Hi Stefan.

Stefan Seide <bugs-deb...@seide.st> (05/06/2009):
> There was an old bug open to fix the SUN Type6 layout - #3952
> I've added it there.
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3952

Looks like fixed now. Probably in 2.1-1 (in experimental).

> I tried to revert to my old version 1.5-1 but cannot find the deb
> file anymore on the debian server. 1.5-2 does not work for me with
> my updates. Where can I download the 1.5-1 deb package to get back
> an usable system?

Now we've got http://snapshot.debian.org/ to ease that kind of
stuff. :)


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