tag 532253 upstream

Pierre Habouzit <madco...@debian.org> (07/06/2009):
> Package: xkb-data,x11-xkb-utils
> Version: 1.6-1
> Severity: important

Hello Pierre,

(better late than never?)

> I would suggest to use Super_R in the Mod4 map (and Super_L for the
> same reason, and probably some other similar fixes would be nice
> across the files), or that xkbcomp provides some way to empty a
> given modifier_map, instead of _only_ providing the "extend"
> semantics.

there's 2.1-1 in experimental, you may want to see whether that eases
your pain. You may want to talk directly to upstream, we don't deviate
much in Debian anyway.

The bug tracker is at:
  https://bugs.freedesktop.org/ (product is xkeyboard-config)


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