|    2 
 src/       |    4 
 src/drmmode_display.c |   30 -
 src/nouveau_dri2.c    |   32 -
 src/nouveau_exa.c     |   29 -
 src/nouveau_local.h   |  186 ++++++---
 src/nouveau_wfb.c     |    4 
 src/nouveau_xv.c      |   69 ++-
 src/nv04_accel.h      |   83 ++++
 src/nv04_exa.c        |  524 ++++++++++++--------------
 src/nv04_xv_blit.c    |  262 ++++++-------
 src/nv10_exa.c        |  857 +++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 src/nv30_exa.c        |  975 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 src/nv30_shaders.c    |  347 -----------------
 src/nv30_shaders.h    |   72 ---
 src/nv30_xv_tex.c     |  302 +++++----------
 src/nv40_exa.c        |  994 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/nv40_xv_tex.c     |  293 ++++++--------
 src/nv50_accel.c      |  670 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 src/nv50_accel.h      |   66 ++-
 src/nv50_exa.c        |  895 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 src/nv50_xv.c         |  381 +++++++------------
 src/nv_accel_common.c |  582 ++++++++++++++---------------
 src/nv_dma.c          |   77 ++-
 src/nv_dma.h          |    4 
 src/nv_driver.c       |   43 +-
 src/nv_include.h      |   11 
 src/nv_proto.h        |    7 
 src/nv_shadow.c       |    3 
 src/nv_type.h         |   53 +-
 src/nvc0_accel.c      |  841 +++++++++---------------------------------
 src/nvc0_accel.h      |  120 +++---
 src/nvc0_exa.c        |  974 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 src/nvc0_shader.h     |  444 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/nvc0_xv.c         |  374 +++++++-----------
 src/nve0_shader.h     |  460 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 36 files changed, 5568 insertions(+), 5502 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 581564466c47ab0435ecca3cf4d82c03e1b30259
Author: Francisco Jerez <>
Date:   Tue May 8 14:02:44 2012 +0200

    dri2: Don't try to page-flip pixmaps (fdo bug 49351).
    Reported-by: Marcin Slusarz <>
    Signed-off-by: Francisco Jerez <>

diff --git a/src/nouveau_dri2.c b/src/nouveau_dri2.c
index 73f2fc1..7e47575 100644
--- a/src/nouveau_dri2.c
+++ b/src/nouveau_dri2.c
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ nouveau_dri2_finish_swap(DrawablePtr draw, unsigned int 
                type = DRI2_EXCHANGE_COMPLETE;
                DamageRegionAppend(draw, &reg);
-               if (DRI2CanFlip(draw)) {
+               if (nouveau_exa_pixmap_is_onscreen(dst_pix)) {
                        type = DRI2_FLIP_COMPLETE;
                        ret = drmmode_page_flip(draw, src_pix,
                                                violate_oml(draw) ? NULL : s,

commit b1efc807392d372e6a232aad9d16ae6e1b1c1916
Author: Marcin Slusarz <>
Date:   Sun Apr 15 13:46:42 2012 +0200

    nv50: add missing pushbuf space check in NV50SyncToVBlank
    Regression from "WIP: port to new libdrm".

diff --git a/src/nv50_accel.c b/src/nv50_accel.c
index e140db9..42b27f0 100644
--- a/src/nv50_accel.c
+++ b/src/nv50_accel.c
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ NV50SyncToVBlank(PixmapPtr ppix, BoxPtr box)
        if (!crtcs)
+       if (!PUSH_SPACE(push, 10))
+               return;
        BEGIN_NV04(push, SUBC_NVSW(0x0060), 2);
        PUSH_DATA (push, pNv->vblank_sem->handle);
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0);

commit 174f17072005971fee6e4eb76a273c3cc1aa10d3
Author: Ben Skeggs <>
Date:   Tue Apr 24 21:55:03 2012 +1000

    nv40/exa: return false from gradient picture setup
    Not implemented yet.  Shouldn't hit this anyway, fallback in 
    but, best be safe :)
    Reported-by: Maarten Maathuis <>
    Signed-off-by: Ben Skeggs <>

diff --git a/src/nv40_exa.c b/src/nv40_exa.c
index 10f15f1..2361552 100644
--- a/src/nv40_exa.c
+++ b/src/nv40_exa.c
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ NV40EXAPictSolid(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pPict, int unit)
 static Bool
 NV40EXAPictGradient(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pPict, int unit)
-       return TRUE;
+       return FALSE;
 static Bool

commit 60edf2a87b928f413385443335493cb27da30a48
Author: Ben Skeggs <>
Date:   Tue Apr 24 10:54:51 2012 +1000

    nv40/exa: support for solid pictures
    Signed-off-by: Ben Skeggs <>

diff --git a/src/nv04_accel.h b/src/nv04_accel.h
index 7100e85..e7b76c5 100644
--- a/src/nv04_accel.h
+++ b/src/nv04_accel.h
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #define PFP_NV12_BILINEAR 0x00000700
 #define PFP_NV12_BICUBIC  0x00000800
 #define XV_TABLE          0x00001000
+#define SOLID(i)         (0x00002000 + (i) * 0x100)
 /* subchannel assignments */
 #define SUBC_M2MF(mthd)  0, (mthd)
diff --git a/src/nv40_exa.c b/src/nv40_exa.c
index fb9ec80..10f15f1 100644
--- a/src/nv40_exa.c
+++ b/src/nv40_exa.c
@@ -181,9 +181,64 @@ NV40_SetupBlend(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, nv_pict_op_t *blend,
 static Bool
-NV40EXATexture(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, PixmapPtr pPix, PicturePtr pPict, int unit)
+NV40EXAPictSolid(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pPict, int unit)
+       struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = pNv->pushbuf;
+       PUSH_DATAu(push, pNv->scratch, SOLID(unit), 2);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, pPict->pSourcePict->solidFill.color);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0);
+       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(TEX_OFFSET(unit)), 8);
+       PUSH_MTHDl(push, NV30_3D(TEX_OFFSET(unit)), pNv->scratch, SOLID(unit),
+                        NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_RD);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, NV40_3D_TEX_FORMAT_FORMAT_A8R8G8B8 | 0x8000 |
+                        NV40_3D_TEX_FORMAT_LINEAR |
+                        NV30_3D_TEX_FORMAT_DIMS_2D |
+                        NV30_3D_TEX_FORMAT_NO_BORDER |
+                        (1 << NV40_3D_TEX_FORMAT_MIPMAP_COUNT__SHIFT) |
+                        NV30_3D_TEX_FORMAT_DMA0);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, NV30_3D_TEX_WRAP_S_REPEAT |
+                        NV30_3D_TEX_WRAP_T_REPEAT |
+                        NV30_3D_TEX_WRAP_R_REPEAT);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, NV40_3D_TEX_ENABLE_ENABLE);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0000aae4);
+                        NV30_3D_TEX_FILTER_MAG_NEAREST | 0x3fd6);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x00010001);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x00000000);
+       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV40_3D(TEX_SIZE1(unit)), 1);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x00100040);
+       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(VP_UPLOAD_CONST_ID), 17);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, unit * 4);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 1.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 1.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 1.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 1.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 1.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
+       return TRUE;
+static Bool
+NV40EXAPictGradient(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pPict, int unit)
+       return TRUE;
+static Bool
+NV40EXAPictTexture(NVPtr pNv, PixmapPtr pPix, PicturePtr pPict, int unit)
-       NVPtr pNv = NVPTR(pScrn);
        unsigned reloc = NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_GART | NOUVEAU_BO_WR;
        struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = pNv->pushbuf;
        struct nouveau_bo *bo = nouveau_pixmap_bo(pPix);
@@ -279,6 +334,24 @@ NV40EXATexture(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, PixmapPtr pPix, 
PicturePtr pPict, int unit)
 static Bool
+NV40EXAPicture(NVPtr pNv, PixmapPtr ppix, PicturePtr ppict, int unit)
+       if (ppict->pDrawable)
+               return NV40EXAPictTexture(pNv, ppix, ppict, unit);
+       switch (ppict->pSourcePict->type) {
+       case SourcePictTypeSolidFill:
+               return NV40EXAPictSolid(pNv, ppict, unit);
+       case SourcePictTypeLinear:
+               return NV40EXAPictGradient(pNv, ppict, unit);
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+static Bool
 NV40_SetupSurface(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, PixmapPtr pPix, PictFormatShort format)
        NVPtr pNv = NVPTR(pScrn);
@@ -305,13 +378,19 @@ static Bool
 NV40EXACheckCompositeTexture(PicturePtr pPict, PicturePtr pdPict, int op)
        nv_pict_texture_format_t *fmt;
-       int w, h;
-       if (!pPict->pDrawable)
-               NOUVEAU_FALLBACK("Solid and gradient pictures unsupported\n");
+       int w = 1, h = 1;
-       w = pPict->pDrawable->width;
-       h = pPict->pDrawable->height;
+       if (pPict->pDrawable) {
+               w = pPict->pDrawable->width;
+               h = pPict->pDrawable->height;
+       } else {
+               switch (pPict->pSourcePict->type) {
+               case SourcePictTypeSolidFill:
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       NOUVEAU_FALLBACK("gradient\n");
+               }
+       }
        if ((w > 4096) || (h > 4096))
                NOUVEAU_FALLBACK("picture too large, %dx%d\n", w, h);
@@ -377,7 +456,7 @@ NV40EXAPrepareComposite(int op, PicturePtr psPict,
                                PixmapPtr  pmPix,
                                PixmapPtr  pdPix)
-       ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[psPix->drawable.pScreen->myNum];
+       ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pdPix->drawable.pScreen->myNum];
        NVPtr pNv = NVPTR(pScrn);
        nv_pict_op_t *blend = NV40_GetPictOpRec(op);
        struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = pNv->pushbuf;
@@ -392,11 +471,11 @@ NV40EXAPrepareComposite(int op, PicturePtr psPict,
        if (!NV40_SetupSurface(pScrn, pdPix, pdPict->format) ||
-           !NV40EXATexture(pScrn, psPix, psPict, 0))
+           !NV40EXAPicture(pNv, psPix, psPict, 0))
                return FALSE;
        if (pmPict) {
-               if (!NV40EXATexture(pScrn, pmPix, pmPict, 1))
+               if (!NV40EXAPicture(pNv, pmPix, pmPict, 1))
                        return FALSE;
                if (pdPict->format == PICT_a8) {

commit 067b8416ad1ab3e71ebbb8db8bfb82ff6041939b
Author: Ben Skeggs <>
Date:   Mon Apr 23 17:49:57 2012 +1000

    nv30/exa: implement support for solid pictures using register combiners
    Signed-off-by: Ben Skeggs <>

diff --git a/src/nv30_exa.c b/src/nv30_exa.c
index 1b875ee..57979c2 100644
--- a/src/nv30_exa.c
+++ b/src/nv30_exa.c
@@ -320,6 +320,51 @@ NV30EXATexture(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, PixmapPtr pPix, 
PicturePtr pPict, int unit)
        return TRUE;
+#define RCSRC_COL(i)  (0x01 + (unit))
+#define RCSRC_TEX(i)  (0x08 + (unit)) /* fragprog register */
+#define RCSEL_COLOR   (0x00)
+#define RCSEL_ALPHA   (0x10)
+#define RCINP_ZERO    (0x00)
+#define RCINP_ONE     (0x20)
+#define RCINP_A__SHIFT 24
+#define RCINP_B__SHIFT 16
+static Bool
+NV30EXAPicture(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, PixmapPtr pPix, PicturePtr pPict, int unit,
+              uint32_t *color, uint32_t *alpha, uint32_t *solid)
+       uint32_t shift, source;
+       if (pPict && pPict->pDrawable) {
+               if (!NV30EXATexture(pScrn, pPix, pPict, unit))
+                       return FALSE;
+               *solid = 0x00000000;
+               source = RCSRC_TEX(unit);
+       } else
+       if (pPict) {
+               *solid = pPict->pSourcePict->solidFill.color;
+               source = RCSRC_COL(unit);
+       }
+       if (pPict && PICT_FORMAT_RGB(pPict->format))
+               *color = RCSEL_COLOR | source;
+       else
+               *color = RCSEL_ALPHA | RCINP_ZERO;
+       if (pPict && PICT_FORMAT_A(pPict->format))
+               *alpha = RCSEL_ALPHA | source;
+       else
+               *alpha = RCSEL_ALPHA | RCINP_ONE;
+       if (unit)
+               shift = RCINP_B__SHIFT;
+       else
+               shift = RCINP_A__SHIFT;
+       *color <<= shift;
+       *alpha <<= shift;
+       return TRUE;
 static Bool
 NV30_SetupSurface(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, PixmapPtr pPix, PicturePtr pPict)
@@ -347,13 +392,15 @@ static Bool
 NV30EXACheckCompositeTexture(PicturePtr pPict, PicturePtr pdPict, int op)
        nv_pict_texture_format_t *fmt;
-       int w, h;
+       int w = 1, h = 1;
-       if (!pPict->pDrawable)
-               NOUVEAU_FALLBACK("Solid and gradient pictures unsupported\n");
-       w = pPict->pDrawable->width;
-       h = pPict->pDrawable->height;
+       if (pPict->pDrawable) {
+               w = pPict->pDrawable->width;
+               h = pPict->pDrawable->height;
+       } else {
+               if (pPict->pSourcePict->type != SourcePictTypeSolidFill)
+                       NOUVEAU_FALLBACK("gradient pictures unsupported\n");
+       }
        if ((w > 4096) || (h > 4096))
                NOUVEAU_FALLBACK("picture too large, %dx%d\n", w, h);
@@ -423,48 +470,56 @@ NV30EXAPrepareComposite(int op, PicturePtr psPict,
                PixmapPtr  pmPix,
                PixmapPtr  pdPix)
-       ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[psPix->drawable.pScreen->myNum];
+       ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pdPix->drawable.pScreen->myNum];
        NVPtr pNv = NVPTR(pScrn);
        nv_pict_op_t *blend = NV30_GetPictOpRec(op);
        struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = pNv->pushbuf;
-       uint32_t fragprog;
+       uint32_t sc, sa, mc, ma, solid[2];
        if (!PUSH_SPACE(push, 128))
                return FALSE;
+       /* setup render target and blending */
+       if (!NV30_SetupSurface(pScrn, pdPix, pdPict))
+               return FALSE;
        NV30_SetupBlend(pScrn, blend, pdPict->format,
                        (pmPict && pmPict->componentAlpha &&
-       if (!NV30_SetupSurface(pScrn, pdPix, pdPict) ||
-           !NV30EXATexture(pScrn, psPix, psPict, 0))
+       /* select picture sources */
+       if (!NV30EXAPicture(pScrn, psPix, psPict, 0, &sc, &sa, &solid[0]))
+               return FALSE;
+       if (!NV30EXAPicture(pScrn, pmPix, pmPict, 1, &mc, &ma, &solid[1]))
                return FALSE;
-       if (pmPict) {
-               if (!NV30EXATexture(pScrn, pmPix, pmPict, 1))
-                       return FALSE;
-               if (pdPict->format == PICT_a8) {
-                       fragprog = PFP_C_A8;
-               } else
-               if (pmPict->componentAlpha && PICT_FORMAT_RGB(pmPict->format)) {
-                       if (blend->src_alpha)
-                               fragprog = PFP_CCASA;
-                       else
-                               fragprog = PFP_CCA;
-               } else {
-                       fragprog = PFP_C;
-               }
-       } else {
-               if (pdPict->format == PICT_a8)
-                       fragprog = PFP_S_A8;
+       /* configure register combiners */
+       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(RC_IN_ALPHA(0)), 6);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, sa | ma);
+       if (pmPict &&
+           pmPict->componentAlpha && PICT_FORMAT_RGB(pmPict->format)) {
+               if (blend->src_alpha)
+                       PUSH_DATA(push, sa | mc);
-                       fragprog = PFP_S;
+                       PUSH_DATA(push, sc | mc);
+       } else {
+               PUSH_DATA(push, sc | ma);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, solid[0]);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, solid[1]);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x00000c00);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x00000c00);
+       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(RC_FINAL0), 3);
+       if (pdPict->format != PICT_a8)
+               PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0000000c);
+       else
+               PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0000001c);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x00001c00);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x01000101);
+       /* select fragprog which just sources textures for combiners */
        BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(FP_ACTIVE_PROGRAM), 1);
-       PUSH_MTHD (push, NV30_3D(FP_ACTIVE_PROGRAM), pNv->scratch, fragprog,
+       PUSH_MTHD (push, NV30_3D(FP_ACTIVE_PROGRAM), pNv->scratch, PFP_PASS,
                         NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_RD | NOUVEAU_BO_LOW |
@@ -474,7 +529,7 @@ NV30EXAPrepareComposite(int op, PicturePtr psPict,
        BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(FP_CONTROL), 1);
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0x00000000);
        BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(TEX_UNITS_ENABLE), 1);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, pmPict ? 3 : 1);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 3);
        nouveau_pushbuf_bufctx(push, pNv->bufctx);
        if (nouveau_pushbuf_validate(push)) {
@@ -630,8 +685,6 @@ NVAccelInitNV30TCL(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn)
        BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(MULTISAMPLE_CONTROL), 1);
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0xffff0000);
-       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(RC_ENABLE), 1);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0);
        /* Attempt to setup a known state.. Probably missing a heap of
         * stuff here..
@@ -766,87 +819,15 @@ NVAccelInitNV30TCL(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn)
        PUSH_DATA (push, 4096<<16);
        PUSH_DATA (push, 4096<<16);
-       PUSH_DATAu(push, pNv->scratch, PFP_PASS, 1 * 4);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x01403e81); /* mov r0, a[col0] */
+       PUSH_DATAu(push, pNv->scratch, PFP_PASS, 2 * 4);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x18009e80); /* txph r0, a[tex0], t[0] */
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc801);
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATAu(push, pNv->scratch, PFP_S, 2 * 4);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x18009e00); /* txp r0, a[tex0], t[0] */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc801);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1802be83); /* txph r1, a[tex1], t[1] */
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc801); /* exit */
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x01401e81); /* mov r0, r0 */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATAu(push, pNv->scratch, PFP_S_A8, 2 * 4);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x18009000); /* txp r0.w, a[tex0], t[0] */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc801);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x01401e81); /* mov r0, r0.w */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dfe00);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATAu(push, pNv->scratch, PFP_C, 3 * 4);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1802b102); /* txpc0 r1.w, a[tex1], t[1] */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc801);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x18009e00); /* txp r0 (ne0.w), a[tex0], t[0] */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1ff5c801);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x02001e81); /* mul r0, r0, r1.w */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001fe04);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATAu(push, pNv->scratch, PFP_C_A8, 3 * 4);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1802b102); /* txpc0 r1.w, a[tex1], t[1] */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc801);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x18009000); /* txp r0.w (ne0.w), a[tex0], t[0] */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1ff5c801);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x02001e81); /* mul r0, r0.w, r1.w */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dfe00);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001fe04);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATAu(push, pNv->scratch, PFP_CCA, 3 * 4);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x18009f00); /* txpc0 r0, a[tex0], t[0] */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc801);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1802be02); /* txp r1 (ne0), a[tex1], t[1] */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c95c801);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x02001e81); /* mul r0, r0, r1 */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c804);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATAu(push, pNv->scratch, PFP_CCASA, 3 * 4);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x18009102); /* txpc0 r1.w, a[tex0], t[0] */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dc801);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1802be00); /* txp r0 (ne0.w), a[tex1], t[1] */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1ff5c801);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x3fe1c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x02001e81); /* mul r0, r1.w, r0 */
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1c9dfe04);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001c800);
        PUSH_DATAu(push, pNv->scratch, PFP_NV12_BILINEAR, 8 * 4);
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0x17028200); /* texr r0.x, a[tex0], t[1] */
diff --git a/src/nv30_xv_tex.c b/src/nv30_xv_tex.c
index 52517c4..33c5602 100644
--- a/src/nv30_xv_tex.c
+++ b/src/nv30_xv_tex.c
@@ -271,6 +271,8 @@ NV30PutTextureImage(ScrnInfoPtr pScrn, struct nouveau_bo 
*src, int src_offset,
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0x0001000f);
        BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(FP_CONTROL), 1);
        PUSH_DATA (push, 0x00000001);
+       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV30_3D(RC_ENABLE), 1);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, 0x00000000);
        nouveau_pushbuf_bufctx(push, pNv->bufctx);
        if (nouveau_pushbuf_validate(push)) {

commit b09a61780ea6710b679a6a099e35987e7a5f559f
Author: Ben Skeggs <>
Date:   Mon Apr 23 14:49:22 2012 +1000

    nv10/exa: implement support for solid pictures
    Signed-off-by: Ben Skeggs <>

diff --git a/src/nv10_exa.c b/src/nv10_exa.c
index b562e97..2da8cf6 100644
--- a/src/nv10_exa.c
+++ b/src/nv10_exa.c
@@ -66,11 +66,8 @@ static struct pict_format {
 static int
-get_tex_format(PicturePtr pict)
+get_tex_format(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pict)
-       ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pict->pDrawable->pScreen->myNum];
-       NVPtr pNv = NVPTR(pScrn);
        /* If repeat is set we're always handling a 1x1 texture with
         * ARGB/XRGB destination, in that case we change the format to
         * use the POT (swizzled) matching format.
@@ -145,20 +142,22 @@ effective_component_alpha(PicturePtr mask)
 static Bool
-check_texture(PicturePtr pict)
+check_texture(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pict)
-       int w, h;
+       int w = 1, h = 1;
-       if (!pict->pDrawable)
-               NOUVEAU_FALLBACK("Solid and gradient pictures unsupported\n");
-       w = pict->pDrawable->width;
-       h = pict->pDrawable->height;
+       if (pict->pDrawable) {
+               w = pict->pDrawable->width;
+               h = pict->pDrawable->height;
+       } else {
+               if (pict->pSourcePict->type != SourcePictTypeSolidFill)
+                       NOUVEAU_FALLBACK("gradient pictures unsupported\n");
+       }
        if (w > 2046 || h > 2046)
                NOUVEAU_FALLBACK("picture too large, %dx%d\n", w, h);
-       if (!get_tex_format(pict))
+       if (!get_tex_format(pNv, pict))
                return FALSE;
        if (pict->filter != PictFilterNearest &&
@@ -338,6 +337,9 @@ print_fallback_info(char *reason, int op, PicturePtr src, 
PicturePtr mask,
 NV10EXACheckComposite(int op, PicturePtr src, PicturePtr mask, PicturePtr dst)
+       ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[dst->pDrawable->pScreen->myNum];
+       NVPtr pNv = NVPTR(pScrn);
        if (!check_pict_op(op)) {
                print_fallback_info("pictop", op, src, mask, dst);
                return FALSE;
@@ -348,13 +350,13 @@ NV10EXACheckComposite(int op, PicturePtr src, PicturePtr 
mask, PicturePtr dst)
                return FALSE;
-       if (!check_texture(src)) {
+       if (!check_texture(pNv, src)) {
                print_fallback_info("src", op, src, mask, dst);
                return FALSE;
        if (mask) {
-               if (!check_texture(mask)) {
+               if (!check_texture(pNv, mask)) {
                        print_fallback_info("mask", op, src,
                                            mask, dst);
                        return FALSE;
@@ -386,7 +388,7 @@ setup_texture(NVPtr pNv, int unit, PicturePtr pict, 
PixmapPtr pixmap)
                 NV10_3D_TEX_FORMAT_WRAP_S_CLAMP_TO_EDGE |
                 log2i(w) << 20 | log2i(h) << 16 |
                 1 << 12 | /* lod == 1 */
-                get_tex_format(pict) |
+                get_tex_format(pNv, pict) |
                 0x50 /* UNK */;
        /* NPOT_SIZE expects an even number for width, we can round up uneven
@@ -458,96 +460,6 @@ setup_render_target(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pict, PixmapPtr 
        return TRUE;
- * This can be a bit difficult to understand at first glance.  Reg
- * combiners are described here:
- *
- *
- * Single texturing setup, without honoring vertex colors (non default
- * setup) is: Alpha RC 0 : a_0 * 1 + 0 * 0 RGB RC 0 : rgb_0 * 1 + 0 *
- * 0 RC 1s are unused Final combiner uses default setup
- *
- * Default setup uses vertex rgb/alpha in place of 1s above, but we
- * don't need that in 2D.
- *
- * Multi texturing setup, where we do TEX0 in TEX1 (masking) is:
- * Alpha RC 0 : a_0 * a_1 + 0 * 0
- * RGB RC0 : rgb_0 * a_1 + 0 * 0
- * RC 1s are unused
- * Final combiner uses default setup
- */
-/* Bind the combiner variable <input> to a constant 1. */
-#define RC_IN_ONE(input)                                               \
-       (NV10_3D_RC_IN_RGB_##input##_INPUT_ZERO |                       \
-        NV10_3D_RC_IN_RGB_##input##_COMPONENT_USAGE_ALPHA |            \
-/* Bind the combiner variable <input> to the specified channel from
- * the texture unit <unit>. */
-#define RC_IN_TEX(input, chan, unit)                                   \
-       (NV10_3D_RC_IN_RGB_##input##_INPUT_TEXTURE##unit |              \
-        NV10_3D_RC_IN_RGB_##input##_COMPONENT_USAGE_##chan)
-/* Bind the combiner variable <input> to the specified channel from
- * the constant color <unit>. */
-#define RC_IN_COLOR(input, chan, unit)                                 \
-       (NV10_3D_RC_IN_RGB_##input##_INPUT_CONSTANT_COLOR##unit |       \
-        NV10_3D_RC_IN_RGB_##input##_COMPONENT_USAGE_##chan)
-static void
-setup_combiners(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr src, PicturePtr mask, int alu)
-       struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = pNv->pushbuf;
-       uint32_t rc_in_alpha = 0, rc_in_rgb = 0;
-       if (PICT_FORMAT_A(src->format))
-               rc_in_alpha |= RC_IN_TEX(A, ALPHA, 0);
-       else
-               rc_in_alpha |= RC_IN_ONE(A);
-       if (mask && PICT_FORMAT_A(mask->format))
-               rc_in_alpha |= RC_IN_TEX(B, ALPHA, 1);
-       else
-               rc_in_alpha |= RC_IN_ONE(B);
-       if (effective_component_alpha(mask)) {
-               if (!needs_src_alpha(alu)) {
-                       /* The alpha channels won't be used for blending. Drop
-                        * them, as our pixels only have 4 components...
-                        * output_i = src_i * mask_i
-                        */
-                       if (PICT_FORMAT_RGB(src->format))
-                               rc_in_rgb |= RC_IN_TEX(A, RGB, 0);
-               } else {
-                       /* The RGB channels won't be used for blending. Drop
-                        * them.
-                        * output_i = src_alpha * mask_i
-                        */
-                       if (PICT_FORMAT_A(src->format))
-                               rc_in_rgb |= RC_IN_TEX(A, ALPHA, 0);
-                       else
-                               rc_in_rgb |= RC_IN_ONE(A);
-               }
-               rc_in_rgb |= RC_IN_TEX(B, RGB, 1);
-       } else {
-               if (PICT_FORMAT_RGB(src->format))
-                       rc_in_rgb |= RC_IN_TEX(A, RGB, 0);
-               if (mask && PICT_FORMAT_A(mask->format))
-                       rc_in_rgb |= RC_IN_TEX(B, ALPHA, 1);
-               else
-                       rc_in_rgb |= RC_IN_ONE(B);
-       }
-       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(RC_IN_ALPHA(0)), 1);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, rc_in_alpha);
-       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(RC_IN_RGB(0)), 1);
-       PUSH_DATA (push, rc_in_rgb);
 static void
 setup_blend_function(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pdpict, int alu)
@@ -578,6 +490,52 @@ setup_blend_function(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pdpict, int alu)
        PUSH_DATA (push, 1);
+#define RCSRC_COL(i)  (0x01 + (unit))
+#define RCSRC_TEX(i)  (0x08 + (unit))
+#define RCSEL_COLOR   (0x00)
+#define RCSEL_ALPHA   (0x10)
+#define RCINP_ZERO    (0x00)
+#define RCINP_ONE     (0x20)
+#define RCINP_A__SHIFT 24
+#define RCINP_B__SHIFT 16
+static Bool
+setup_picture(NVPtr pNv, PicturePtr pict, PixmapPtr pixmap, int unit,
+             uint32_t *color, uint32_t *alpha)
+       struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = pNv->pushbuf;
+       uint32_t shift, source;
+       if (pict && pict->pDrawable) {
+               if (!setup_texture(pNv, unit, pict, pixmap))
+                       return FALSE;
+               source = RCSRC_TEX(unit);
+       } else
+       if (pict) {
+               BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(RC_COLOR(unit)), 1);
+               PUSH_DATA (push, pict->pSourcePict->solidFill.color);
+               source = RCSRC_COL(unit);
+       }
+       if (pict && PICT_FORMAT_RGB(pict->format))
+               *color = RCSEL_COLOR | source;
+       else
+               *color = RCSEL_ALPHA | RCINP_ZERO;
+       if (pict && PICT_FORMAT_A(pict->format))
+               *alpha = RCSEL_ALPHA | source;
+       else
+               *alpha = RCSEL_ALPHA | RCINP_ONE;
+       if (unit)
+               shift = RCINP_B__SHIFT;
+       else
+               shift = RCINP_A__SHIFT;
+       *color <<= shift;
+       *alpha <<= shift;
+       return TRUE;
 NV10EXAPrepareComposite(int op,
                        PicturePtr pict_src,
@@ -590,28 +548,35 @@ NV10EXAPrepareComposite(int op,
        ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[dst->drawable.pScreen->myNum];
        NVPtr pNv = NVPTR(pScrn);
        struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = pNv->pushbuf;
+       uint32_t sc, sa, mc, ma;
        if (!PUSH_SPACE(push, 128))
                return FALSE;
-       /* Set dst format */
+       /* setup render target and blending */
        if (!setup_render_target(pNv, pict_dst, dst))
                return FALSE;
+       setup_blend_function(pNv, pict_dst, op);
-       /* Set src format */
-       if (!setup_texture(pNv, 0, pict_src, src))
+       /* select picture sources */
+       if (!setup_picture(pNv, pict_src, src, 0, &sc, &sa))
                return FALSE;
-       /* Set mask format */
-       if (mask && !setup_texture(pNv, 1, pict_mask, mask))
+       if (!setup_picture(pNv, pict_mask, mask, 1, &mc, &ma))
                return FALSE;
-       /* Set the register combiners up. */
-       setup_combiners(pNv, pict_src, pict_mask, op);
-       /* Set PictOp */
-       setup_blend_function(pNv, pict_dst, op);
+       /* configure register combiners */
+       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(RC_IN_ALPHA(0)), 1);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, sa | ma);
+       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(RC_IN_RGB(0)), 1);
+       if (effective_component_alpha(pict_mask)) {
+               if (needs_src_alpha(op))
+                       PUSH_DATA(push, sa | mc);
+               else
+                       PUSH_DATA(push, sc | mc);
+       } else {
+               PUSH_DATA(push, sc | ma);
+       }
        nouveau_pushbuf_bufctx(push, pNv->bufctx);
        if (nouveau_pushbuf_validate(push)) {

commit 9583753a205c585ec844dfb7168513a2c2a157ba
Author: Ben Skeggs <>
Date:   Fri Apr 20 20:52:01 2012 +1000

    nv10/exa: use fixed-function texture matrix for transforms
    Signed-off-by: Ben Skeggs <>

diff --git a/src/nv10_exa.c b/src/nv10_exa.c
index 16b6d1c..b562e97 100644
--- a/src/nv10_exa.c
+++ b/src/nv10_exa.c
@@ -394,9 +394,7 @@ setup_texture(NVPtr pNv, int unit, PicturePtr pict, 
PixmapPtr pixmap)
         * for all formats we support 64 bytes represents an even number of
         * pixels
-//     if (pict->repeat == RepeatNone)
-               w = (w + 1) &~ 1;
+       w = (w + 1) & ~1;
        BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(TEX_OFFSET(unit)), 1);
        PUSH_MTHDl(push, NV10_3D(TEX_OFFSET(unit)), bo, 0, reloc);
@@ -417,6 +415,31 @@ setup_texture(NVPtr pNv, int unit, PicturePtr pict, 
PixmapPtr pixmap)
                PUSH_DATA(push, NV10_3D_TEX_FILTER_MAGNIFY_LINEAR |
+       if (pict->transform) {
+               BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(TEX_MATRIX_ENABLE(unit)), 1);
+               PUSH_DATA (push, 1);
+               BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(TEX_MATRIX(unit, 0)), 16);
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, xFixedToFloat(pict->transform->matrix[0][0]));
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, xFixedToFloat(pict->transform->matrix[0][1]));
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.f);
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, xFixedToFloat(pict->transform->matrix[0][2]));
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, xFixedToFloat(pict->transform->matrix[1][0]));
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, xFixedToFloat(pict->transform->matrix[1][1]));
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.f);
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, xFixedToFloat(pict->transform->matrix[1][2]));
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0f);
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0f);
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0f);
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0f);
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, xFixedToFloat(pict->transform->matrix[2][0]));
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, xFixedToFloat(pict->transform->matrix[2][1]));
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0f);
+               PUSH_DATAf(push, xFixedToFloat(pict->transform->matrix[2][2]));
+       } else {
+               BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(TEX_MATRIX_ENABLE(unit)), 1);
+               PUSH_DATA (push, 0);
+       }
        return TRUE;
@@ -601,76 +624,37 @@ NV10EXAPrepareComposite(int op,
        return TRUE;
-#define QUAD(x, y, w, h)                                       \
-       {{{ IntToxFixed(x),     IntToxFixed(y),     xFixed1 }}, \
-        {{ IntToxFixed(x + w), IntToxFixed(y),     xFixed1 }}, \
-        {{ IntToxFixed(x + w), IntToxFixed(y + h), xFixed1 }}, \
-        {{ IntToxFixed(x),     IntToxFixed(y + h), xFixed1 }}}
-#define MAP(f, p, v, ...) do {                                         \
-               int __i;                                                \
-               for (__i = 0; __i < sizeof(v)/sizeof((v)[0]); __i++)    \
-                       f(p, __i, v, ## __VA_ARGS__);                   \
-       } while (0);
-#define PUSH_DATAi(push, v, i)                         \
-       PUSH_DATAf(push, xFixedToFloat((v).vector[i]))
 static inline void
-emit_vertex(NVPtr pNv, int i, PictVector pos[],
-           PictVector tex0[], PictVector tex1[])
+PUSH_VTX2s(struct nouveau_pushbuf *push,
+          int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int dx, int dy)
-       struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = pNv->pushbuf;
-       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(VERTEX_TX0_2F_S), 2);
-       PUSH_DATAi(push, tex0[i], 0);
-       PUSH_DATAi(push, tex0[i], 1);
-       if (tex1) {
-               BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(VERTEX_TX1_2F_S), 2);
-               PUSH_DATAi(push, tex1[i], 0);
-               PUSH_DATAi(push, tex1[i], 1);
-       }
+       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(VERTEX_TX0_2I), 1);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, (y1 << 16) | x1);
+       BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(VERTEX_TX1_2I), 1);
+       PUSH_DATA (push, (y2 << 16) | x2);
        BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(VERTEX_POS_3F_X), 3);
-       PUSH_DATAi(push, pos[i], 0);
-       PUSH_DATAi(push, pos[i], 1);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, dx);
+       PUSH_DATAf(push, dy);
        PUSH_DATAf(push, 0.0);
-static inline void
-transform_vertex(PictTransformPtr t, int i, PictVector vs[])
-       if  (t)
-               PictureTransformPoint(t, &vs[i]);
 NV10EXAComposite(PixmapPtr pix_dst,
-                int srcX, int srcY,
-                int maskX, int maskY,
-                int dstX, int dstY,
-                int width, int height)
+                int sx, int sy, int mx, int my, int dx, int dy, int w, int h)
        ScrnInfoPtr pScrn = xf86Screens[pix_dst->drawable.pScreen->myNum];
        NVPtr pNv = NVPTR(pScrn);
        struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = pNv->pushbuf;
-       PicturePtr mask = pNv->pmpict,
-               src = pNv->pspict;
-       PictVector dstq[4] = QUAD(dstX, dstY, width, height),
-               maskq[4] = QUAD(maskX, maskY, width, height),
-               srcq[4] = QUAD(srcX, srcY, width, height);
-       MAP(transform_vertex, src->transform, srcq);
-       if (mask)
-               MAP(transform_vertex, mask->transform, maskq);
        if (!PUSH_SPACE(push, 64))
        BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(VERTEX_BEGIN_END), 1);
-       MAP(emit_vertex, pNv, dstq, srcq, mask ? maskq : NULL);
+       PUSH_VTX2s(push, sx, sy, mx, my, dx, dy);
+       PUSH_VTX2s(push, sx + w, sy, mx + w, my, dx + w, dy);
+       PUSH_VTX2s(push, sx + w, sy + h, mx + w, my + h, dx + w, dy + h);
+       PUSH_VTX2s(push, sx, sy + h, mx, my + h, dx, dy + h);
        BEGIN_NV04(push, NV10_3D(VERTEX_BEGIN_END), 1);

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