Your message dated Sun, 30 Jan 2011 15:48:33 +0100
with message-id <>
and subject line Re: Bug#6734: xbase 3.2-1.1 : two things: hostname changing, 
backspace handling
has caused the Debian Bug report #6734,
regarding xserver-xfree86: [core server] access control mechanisms cannot cope 
with a host changing its hostname
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
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Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems
--- Begin Message ---
Subject: xbase 3.2-1.1 : two things: hostname changing, backspace handling
Package: xbase
Version: 3.2-1.1

If your hostname changes while X is running (like, for example, a PPP client
that tries to keep its hostname in agreement with DNS) then X will start
refusing all new connections. I believe what is happening is the clients can't
find the record in the .Xauthority file because it's keyed by hostname. I've
changed Xsetup_0 to add "local:" to the access control list which fixes the
problem A cleaner way to fix this is probably to configure X or xdm to set up
the access control list that way itself, but i don't know how to do that.

Furthermore I strongly recommend changing the handling of the BackSpace keysym.
The correct way to handle this is to make sure the key labled Backspace is
mapped to the BackSpace keysym, XFree86 3.2 does this properly. On XFree86
3.1.2 you may have to add a call to xmodmap in one of the xdm or xinit scripts.

Then configure xterm to map the BackSpace keysym to the ^? character and set
the stty setting erase to ^?.

This can be accomplished with the following lines in

*ttymodes: erase 
*VT100.translations: #override                  \
 ~Meta<Key>BackSpace: string("\177")            \n\
  Meta<Key>BackSpace: string("\033\177")        \n

And these lines from /etc/X11/Xresources are obsolete: 
*XmText.translations: #override\n\
      <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()
*XmTextField.translations: #override\n\
      <Key>osfDelete: delete-previous-character()

-- System Information
Debian Release: 1.1
Kernel Version: Linux localhost 2.0.25 #12 Tue Nov 12 23:48:55 EST 1996 i586

Versions of the packages xbase depends on:
libc5   Version: 5.4.17-1
ncurses3.0      Version: 1.9.9e-1
xlib6   Version: 3.2-1a
gcc     Version: (Provides Virtual Package cpp)

--- Begin /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 (modified conffile)
xhost local:
if grep -q ^run-xconsole /etc/X11/config
  xconsole -geometry 480x130-0-0 -daemon -notify -verbose -fn fixed \
    -exitOnFail -file /dev/xconsole
--- End /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Hi Greg,

better late than never? :)

Greg Stark <> (21/01/1997):
> If your hostname changes while X is running (like, for example, a
> PPP client that tries to keep its hostname in agreement with DNS)
> then X will start refusing all new connections. I believe what is
> happening is the clients can't find the record in the .Xauthority
> file because it's keyed by hostname. I've changed Xsetup_0 to add
> "local:" to the access control list which fixes the problem A
> cleaner way to fix this is probably to configure X or xdm to set up
> the access control list that way itself, but i don't know how to do
> that.

xauth is indeed the answer here. Recipe:

  # Trigger the hostname change manually, new clients are refused:
  sudo hostname new-hostname

  # From DISPLAY=“:0.0”, only keep the “:0” part:
  display=$(echo $DISPLAY|cut -d '.' -f 1)

  # Grab the cookie from the current list of cookies. The grep part
  # can be a little more precise if one first greps for the previous
  # hostname. Only grepping on the display and keeping the first line
  # might be enough in most cases though:
  cookie=$(xauth list|grep /unix$display|head -1|awk '{print $3}')

  # Now store the cookie for the new hostname:
  xauth del $(hostname)/unix$display . $cookie

  # New clients are now accepted!

(Adapted from my shell history after a few tests, hopefully you'll get
the idea even if I inserted some typos.)

> Furthermore I strongly recommend changing the handling of the
> BackSpace keysym.

Quoting Branden: “The backspace handling part of this bug report has
been resolved as of 3.3.2-4.”

Looks like this bug can be closed! 14 years and a few days later. :D


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--- End Message ---

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