a/debian/changelog +++ b/debian/changelog @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ xorg-server (2: UNRELEASED; urgency=low - xserver-xorg-dev depends on x11proto-xf86bigfont-dev * Bump ABI versions (should have been done upstream, but hasn't yet). * Stop building Xfbdev. + * Reduce noise from dh_install --list-missing by deleting some files from the + udeb build after make install. -- Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:25:02 +0200 diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules index b722c69..f4e2ccc 100755 --- a/debian/rules +++ b/debian/rules @@ -254,6 +254,13 @@ endif rm -f debian/tmp/udeb/usr/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so rm -f debian/tmp/udeb/usr/lib/xorg/modules/libxf8_16bpp.so + # we don't ship these from the udeb build, reduce noise from dh_install + # --list-missing + rm -rf debian/tmp/udeb/usr/include + rm -rf debian/tmp/udeb/usr/share/aclocal + rm -rf debian/tmp/udeb/usr/share/man + rm -rf debian/tmp/udeb/usr/lib/pkgconfig + install -m 755 debian/local/xvfb-run debian/tmp/main/usr/bin install debian/local/xvfb-run.1 debian/tmp/main/usr/share/man/man1 ifneq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS), linux) commit 90a0da67701659f9f9c949251ab1483d1dc0a8ab Author: Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Date: Mon Oct 21 21:41:39 2013 +0200 Stop building Xfbdev. diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog index 94ea193..eae7378 100644 --- a/debian/changelog +++ b/debian/changelog @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ xorg-server (2: UNRELEASED; urgency=low - require xcb bits for Xephyr - xserver-xorg-dev depends on x11proto-xf86bigfont-dev * Bump ABI versions (should have been done upstream, but hasn't yet). + * Stop building Xfbdev. -- Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:25:02 +0200 diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control index 7f0b2a8..4ae4c81 100644 --- a/debian/control +++ b/debian/control @@ -312,22 +312,6 @@ Description: nested X server . This package is built from the X.org xserver module. -Package: xserver-xfbdev -Architecture: linux-any -Depends: - xserver-common (>= ${source:Version}), - ${shlibs:Depends}, - ${misc:Depends}, -Provides: xserver -Description: Linux framebuffer device tiny X server - xserver-xfbdev is a Linux framebuffer device tiny X server based on the - kdrive X server. - . - More information about X.Org can be found at: - <URL:http://www.X.org> - . - This package is built from the X.org xserver module. - Package: xserver-xorg-core-dbg Architecture: any Depends: diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules index 9933dc8..b722c69 100755 --- a/debian/rules +++ b/debian/rules @@ -44,10 +44,8 @@ endif ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS), linux) - build_xfbdev = --enable-xfbdev selinux = --enable-xselinux else - build_xfbdev = --disable-xfbdev selinux = --disable-xselinux endif @@ -113,6 +111,7 @@ confflags += \ --disable-xquartz \ --disable-xwin \ --disable-xfake \ + --disable-xfbdev \ --disable-install-setuid confflags_main = \ diff --git a/debian/xserver-xfbdev.install b/debian/xserver-xfbdev.install deleted file mode 100644 index 32abbb7..0000000 --- a/debian/xserver-xfbdev.install +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -main/usr/bin/Xfbdev usr/bin commit f337e585712effa93ea5be9286c38630749b5a89 Author: Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Date: Mon Oct 21 21:34:49 2013 +0200 Bump ABI versions They should have been bumped upstream, but wasn't yet. diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog index 4e15479..94ea193 100644 --- a/debian/changelog +++ b/debian/changelog @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ xorg-server (2: UNRELEASED; urgency=low - bump libx11-dev to 2:1.6 for _XEatDataWords - require xcb bits for Xephyr - xserver-xorg-dev depends on x11proto-xf86bigfont-dev + * Bump ABI versions (should have been done upstream, but hasn't yet). -- Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:25:02 +0200 diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series index 3527236..03161b9 100644 --- a/debian/patches/series +++ b/debian/patches/series @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ ## Patches with a number < 100 are applied in debian. ## Ubuntu patches start with 100. 001_fedora_extramodes.patch +xfree86-Bump-to-video-ABI-15-and-input-ABI-20.patch 03_static-nettle.diff 05_Revert-Unload-submodules.diff 06_Revert-fb-reorder-Bresenham-error-correction-to-avoi.diff diff --git a/debian/patches/xfree86-Bump-to-video-ABI-15-and-input-ABI-20.patch b/debian/patches/xfree86-Bump-to-video-ABI-15-and-input-ABI-20.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c723890 --- /dev/null +++ b/debian/patches/xfree86-Bump-to-video-ABI-15-and-input-ABI-20.patch @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +From f1f3842d8bc13c41e9fb099f238329e4b05e61fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 +From: Adam Jackson <a...@redhat.com> +Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 18:19:15 -0400 +Subject: [PATCH] xfree86: Bump to video ABI 15 and input ABI 20 + +Damage and mipointer stuff got rearranged in the last few dozen commits. + +Signed-off-by: Adam Jackson <a...@redhat.com> +--- + hw/xfree86/common/xf86Module.h | 4 ++-- + 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +diff --git a/hw/xfree86/common/xf86Module.h b/hw/xfree86/common/xf86Module.h +index e0cec05..51645ea 100644 +--- a/hw/xfree86/common/xf86Module.h ++++ b/hw/xfree86/common/xf86Module.h +@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ typedef enum { + * mask is 0xFFFF0000. + */ + #define ABI_ANSIC_VERSION SET_ABI_VERSION(0, 4) +-#define ABI_VIDEODRV_VERSION SET_ABI_VERSION(14, 1) +-#define ABI_XINPUT_VERSION SET_ABI_VERSION(19, 2) ++#define ABI_VIDEODRV_VERSION SET_ABI_VERSION(15, 0) ++#define ABI_XINPUT_VERSION SET_ABI_VERSION(20, 0) + #define ABI_EXTENSION_VERSION SET_ABI_VERSION(7, 0) + #define ABI_FONT_VERSION SET_ABI_VERSION(0, 6) + +-- +1.8.4.rc3 + diff --git a/debian/serverminver b/debian/serverminver index 0f9556a..16b926f 100644 --- a/debian/serverminver +++ b/debian/serverminver @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -2: -ABI_VIDEODRV_VERSION:14.1 -ABI_XINPUT_VERSION:19.1 +2: +ABI_VIDEODRV_VERSION:15.0 +ABI_XINPUT_VERSION:20.0 commit d8b988c77a750c012aa8161560d7db77a1ee43aa Author: Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Date: Mon Oct 21 21:30:27 2013 +0200 Update build-deps - bump libx11-dev to 2:1.6 for _XEatDataWords - require xcb bits for Xephyr - xserver-xorg-dev depends on x11proto-xf86bigfont-dev diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog index 5959e8a..4e15479 100644 --- a/debian/changelog +++ b/debian/changelog @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ xorg-server (2: UNRELEASED; urgency=low - 10_Include-missing-selection-h.diff - os-move-arpa-inet.h-for-any-win32-system.patch - xfree86-hurd-include-hurd.h.patch + * Update build-deps: + - bump libx11-dev to 2:1.6 for _XEatDataWords + - require xcb bits for Xephyr + - xserver-xorg-dev depends on x11proto-xf86bigfont-dev -- Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:25:02 +0200 diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control index f06251e..7f0b2a8 100644 --- a/debian/control +++ b/debian/control @@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ Uploaders: Drew Parsons <dpars...@debian.org>, Cyril Brulebois <k...@debian.org> # all the Build-Depends up to x11proto-xf86-dri-dev are for the normal Xorg # server, and common dependencies for the DIX. # x11proto-xf86dri-dev and libdrm-dev are for DRI support for the Xorg server. -# x11proto-print-dev and libfreetype6-dev are for Xprint -# everything on is for the DMX and Xnest servers. +# everything on is for the DMX, Xnest and Xephyr servers. Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7), dpkg-dev (>= 1.16.1), @@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ Build-Depends: libgl1-mesa-dev (>= 7.8), libxmuu-dev (>= 1:0.99.1), libxext-dev (>= 1:0.99.1), - libx11-dev (>= 1:0.99.2), + libx11-dev (>= 2:1.6), libxrender-dev (>= 1:0.9.0), libxi-dev (>= 2:, x11proto-dmx-dev (>= 1:, @@ -75,6 +74,17 @@ Build-Depends: libxfixes-dev (>= 1:3.0.0), libxv-dev, libxinerama-dev, +# XCB bits for Xephyr + libxcb1-dev, + libxcb-shape0-dev, + libxcb-util0-dev, + libxcb-image0-dev, + libxcb-icccm4-dev, + libxcb-shm0-dev, + libxcb-keysyms1-dev, + libxcb-xv0-dev, + libxcb-glx0-dev, + libxcb-xf86dri0-dev (>= 1.6), # unit tests xkb-data, x11-xkb-utils, @@ -176,6 +186,7 @@ Depends: x11proto-xf86dri-dev, x11proto-resource-dev (>= 1.2.0), x11proto-scrnsaver-dev, + x11proto-xf86bigfont-dev (>= 1.2.0), libxkbfile-dev, libpciaccess-dev, mesa-common-dev, commit 5b15736a25991b2a8a63d684eb68b88f881066a1 Author: Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Date: Mon Oct 21 21:20:06 2013 +0200 Drop patches applied upstream - 02_improve-posix-saved-ids-check.diff - 04_hashtabletest-s390x.diff - 10_Include-missing-selection-h.diff - os-move-arpa-inet.h-for-any-win32-system.patch - xfree86-hurd-include-hurd.h.patch diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog index a0e88ca..5959e8a 100644 --- a/debian/changelog +++ b/debian/changelog @@ -1,6 +1,12 @@ xorg-server (2: UNRELEASED; urgency=low * New upstream snapshot. + * Drop patches applied upstream: + - 02_improve-posix-saved-ids-check.diff + - 04_hashtabletest-s390x.diff + - 10_Include-missing-selection-h.diff + - os-move-arpa-inet.h-for-any-win32-system.patch + - xfree86-hurd-include-hurd.h.patch -- Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:25:02 +0200 diff --git a/debian/patches/02_improve-posix-saved-ids-check.diff b/debian/patches/02_improve-posix-saved-ids-check.diff deleted file mode 100644 index 657dd23..0000000 --- a/debian/patches/02_improve-posix-saved-ids-check.diff +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -From a2b08b941b841db226d7c9dfd264045abcd8f8b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> -Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 20:09:16 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH] xfree86: improve check for posix saved ids - -Replace hardcoded SVR4 || linux || CSRG_BASED with an autoconf check and -the _POSIX_SAVED_IDS macro. - -Suggested-by: Mark Kettenis <mark.kette...@xs4all.nl> -Signed-off-by: Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> ---- - configure.ac | 2 +- - hw/xfree86/parser/write.c | 3 ++- - include/xorg-config.h.in | 3 +++ - 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac -index c6ecba4..d27ca23 100644 ---- a/configure.ac -+++ b/configure.ac -@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ AC_SUBST(DLOPEN_LIBS) - dnl Checks for library functions. - AC_CHECK_FUNCS([backtrace ffs geteuid getuid issetugid getresuid \ - getdtablesize getifaddrs getpeereid getpeerucred getzoneid \ -- mmap shmctl64 strncasecmp vasprintf vsnprintf walkcontext]) -+ mmap seteuid shmctl64 strncasecmp vasprintf vsnprintf walkcontext]) - AC_REPLACE_FUNCS([strcasecmp strcasestr strlcat strlcpy strndup]) - - dnl Find the math libary, then check for cbrt function in it. -diff --git a/hw/xfree86/parser/write.c b/hw/xfree86/parser/write.c -index 9c706a0..eb5e3cf 100644 ---- a/hw/xfree86/parser/write.c -+++ b/hw/xfree86/parser/write.c -@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ - #include <xorg-config.h> - #endif - -+#include "os.h" - #include "xf86Parser.h" - #include "xf86tokens.h" - #include "Configint.h" -@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ - #include <signal.h> - #include <errno.h> - --#if defined(SVR4) || defined(__linux__) || defined(CSRG_BASED) -+#if defined(HAVE_SETEUID) && defined(_POSIX_SAVED_IDS) && _POSIX_SAVED_IDS > 0 - #define HAS_SAVED_IDS_AND_SETEUID - #endif - #if defined(WIN32) -diff --git a/include/xorg-config.h.in b/include/xorg-config.h.in -index a71b25d..0df31ae 100644 ---- a/include/xorg-config.h.in -+++ b/include/xorg-config.h.in -@@ -139,4 +139,7 @@ - /* Have X server platform bus support */ - #undef XSERVER_PLATFORM_BUS - -+/* Define to 1 if you have the `seteuid' function. */ -+#undef HAVE_SETEUID -+ - #endif /* _XORG_CONFIG_H_ */ --- - - diff --git a/debian/patches/04_hashtabletest-s390x.diff b/debian/patches/04_hashtabletest-s390x.diff deleted file mode 100644 index 0401035..0000000 --- a/debian/patches/04_hashtabletest-s390x.diff +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -From 3562cb865b13d6f59e5c3b472d073ad6bbc06ceb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> -Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 23:40:55 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH] test: include dix-config.h in hashtabletest.c - -Missing _XSERVER64 define caused inconsistent sizeof(XID) between the -test and hashtable code, leading to test failures on 64bit big endian -archs like s390x or ppc64. ---- - test/hashtabletest.c | 4 ++++ - 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+) - -diff --git a/test/hashtabletest.c b/test/hashtabletest.c -index 64c7091..6af14a8 100644 ---- a/test/hashtabletest.c -+++ b/test/hashtabletest.c -@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ -+#ifdef HAVE_DIX_CONFIG_H -+#include <dix-config.h> -+#endif -+ - #include <misc.h> - #include <stdlib.h> - #include <stdio.h> --- - - diff --git a/debian/patches/10_Include-missing-selection-h.diff b/debian/patches/10_Include-missing-selection-h.diff deleted file mode 100644 index 873b14e..0000000 --- a/debian/patches/10_Include-missing-selection-h.diff +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -Description: Fix build failure with GCC 4.8 - This patches fixes the following build failure: - - ../../dix/window.c:887:5: error: implicit declaration of function 'DeleteWindowFromAnySelections' [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration] - - by including "selection.h", where the function is prototyped. - -Author: Gerardo Malazdrewicz <gera...@malazdrewicz.com.ar> -Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=701372 ---- xorg-server-1.12.4/dix/window.c 2012-05-17 14:09:02.000000000 -0300 -+++ xorg-server-1.12.4.good/dix/window.c 2013-04-18 11:53:06.787521781 -0300 -@@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ - #include "xace.h" - #include "exevents.h" - -+#include "selection.h" -+ - #include <X11/Xatom.h> /* must come after server includes */ - - /****** diff --git a/debian/patches/os-move-arpa-inet.h-for-any-win32-system.patch b/debian/patches/os-move-arpa-inet.h-for-any-win32-system.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 70b1862..0000000 --- a/debian/patches/os-move-arpa-inet.h-for-any-win32-system.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -From 006b123a801afab44a9e1a3d6e2ff5e1c6415362 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Pino Toscano <toscano.p...@tiscali.it> -Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 17:15:03 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH] os: move <arpa/inet.h> for any !win32 system - -It is needed in IPv6 configurations (for inet_pton) also when -SIOCGIFCONF is not defined. - -Signed-off-by: Pino Toscano <toscano.p...@tiscali.it> ---- - os/access.c | 8 ++++---- - 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/os/access.c b/os/access.c -index 88a44d9..6d991b3 100644 ---- a/os/access.c -+++ b/os/access.c -@@ -163,6 +163,10 @@ SOFTWARE. - /* #endif */ - #endif - -+#if defined(IPv6) && defined(AF_INET6) -+#include <arpa/inet.h> -+#endif -+ - #endif /* WIN32 */ - - #define X_INCLUDE_NETDB_H -@@ -461,10 +465,6 @@ DefineSelf(int fd) - #endif - - #if defined(IPv6) && defined(AF_INET6) --#include <arpa/inet.h> --#endif -- --#if defined(IPv6) && defined(AF_INET6) - static void - in6_fillscopeid(struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6) - { --- - - diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series index a032067..3527236 100644 --- a/debian/patches/series +++ b/debian/patches/series @@ -1,12 +1,7 @@ ## Patches with a number < 100 are applied in debian. ## Ubuntu patches start with 100. 001_fedora_extramodes.patch -02_improve-posix-saved-ids-check.diff 03_static-nettle.diff -04_hashtabletest-s390x.diff 05_Revert-Unload-submodules.diff 06_Revert-fb-reorder-Bresenham-error-correction-to-avoi.diff 08_xfree86_fix_ia64_inx_outx.diff -10_Include-missing-selection-h.diff -os-move-arpa-inet.h-for-any-win32-system.patch -xfree86-hurd-include-hurd.h.patch diff --git a/debian/patches/xfree86-hurd-include-hurd.h.patch b/debian/patches/xfree86-hurd-include-hurd.h.patch deleted file mode 100644 index b36602d..0000000 --- a/debian/patches/xfree86-hurd-include-hurd.h.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -From ef6a236cf9b795017c9c8c4447a6735fa04bb061 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Pino Toscano <toscano.p...@tiscali.it> -Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 17:04:48 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH] xfree86/hurd: include <hurd.h> - -Needed for using get_privileged_port. - -Signed-off-by: Pino Toscano <toscano.p...@tiscali.it> ---- - hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_init.c | 1 + - hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_mmap.c | 1 + - hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_video.c | 1 + - 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+) - -diff --git a/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_init.c b/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_init.c -index 185b2b9..fe1a764 100644 ---- a/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_init.c -+++ b/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_init.c -@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ - #include <sys/file.h> - #include <assert.h> - #include <mach.h> -+#include <hurd.h> - - int - xf86ProcessArgument(int argc, char **argv, int i) -diff --git a/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_mmap.c b/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_mmap.c -index 6ac9efd..8e089ca 100644 ---- a/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_mmap.c -+++ b/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_mmap.c -@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ - #include<mach.h> - #include<device/device.h> - #include<mach/machine/mach_i386.h> -+#include <hurd.h> - - #include <X11/X.h> - -diff --git a/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_video.c b/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_video.c -index 72474ba..b3b94c9 100644 ---- a/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_video.c -+++ b/hw/xfree86/os-support/hurd/hurd_video.c -@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ - #include <mach.h> - #include <device/device.h> - #include <mach/machine/mach_i386.h> -+#include <hurd.h> - - #include <X11/X.h> - #include "input.h" --- - - commit a3e04cd034dd3702c6f1043ecf9c5d8c37c3f8ed Author: Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> Date: Mon Oct 21 21:06:34 2013 +0200 New upstream snapshot. diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog index fc7ffc7..f048a64 100644 --- a/ChangeLog +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -1,36 +1,2274 @@ -commit 9acb64f54ee9dd2fe41afda159b919280850ad8e -Author: Matt Dew <mar...@osource.org> -Date: Thu Sep 12 21:17:40 2013 -0600 +commit 8db4121a3c7104548fd4a138ac1d1bdea5fd22d9 +Author: Keith Packard <kei...@keithp.com> +Date: Fri Oct 18 17:31:01 2013 -0700 + + Update to version + + Signed-off-by: Keith Packard <kei...@keithp.com> + +commit e3220d7bae4548bf64e5879c981ad070ac1f78f7 +Merge: 73b2660 2523a44 +Author: Keith Packard <kei...@keithp.com> +Date: Fri Oct 18 17:22:52 2013 -0700 + + Merge commit '2523a445a09a75a8baf642608d099a5e12d5437f' + + This is merging the commits along Peter's for-keith branch, without + also merging in the spurious merge at the top of that branch. + +commit 2523a445a09a75a8baf642608d099a5e12d5437f +Author: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net> +Date: Thu Oct 17 12:02:27 2013 +1000 + + sync: split updating and triggering a counter up + + Now that the brackets are always the nearest change points (regardless of + transition) we need to update the counters whenever we check for any updates. + + Otherwise we end up with a situation where counter->value is out of date and + an alarm doesn't trigger because we're still using the value from last time + something actually triggered. + + Signed-off-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net> + Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <a...@redhat.com> + Reviewed-by: Keith Packard <kei...@keithp.com> + +commit e57ec99b03b2ad840c384a97ab2766ce9da0f5cc +Author: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net> +Date: Wed Oct 16 16:31:15 2013 +1000 + + sync: always set the brackets (#59644) + + The current code sets bracket_greater to the first trigger after the current + value, and bracket_less to the last trigger before the current value. + + For example, the idle timer with three negative and three positive transitions + would set this: + + nt1 nt2 nt3 + |--------|------|--|------- idle --|---|--|-----> t + pt1 pt2 pt3 + bracket_less == nt2 + bracket_greater == pt2 + + This is an optimization so we can skip code paths in the block/wakeup handlers + if the current value doesn't meet any of the trigger requirements. Those + handlers largely do a + if (bracket_less is less than current value && + bracket_greater is greater than current value) + return, nothing to do + + However, unless the bracket values are updated at the correct time, the + following may happen: + + nt + |--------------|---------- idle ------|--------> t + pt + + In this case, neither bracket is set, we're past the pos transition and not + yet at the neg transition. idle may now go past nt, but the brackets are not + updated. If idle is then reset to 0, no alarm is triggered for nt. Likewise, + idle may now go past pt and no alarm is triggered. + + Changing an alarm or triggering an alarm will re-calculate the brackets, so + this bug is somewhat random. If any other client triggers an alarm when the + brackets are wrongly NULL, the recalculation will set them this bug may not + appear. + + This patch changes the behavior, so that the brackets are always the nearest + positive or negative transitions to the current counter value. In the example + above, nt will trigger a wakeup and a re-calculation of the brackets, so that + going past it in the negative direction will then cause the proper alarm + triggers. + + Or, in Keith's words: + + Timer currently past a positive trigger + No bracket values, because no trigger in range + + Timer moves backwards before the positive trigger + Brackets not reset, even though there is now a trigger in range + + Timer moves forward past the positive trigger + Trigger doesn't fire because brackets not set + + Setting the LT bracket in this case will cause everything to get + re-evaluated when the sync value moves backwards before the trigger + value. + + X.Org Bug 59644 <http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59644> + + Signed-off-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net> + Reviewed-by: Adam Jackson <a...@redhat.com> + Reviewed-by: Keith Packard <kei...@keithp.com> + +commit 06b87aa528d7a739ba20101a1f83b1a428691a01 +Author: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net> +Date: Wed Oct 16 10:08:46 2013 +1000 + + sync: if the idle time was reset, force alarms to trigger (#70476) + + The time between the idle reset and the IdleTimeWakeupHandler to be called is + indeterminate. Clients with an PositiveTransition or NegativeTransition alarm -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-x-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/e1vyll9-0000gh...@vasks.debian.org