(Re-sending without the typo in the bug's mail address.)

Hi Adam,

Adam C. Emerson <az...@azureprime.com> (05/01/2011):
> Package: xkb-data
> Version: 1.8-2
> Severity: minor

with the same version…

> I use the following line:
> setxkbmap -layout "us,gr(polytonic)" -model "pc104" -option 
> terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp -option caps:super -option grp:alt_shift_toggle 
> -option grp_led:caps -option compose:menu -option altwin:hyper_win

that seems to work for me, pressing the windows key gives me Hyper_L.

What's the output of setxkbmap -print?

> All options are effective except for altwin:hyper_win.  Both windows
> keys continue to act as Super modifiers.

How do you check that? Try xev?


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