On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 10:40:12PM +0100, Mariano Alvira wrote:
> Yeah, I'm using that right now and it looks fine, except, I think a
> HideCursor needs to be added somewhere b/c I get a box _and_ a
> underline when I loose focus.

But unselectwindow() is calling ShowCursor/HideCursor as needed.  I think that
it's just necessary to refine the drawing of the cursor via ShowCursor -
perhaps some tinkering in drawXtermText is needed.
> For normal and below font sizes the box overwrites the underline and
> looks fine, but for large and above the underline is inside the box.

I had the impression (from before) that some modification would be
needed in drawXtermText - these comments sound as if they're in that

Thomas E. Dickey

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