debian/changelog                           |   21 
 debian/patches/001_hide_xeatdatawords.diff |   36 
 debian/patches/CVE-2013-1981.patch         | 2383 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/CVE-2013-1997.patch         |  478 +++++
 debian/patches/CVE-2013-2004.patch         |  164 +
 debian/patches/ftbfs_new_automake.patch    |   16 
 debian/patches/series                      |    5 
 7 files changed, 3103 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 11ffe670ac2bb7b9368c4cfeabe703d27db2de88
Author: Timo Aaltonen <>
Date:   Fri Sep 27 11:32:06 2013 +0300

    import 1.5.0-1u2 changes

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 475efe3..d1edaf1 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
+libx11 (2:1.5.0-1ubuntu2) saucy; urgency=low
+  * SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service and possible code execution via
+    incorrect memory size calculations
+    - debian/patches/CVE-2013-1981.patch: fix multiple integer overflows.
+    - CVE-2013-1981
+  * SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service and possible code execution via
+    incorrect length and bounds checking
+    - debian/patches/CVE-2013-1997.patch: properly calculate lengths.
+    - CVE-2013-1997
+  * SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service and possible code execution via
+    stack overflow from recursive #include
+    - debian/patches/CVE-2013-2004.patch: set limit on depth.
+    - CVE-2013-2004
+  * debian/patches/001_hide_xeatdatawords.diff: Hide _XEatDataWords by
+    default.
+  * debian/patches/ftbfs_new_automake.patch: fix ftbfs with newer
+    automake.
+ -- Marc Deslauriers <>  Wed, 05 Jun 2013 15:40:48 
 libx11 (2:1.5.0-1ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
   * Update symbols file for arm64
diff --git a/debian/patches/001_hide_xeatdatawords.diff 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f9b7c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/001_hide_xeatdatawords.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Description: Hide _XEatDataWords by default.
+Origin: Debian unstable package
+Index: libx11/include/X11/Xlibint.h
+--- libx11.orig/include/X11/Xlibint.h
++++ libx11/include/X11/Xlibint.h
+@@ -892,10 +892,12 @@ extern void _XEatData(
+     Display*          /* dpy */,
+     unsigned long     /* n */
+ extern void _XEatDataWords(
+     Display*          /* dpy */,
+     unsigned long     /* n */
+ #if defined(__SUNPRO_C) /* Studio compiler alternative to "cold" attribute */
+ # pragma rarely_called(_XEatData, _XEatDataWords)
+ #endif
+Index: libx11/
+--- libx11.orig/
++++ libx11/
+@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG()
++# Debian change: _XEatDataWords is not declared by default, to not affect 
++# X libs
++AC_DEFINE(XLIB_WANT_XEATDATAWORDS, 1, [Declare _XEatDataWords in Xlibint.h])
+ # Issue an error if xtrans.m4 was not found and XTRANS_CONNECTION_FLAGS macro
+ # was not expanded, since libX11 with no transport types is rather useless.
+ #
diff --git a/debian/patches/CVE-2013-1981.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c068be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/CVE-2013-1981.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2383 @@
+Description: fix denial of service and possible code execution via
+ incorrect memory size calculations
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Origin: upstream,
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/include/X11/Xlibint.h
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/include/X11/Xlibint.h    2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 
++++ libx11-1.5.0/include/X11/Xlibint.h 2013-05-29 16:01:59.904191987 -0400
+@@ -860,6 +860,15 @@
+       struct _XExten *next_flush;     /* next in list of those with flushes */
+ } _XExtension;
++/* Temporary definition until we can depend on an xproto release with it */
++#ifdef _X_COLD
++# define _XLIB_COLD _X_COLD
++#elif defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 403) /* 4.3+ 
++# define _XLIB_COLD __attribute__((__cold__))
++# define _XLIB_COLD /* nothing */
+ /* extension hooks */
+ #ifdef DataRoutineIsProcedure
+@@ -882,7 +891,14 @@
+ extern void _XEatData(
+     Display*          /* dpy */,
+     unsigned long     /* n */
++extern void _XEatDataWords(
++    Display*          /* dpy */,
++    unsigned long     /* n */
++#if defined(__SUNPRO_C) /* Studio compiler alternative to "cold" attribute */
++# pragma rarely_called(_XEatData, _XEatDataWords)
+ extern char *_XAllocScratch(
+     Display*          /* dpy */,
+     unsigned long     /* nbytes */
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/modules/im/ximcp/
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/modules/im/ximcp/     2013-05-29 
16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/modules/im/ximcp/  2013-05-29 16:01:59.904191987 
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
+       -I$(top_srcdir)/src/xcms \
+       -I$(top_srcdir)/src/xkb \
+       -I$(top_srcdir)/src/xlibi18n \
++      -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/modules/im/ximcp/imLcPrs.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/modules/im/ximcp/imLcPrs.c       2013-05-29 
16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/modules/im/ximcp/imLcPrs.c    2013-05-29 16:01:59.908191987 
+@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
+ #include "Ximint.h"
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#include <limits.h>
++#include "pathmax.h"
+ #define XLC_BUFSIZE 256
+@@ -304,9 +306,9 @@
+ TransFileName(Xim im, char *name)
+ {
+    char *home = NULL, *lcCompose = NULL;
+-   char dir[XLC_BUFSIZE];
+-   char *i = name, *ret, *j;
+-   int l = 0;
++   char dir[XLC_BUFSIZE] = "";
++   char *i = name, *ret = NULL, *j;
++   size_t l = 0;
+    while (*i) {
+       if (*i == '%') {
+@@ -316,30 +318,51 @@
+                  l++;
+                break;
+             case 'H':
+-               home = getenv("HOME");
+-               if (home)
+-                     l += strlen(home);
++                 if (home == NULL)
++                     home = getenv("HOME");
++                 if (home) {
++                     size_t Hsize = strlen(home);
++                     if (Hsize > PATH_MAX)
++                         /* your home directory length is ridiculous */
++                         goto end;
++                     l += Hsize;
++                 }
+                break;
+             case 'L':
+                  if (lcCompose == NULL)
+                      lcCompose = _XlcFileName(im->core.lcd, COMPOSE_FILE);
+-                 if (lcCompose)
+-                     l += strlen(lcCompose);
++                 if (lcCompose) {
++                     size_t Lsize = strlen(lcCompose);
++                     if (Lsize > PATH_MAX)
++                         /* your compose pathname length is ridiculous */
++                         goto end;
++                     l += Lsize;
++                 }
+                break;
+             case 'S':
+-                 xlocaledir(dir, XLC_BUFSIZE);
+-                 l += strlen(dir);
++                 if (dir[0] == '\0')
++                     xlocaledir(dir, XLC_BUFSIZE);
++                 if (dir[0]) {
++                     size_t Ssize = strlen(dir);
++                     if (Ssize > PATH_MAX)
++                         /* your locale directory path length is ridiculous */
++                         goto end;
++                     l += Ssize;
++                 }
+                break;
+         }
+       } else {
+                 l++;
+       }
+       i++;
++      if (l > PATH_MAX)
++          /* your expanded path length is ridiculous */
++          goto end;
+    }
+    j = ret = Xmalloc(l+1);
+    if (ret == NULL)
+-      return ret;
++      goto end;
+    i = name;
+    while (*i) {
+       if (*i == '%') {
+@@ -371,6 +394,7 @@
+       }
+    }
+    *j = '\0';
+    Xfree(lcCompose);
+    return ret;
+ }
+@@ -674,6 +698,8 @@
+     if (fstat (fileno (fp), &st) != -1) {
+       unsigned long size = (unsigned long) st.st_size;
++      if (st.st_size >= INT_MAX)
++          return;
+       if (size <= sizeof tb) tbp = tb;
+       else tbp = malloc (size);
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/Context.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/Context.c    2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/Context.c 2013-05-29 16:01:59.908191987 -0400
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
+     otable = db->table;
+     for (i = INITHASHMASK+1; (i + i) < db->numentries; )
+       i += i;
+-    db->table = (TableEntry *) Xcalloc((unsigned)i, sizeof(TableEntry));
++    db->table = Xcalloc(i, sizeof(TableEntry));
+     if (!db->table) {
+       db->table = otable;
+       return;
+@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@
+       UnlockDisplay(display);
+     }
+     if (!db) {
+-      db = (DB) Xmalloc(sizeof(DBRec));
++      db = Xmalloc(sizeof(DBRec));
+       if (!db)
+           return XCNOMEM;
+       db->mask = INITHASHMASK;
+-      db->table = (TableEntry *)Xcalloc(db->mask + 1, sizeof(TableEntry));
++      db->table = Xcalloc(db->mask + 1, sizeof(TableEntry));
+       if (!db->table) {
+           Xfree((char *)db);
+           return XCNOMEM;
+@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
+           return 0;
+       }
+     }
+-    entry = (TableEntry) Xmalloc(sizeof(TableEntryRec));
++    entry = Xmalloc(sizeof(TableEntryRec));
+     if (!entry)
+       return XCNOMEM;
+     entry->rid = rid;
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/CrGC.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/CrGC.c       2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/CrGC.c    2013-05-29 16:01:59.908191987 -0400
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
+     register _XExtension *ext;
+     LockDisplay(dpy);
+-    if ((gc = (GC)Xmalloc (sizeof(struct _XGC))) == NULL) {
++    if ((gc = Xmalloc (sizeof(struct _XGC))) == NULL) {
+       UnlockDisplay(dpy);
+       SyncHandle();
+       return (NULL);
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/Depths.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/Depths.c     2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/Depths.c  2013-05-29 16:01:59.908191987 -0400
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
+       register Depth *dp;
+       register int i;
+-      depths = (int *) Xmalloc (count * sizeof(int));
++      depths = Xmalloc (count * sizeof(int));
+       if (!depths) return NULL;
+       for (i = 0, dp = scr->depths; i < count; i++, dp++)
+         depths[i] = dp->depth;
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/FSWrap.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/FSWrap.c     2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/FSWrap.c  2013-05-29 16:01:59.908191987 -0400
+@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
+       if (!*ptr)
+           break;
+     }
+-    if (!(list = (char **) Xmalloc((unsigned)sizeof(char *) * (*num + 1)))) {
++    if (!(list = Xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * (*num + 1)))) {
+       Xfree(psave);
+       return (char **)NULL;
+     }
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
+     if (string_list == NULL || list_count <= 0)
+       return (char **) NULL;
+-    string_list_ret = (char **) Xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * list_count);
++    string_list_ret = Xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * list_count);
+     if (string_list_ret == NULL)
+       return (char **) NULL;
+@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
+     for (length = 0; count-- > 0; list_src++)
+       length += strlen(*list_src) + 1;
+-    dst = (char *) Xmalloc(length);
++    dst = Xmalloc(length);
+     if (dst == NULL) {
+       Xfree(string_list_ret);
+       return (char **) NULL;
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/Font.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/Font.c       2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/Font.c    2013-05-29 16:01:59.908191987 -0400
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #include <config.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "Xlibint.h"
++#include <limits.h>
+ #if defined(XF86BIGFONT) && !defined(MUSTCOPY)
+ #define USE_XF86BIGFONT
+@@ -183,7 +184,8 @@
+     unsigned long seq)
+ {
+     register XFontStruct *fs;
+-    register long nbytes;
++    unsigned long nbytes;
++    unsigned long reply_left; /* unused data words left in reply buffer */
+     xQueryFontReply reply;
+     register xResourceReq *req;
+     register _XExtension *ext;
+@@ -211,9 +213,10 @@
+     }
+     if (seq)
+       DeqAsyncHandler(dpy, &async);
+-    if (! (fs = (XFontStruct *) Xmalloc (sizeof (XFontStruct)))) {
+-      _XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long)(reply.nFontProps * SIZEOF(xFontProp) +
+-                                     reply.nCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo)));
++    reply_left = reply.length -
++      ((SIZEOF(xQueryFontReply) - SIZEOF(xReply)) >> 2);
++    if (! (fs = Xmalloc (sizeof (XFontStruct)))) {
++      _XEatDataWords(dpy, reply_left);
+       return (XFontStruct *)NULL;
+     }
+     fs->ext_data              = NULL;
+@@ -261,16 +264,19 @@
+      */
+     fs->properties = NULL;
+     if (fs->n_properties > 0) {
+-          nbytes = reply.nFontProps * sizeof(XFontProp);
+-          fs->properties = (XFontProp *) Xmalloc ((unsigned) nbytes);
++          /* nFontProps is a CARD16 */
+           nbytes = reply.nFontProps * SIZEOF(xFontProp);
++          if ((nbytes >> 2) <= reply_left) {
++              size_t pbytes = reply.nFontProps * sizeof(XFontProp);
++              fs->properties = Xmalloc (pbytes);
++          }
+           if (! fs->properties) {
+               Xfree((char *) fs);
+-              _XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long)
+-                        (nbytes + reply.nCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo)));
++              _XEatDataWords(dpy, reply_left);
+               return (XFontStruct *)NULL;
+           }
+           _XRead32 (dpy, (long *)fs->properties, nbytes);
++          reply_left -= (nbytes >> 2);
+     }
+     /*
+      * If no characters in font, then it is a bad font, but
+@@ -279,12 +285,18 @@
+     /* have to unpack charinfos on some machines (CRAY) */
+     fs->per_char = NULL;
+     if (reply.nCharInfos > 0){
+-      nbytes = reply.nCharInfos * sizeof(XCharStruct);
+-      if (! (fs->per_char = (XCharStruct *) Xmalloc ((unsigned) nbytes))) {
++      /* nCharInfos is a CARD32 */
++      if (reply.nCharInfos < (INT_MAX / sizeof(XCharStruct))) {
++          nbytes = reply.nCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo);
++          if ((nbytes >> 2) <= reply_left) {
++              size_t cibytes = reply.nCharInfos * sizeof(XCharStruct);
++              fs->per_char = Xmalloc (cibytes);
++          }
++      }
++      if (! fs->per_char) {
+           if (fs->properties) Xfree((char *) fs->properties);
+           Xfree((char *) fs);
+-          _XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long)
+-                          (reply.nCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo)));
++          _XEatDataWords(dpy, reply_left);
+           return (XFontStruct *)NULL;
+       }
+@@ -306,7 +318,6 @@
+           }
+       }
+ #else
+-      nbytes = reply.nCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo);
+       _XRead16 (dpy, (char *)fs->per_char, nbytes);
+ #endif
+     }
+@@ -354,7 +365,7 @@
+     if (pData)
+       return (XF86BigfontCodes *) pData->private_data;
+-    pData = (XExtData *) Xmalloc(sizeof(XExtData) + sizeof(XF86BigfontCodes));
++    pData = Xmalloc(sizeof(XExtData) + sizeof(XF86BigfontCodes));
+     if (!pData) {
+       /* Out of luck. */
+       return (XF86BigfontCodes *) NULL;
+@@ -434,7 +445,8 @@
+     unsigned long seq)
+ {
+     register XFontStruct *fs;
+-    register long nbytes;
++    unsigned long nbytes;
++    unsigned long reply_left; /* unused data left in reply buffer */
+     xXF86BigfontQueryFontReply reply;
+     register xXF86BigfontQueryFontReq *req;
+     register _XExtension *ext;
+@@ -487,13 +499,10 @@
+     DeqAsyncHandler(dpy, &async2);
+     if (seq)
+       DeqAsyncHandler(dpy, &async1);
+-    if (! (fs = (XFontStruct *) Xmalloc (sizeof (XFontStruct)))) {
+-      _XEatData(dpy,
+-                reply.nFontProps * SIZEOF(xFontProp)
+-                + (reply.nCharInfos > 0 && reply.shmid == (CARD32)(-1)
+-                   ? reply.nUniqCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo)
+-                     + (reply.nCharInfos+1)/2 * 2 * sizeof(CARD16)
+-                   : 0));
++    reply_left = reply.length -
++      ((SIZEOF(xXF86BigfontQueryFontReply) - SIZEOF(xReply)) >> 2);
++    if (! (fs = Xmalloc (sizeof (XFontStruct)))) {
++      _XEatDataWords(dpy, reply_left);
+       return (XFontStruct *)NULL;
+     }
+     fs->ext_data              = NULL;
+@@ -519,23 +528,33 @@
+      */
+     fs->properties = NULL;
+     if (fs->n_properties > 0) {
+-      nbytes = reply.nFontProps * sizeof(XFontProp);
+-      fs->properties = (XFontProp *) Xmalloc ((unsigned) nbytes);
++      /* nFontProps is a CARD16 */
+       nbytes = reply.nFontProps * SIZEOF(xFontProp);
++      if ((nbytes >> 2) <= reply_left) {
++          size_t pbytes = reply.nFontProps * sizeof(XFontProp);
++          fs->properties = Xmalloc (pbytes);
++      }
+       if (! fs->properties) {
+           Xfree((char *) fs);
+-          _XEatData(dpy,
+-                    nbytes
+-                    + (reply.nCharInfos > 0 && reply.shmid == (CARD32)(-1)
+-                       ? reply.nUniqCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo)
+-                         + (reply.nCharInfos+1)/2 * 2 * sizeof(CARD16)
+-                       : 0));
++          _XEatDataWords(dpy, reply_left);
+           return (XFontStruct *)NULL;
+       }
+       _XRead32 (dpy, (long *)fs->properties, nbytes);
++      reply_left -= (nbytes >> 2);
+     }
+     fs->per_char = NULL;
++#ifndef LONG64
++    /* compares each part to half the maximum, which should be far more than
++       any real font needs, so the combined total doesn't overflow either */
++    if (reply.nUniqCharInfos > ((ULONG_MAX / 2) / SIZEOF(xCharInfo)) ||
++      reply.nCharInfos > ((ULONG_MAX / 2) / sizeof(CARD16))) {
++      Xfree((char *) fs->properties);
++      Xfree((char *) fs);
++      _XEatDataWords(dpy, reply_left);
++      return (XFontStruct *)NULL;
++    }
+     if (reply.nCharInfos > 0) {
+       /* fprintf(stderr, "received font metrics, nCharInfos = %d, 
nUniqCharInfos = %d, shmid = %d\n", reply.nCharInfos, reply.nUniqCharInfos, 
reply.shmid); */
+       if (reply.shmid == (CARD32)(-1)) {
+@@ -545,18 +564,18 @@
+           nbytes = reply.nUniqCharInfos * SIZEOF(xCharInfo)
+                    + (reply.nCharInfos+1)/2 * 2 * sizeof(CARD16);
+-          pUniqCI = (xCharInfo *) Xmalloc (nbytes);
++          pUniqCI = Xmalloc (nbytes);
+           if (!pUniqCI) {
+               if (fs->properties) Xfree((char *) fs->properties);
+               Xfree((char *) fs);
+-              _XEatData(dpy, nbytes);
++              _XEatDataWords(dpy, reply_left);
+               return (XFontStruct *)NULL;
+           }
+-          if (! (fs->per_char = (XCharStruct *) Xmalloc (reply.nCharInfos * 
sizeof(XCharStruct)))) {
++          if (! (fs->per_char = Xmalloc (reply.nCharInfos * 
sizeof(XCharStruct)))) {
+               Xfree((char *) pUniqCI);
+               if (fs->properties) Xfree((char *) fs->properties);
+               Xfree((char *) fs);
+-              _XEatData(dpy, nbytes);
++              _XEatDataWords(dpy, reply_left);
+               return (XFontStruct *)NULL;
+           }
+           _XRead16 (dpy, (char *) pUniqCI, nbytes);
+@@ -579,7 +598,7 @@
+           XEDataObject fs_union;
+           char *addr;
+-          pData = (XExtData *) Xmalloc(sizeof(XExtData));
++          pData = Xmalloc(sizeof(XExtData));
+           if (!pData) {
+               if (fs->properties) Xfree((char *) fs->properties);
+               Xfree((char *) fs);
+@@ -611,6 +630,7 @@
+           if (!(extcodes->serverCapabilities & CAP_VerifiedLocal)) {
+               struct shmid_ds buf;
+               if (!(shmctl(reply.shmid, IPC_STAT, &buf) >= 0
++                    && reply.nCharInfos < (LONG_MAX / sizeof(XCharStruct))
+                     && buf.shm_segsz >= reply.shmsegoffset + reply.nCharInfos 
* sizeof(XCharStruct) + sizeof(CARD32)
+                     && *(CARD32 *)(addr + reply.shmsegoffset + 
reply.nCharInfos * sizeof(XCharStruct)) == extcodes->serverSignature)) {
+                   shmdt(addr);
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/FontInfo.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/FontInfo.c   2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/FontInfo.c        2013-05-29 16:02:26.668191731 -0400
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ #include <config.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "Xlibint.h"
++#include <limits.h>
+ #if defined(XF86BIGFONT) && !defined(MUSTCOPY)
+ #define USE_XF86BIGFONT
+@@ -45,10 +46,11 @@
+ int *actualCount,     /* RETURN */
+ XFontStruct **info)   /* RETURN */
+ {
+-    register long nbytes;
++    unsigned long nbytes;
++    unsigned long reply_left; /* unused data left in reply buffer */
+     register int i;
+     register XFontStruct *fs;
+-    register int size = 0;
++    unsigned int size = 0;
+     XFontStruct *finfo = NULL;
+     char **flist = NULL;
+     xListFontsWithInfoReply reply;
+@@ -67,51 +69,44 @@
+       if (!_XReply (dpy, (xReply *) &reply,
+                     ((SIZEOF(xListFontsWithInfoReply) -
+                       SIZEOF(xGenericReply)) >> 2), xFalse)) {
+-          for (j=(i-1); (j >= 0); j--) {
+-              Xfree(flist[j]);
+-              if (finfo[j].properties) Xfree((char *) finfo[j].properties);
+-          }
+-          if (flist) Xfree((char *) flist);
+-          if (finfo) Xfree((char *) finfo);
+-          UnlockDisplay(dpy);
+-          SyncHandle();
+-          return ((char **) NULL);
++          reply.nameLength = 0; /* avoid trying to read more replies */
++          reply_left = 0;
++          goto badmem;
+       }
+-      if (reply.nameLength == 0)
++      reply_left = reply.length -
++          ((SIZEOF(xListFontsWithInfoReply) - SIZEOF(xGenericReply)) >> 2);
++      if (reply.nameLength == 0) {
++          _XEatDataWords(dpy, reply_left);
+           break;
++      }
++      if (reply.nReplies >= (INT_MAX - i)) /* avoid overflowing size */
++          goto badmem;
+       if ((i + reply.nReplies) >= size) {
+           size = i + reply.nReplies + 1;
++          if (size >= (INT_MAX / sizeof(XFontStruct)))
++              goto badmem;
+           if (finfo) {
+-              XFontStruct * tmp_finfo = (XFontStruct *)
+-                  Xrealloc ((char *) finfo,
+-                            (unsigned) (sizeof(XFontStruct) * size));
+-              char ** tmp_flist = (char **)
+-                  Xrealloc ((char *) flist,
+-                            (unsigned) (sizeof(char *) * (size+1)));
+-              if ((! tmp_finfo) || (! tmp_flist)) {
+-                  /* free all the memory that we allocated */
+-                  for (j=(i-1); (j >= 0); j--) {
+-                      Xfree(flist[j]);
+-                      if (finfo[j].properties)
+-                          Xfree((char *) finfo[j].properties);
+-                  }
+-                  if (tmp_flist) Xfree((char *) tmp_flist);
+-                  else Xfree((char *) flist);
+-                  if (tmp_finfo) Xfree((char *) tmp_finfo);
+-                  else Xfree((char *) finfo);
+-                  goto clearwire;
+-              }
+-              finfo = tmp_finfo;
+-              flist = tmp_flist;
++              XFontStruct * tmp_finfo;
++              char ** tmp_flist;
++              tmp_finfo = Xrealloc (finfo, sizeof(XFontStruct) * size);
++              if (tmp_finfo)
++                  finfo = tmp_finfo;
++              else
++                  goto badmem;
++              tmp_flist = Xrealloc (flist, sizeof(char *) * (size+1));
++              if (tmp_flist)
++                  flist = tmp_flist;
++              else
++                  goto badmem;
+           }
+           else {
+-              if (! (finfo = (XFontStruct *)
+-                     Xmalloc((unsigned) (sizeof(XFontStruct) * size))))
++              if (! (finfo = Xmalloc(sizeof(XFontStruct) * size)))
+                   goto clearwire;
+-              if (! (flist = (char **)
+-                     Xmalloc((unsigned) (sizeof(char *) * (size+1))))) {
++              if (! (flist = Xmalloc(sizeof(char *) * (size+1)))) {
+                   Xfree((char *) finfo);
+                   goto clearwire;
+               }
+@@ -159,24 +154,27 @@
+ #endif /* MUSTCOPY */
+       fs->n_properties = reply.nFontProps;
++      fs->properties = NULL;
+       if (fs->n_properties > 0) {
+-          nbytes = reply.nFontProps * sizeof(XFontProp);
+-          if (! (fs->properties = (XFontProp *) Xmalloc((unsigned) nbytes)))
+-              goto badmem;
++          /* nFontProps is a CARD16 */
+           nbytes = reply.nFontProps * SIZEOF(xFontProp);
++          if ((nbytes >> 2) <= reply_left) {
++              size_t pbytes = reply.nFontProps * sizeof(XFontProp);
++              fs->properties = Xmalloc (pbytes);
++          }
++          if (! fs->properties)
++              goto badmem;
+           _XRead32 (dpy, (long *)fs->properties, nbytes);
++          reply_left -= (nbytes >> 2);
++      }
+-      } else
+-          fs->properties = NULL;
+-      j = reply.nameLength + 1;
++      /* nameLength is a CARD8 */
++      nbytes = reply.nameLength + 1;
+       if (!i)
+-          j++; /* make first string 1 byte longer, to match XListFonts */
+-      flist[i] = (char *) Xmalloc ((unsigned int) j);
++          nbytes++; /* make first string 1 byte longer, to match XListFonts */
++      flist[i] = Xmalloc (nbytes);
+       if (! flist[i]) {
+           if (finfo[i].properties) Xfree((char *) finfo[i].properties);
+-          nbytes = (reply.nameLength + 3) & ~3;
+-          _XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long) nbytes);
+           goto badmem;
+       }
+       if (!i) {
+@@ -198,27 +196,25 @@
+   badmem:
+     /* Free all memory allocated by this function. */
+     for (j=(i-1); (j >= 0); j--) {
+-      Xfree(flist[j]);
+-      if (finfo[j].properties) Xfree((char *) finfo[j].properties);
++        if (j == 0)
++            flist[j]--;         /* was incremented above */
++        Xfree(flist[j]);
++        if (finfo[j].properties) Xfree((char *) finfo[j].properties);
+     }
+     if (flist) Xfree((char *) flist);
+     if (finfo) Xfree((char *) finfo);
+   clearwire:
+     /* Clear the wire. */
+-    do {
+-      if (reply.nFontProps)
+-          _XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long)
+-                    (reply.nFontProps * SIZEOF(xFontProp)));
+-      nbytes = (reply.nameLength + 3) & ~3;
+-      _XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long) nbytes);
+-    }
+-    while (_XReply(dpy,(xReply *) &reply, ((SIZEOF(xListFontsWithInfoReply) -
+-                                          SIZEOF(xGenericReply)) >> 2),
+-                 xFalse) && (reply.nameLength != 0));
++    _XEatDataWords(dpy, reply_left);
++    while ((reply.nameLength != 0) &&
++         _XReply(dpy, (xReply *) &reply,
++                 ((SIZEOF(xListFontsWithInfoReply) - SIZEOF(xGenericReply))
++                  >> 2), xTrue));
+     UnlockDisplay(dpy);
+     SyncHandle();
++    *info = NULL;
++    *actualCount = 0;
+     return (char **) NULL;
+ }
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/GetAtomNm.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/GetAtomNm.c  2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/GetAtomNm.c       2013-05-29 16:01:59.908191987 -0400
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
+       for (idx = TABLESIZE; --idx >= 0; ) {
+           if ((e = *table++) && (e->atom == atom)) {
+               idx = strlen(EntryName(e)) + 1;
+-              if ((name = (char *)Xmalloc(idx)))
++              if ((name = Xmalloc(idx)))
+                   strcpy(name, EntryName(e));
+               return name;
+           }
+@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@
+       SyncHandle();
+       return(NULL);
+     }
+-    if ((name = (char *) Xmalloc(rep.nameLength+1))) {
++    if ((name = Xmalloc(rep.nameLength + 1))) {
+       _XReadPad(dpy, name, (long)rep.nameLength);
+       name[rep.nameLength] = '\0';
+       _XUpdateAtomCache(dpy, name, atom, 0, -1, 0);
+     } else {
+-      _XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long) (rep.nameLength + 3) & ~3);
++      _XEatDataWords(dpy, rep.length);
+       name = (char *) NULL;
+     }
+     UnlockDisplay(dpy);
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+       _XGetAsyncReply(dpy, (char *)&replbuf, rep, buf, len,
+                       (SIZEOF(xGetAtomNameReply) - SIZEOF(xReply)) >> 2,
+                       False);
+-    state->names[state->idx] = (char *) Xmalloc(repl->nameLength+1);
++    state->names[state->idx] = Xmalloc(repl->nameLength + 1);
+     _XGetAsyncData(dpy, state->names[state->idx], buf, len,
+                  SIZEOF(xGetAtomNameReply), repl->nameLength,
+                  repl->length << 2);
+@@ -170,13 +170,13 @@
+     }
+     if (missed >= 0) {
+       if (_XReply(dpy, (xReply *)&rep, 0, xFalse)) {
+-          if ((names_return[missed] = (char *) Xmalloc(rep.nameLength+1))) {
++          if ((names_return[missed] = Xmalloc(rep.nameLength + 1))) {
+               _XReadPad(dpy, names_return[missed], (long)rep.nameLength);
+               names_return[missed][rep.nameLength] = '\0';
+               _XUpdateAtomCache(dpy, names_return[missed], atoms[missed],
+                                 0, -1, 0);
+           } else {
+-              _XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long) (rep.nameLength + 3) & ~3);
++              _XEatDataWords(dpy, rep.length);
+               async_state.status = 0;
+           }
+       }
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/GetDflt.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/GetDflt.c    2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/GetDflt.c 2013-05-29 16:01:59.908191987 -0400
+@@ -52,30 +52,7 @@
+ #include "Xlibint.h"
+ #include <X11/Xos.h>
+ #include <X11/Xresource.h>
+-#ifndef X_NOT_POSIX
+-#ifdef _POSIX_SOURCE
+-#include <limits.h>
+-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
+-#include <limits.h>
+-#undef _POSIX_SOURCE
+-#ifndef PATH_MAX
+-#ifdef WIN32
+-#define PATH_MAX 512
+-#include <sys/param.h>
+-#ifndef PATH_MAX
+-#define PATH_MAX 1024
++#include "pathmax.h"
+ #ifdef XTHREADS
+ #include <X11/Xthreads.h>
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/GetHints.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/GetHints.c   2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/GetHints.c        2013-05-29 16:01:59.908191987 -0400
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+                 return(NULL);
+               }
+       /* static copies not allowed in library, due to reentrancy constraint*/
+-      if ((hints = (XWMHints *) Xcalloc (1, (unsigned) sizeof(XWMHints)))) {
++      if ((hints = Xcalloc (1, sizeof(XWMHints)))) {
+           hints->flags = prop->flags;
+           hints->input = (prop->input ? True : False);
+           hints->initial_state = cvtINT32toInt (prop->initialState);
+@@ -203,8 +203,7 @@
+       /* static copies not allowed in library, due to reentrancy constraint*/
+       nitems /= NumPropIconSizeElements;
+-      if (! (hp = hints = (XIconSize *)
+-        Xcalloc ((unsigned) nitems, (unsigned) sizeof(XIconSize)))) {
++      if (! (hp = hints = Xcalloc (nitems, sizeof(XIconSize)))) {
+           if (prop) Xfree ((char *) prop);
+           return 0;
+       }
+@@ -317,14 +316,14 @@
+    if ( (actual_type == XA_STRING) && (actual_format == 8) ) {
+       len_name = strlen((char *) data);
+-      if (! (classhint->res_name = Xmalloc((unsigned) (len_name+1)))) {
++      if (! (classhint->res_name = Xmalloc(len_name + 1))) {
+           Xfree((char *) data);
+           return (0);
+       }
+       strcpy(classhint->res_name, (char *) data);
+       if (len_name == nitems) len_name--;
+       len_class = strlen((char *) (data+len_name+1));
+-      if (! (classhint->res_class = Xmalloc((unsigned) (len_class+1)))) {
++      if (! (classhint->res_class = Xmalloc(len_class + 1))) {
+           Xfree(classhint->res_name);
+           classhint->res_name = (char *) NULL;
+           Xfree((char *) data);
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/GetImage.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/GetImage.c   2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/GetImage.c        2013-05-29 16:01:59.912191986 -0400
+@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
+ #include "Xlibint.h"
+ #include <X11/Xutil.h>                /* for XDestroyImage */
+ #include "ImUtil.h"
++#include <limits.h>
+ #define ROUNDUP(nbytes, pad) (((((nbytes) - 1) + (pad)) / (pad)) * (pad))
+@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
+       xGetImageReply rep;
+       register xGetImageReq *req;
+       char *data;
+-      long nbytes;
++      unsigned long nbytes;
+       XImage *image;
+       LockDisplay(dpy);
+       GetReq (GetImage, req);
+@@ -78,10 +79,13 @@
+               return (XImage *)NULL;
+       }
+-      nbytes = (long)rep.length << 2;
+-      data = (char *) Xmalloc((unsigned) nbytes);
++      if (rep.length < (INT_MAX >> 2)) {
++          nbytes = (unsigned long)rep.length << 2;
++          data = Xmalloc(nbytes);
++      } else
++          data = NULL;
+       if (! data) {
+-          _XEatData(dpy, (unsigned long) nbytes);
++          _XEatDataWords(dpy, rep.length);
+           UnlockDisplay(dpy);
+           SyncHandle();
+           return (XImage *) NULL;
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/GetMoEv.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/GetMoEv.c    2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/GetMoEv.c 2013-05-29 16:01:59.912191986 -0400
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ #include <config.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "Xlibint.h"
++#include <limits.h>
+ XTimeCoord *XGetMotionEvents(
+     register Display *dpy,
+@@ -39,7 +40,6 @@
+     xGetMotionEventsReply rep;
+     register xGetMotionEventsReq *req;
+     XTimeCoord *tc = NULL;
+-    long nbytes;
+     LockDisplay(dpy);
+     GetReq(GetMotionEvents, req);
+     req->window = w;
+@@ -52,26 +52,22 @@
+       return (NULL);
+       }
+-    if (rep.nEvents) {
+-      if (! (tc = (XTimeCoord *)
+-             Xmalloc( (unsigned)
+-                     (nbytes = (long) rep.nEvents * sizeof(XTimeCoord))))) {
+-          _XEatData (dpy, (unsigned long) nbytes);
+-          UnlockDisplay(dpy);
+-          SyncHandle();
+-          return (NULL);
+-      }
++    if (rep.nEvents && (rep.nEvents < (INT_MAX / sizeof(XTimeCoord))))
++      tc = Xmalloc(rep.nEvents * sizeof(XTimeCoord));
++    if (tc == NULL) {
++      /* server returned either no events or a bad event count */
++      *nEvents = 0;
++      _XEatDataWords (dpy, rep.length);
+     }
+-    *nEvents = rep.nEvents;
+-    nbytes = SIZEOF (xTimecoord);
++    else
+     {
+       register XTimeCoord *tcptr;
+-      register int i;
++      unsigned int i;
+       xTimecoord xtc;
++      *nEvents = (int) rep.nEvents;
+       for (i = rep.nEvents, tcptr = tc; i > 0; i--, tcptr++) {
+-          _XRead (dpy, (char *) &xtc, nbytes);
++          _XRead (dpy, (char *) &xtc, SIZEOF (xTimecoord));
+           tcptr->time = xtc.time;
+           tcptr->x    = cvtINT16toShort (xtc.x);
+           tcptr->y    = cvtINT16toShort (xtc.y);
+Index: libx11-1.5.0/src/GetPntMap.c
+--- libx11-1.5.0.orig/src/GetPntMap.c  2013-05-29 16:01:59.924191986 -0400
++++ libx11-1.5.0/src/GetPntMap.c       2013-05-29 16:01:59.912191986 -0400
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ #include <config.h>
+ #endif
+ #include "Xlibint.h"
++#include <limits.h>
+ #ifdef MIN            /* some systems define this in <sys/param.h> */
+ #undef MIN
+@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
+ {
+     unsigned char mapping[256];       /* known fixed size */
+-    long nbytes, remainder = 0;
++    unsigned long nbytes, remainder = 0;
+     xGetPointerMappingReply rep;

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