I've been getting mails every five minutes that look like this:

On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 07:39:03PM -0400, Archive Administrator wrote:
> Probably you are the uploader of the following file(s) in
> the Debian upload queue directory:
>   xft_2.1.2-4.0cjk.1.diff.gz
>   xft_2.1.2-4.0cjk.1.dsc
> This looks like an upload, but a .changes file is missing, so the job
> cannot be processed.
> If no .changes file arrives within 21:53:36, the files will be deleted.
> If you didn't upload those files, please just ignore this message.
> Greetings,
>       Your Debian queue daemon

Upon asking James Troup to move this thing out of the upload queue, and
upon inspecting the .diff.gz, we find:

xft (2.1.2-4.0cjk.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Applied cjk patch from 2.1.1-2.0cjk.1 by Taku YASUI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

 -- Topia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Fri, 17 Oct 2003 06:27:16 +0900

It is thoroughly inappropriate to make an NMU of a package with no prior
notice to the package maintainer, no notice for (at least) hours
afterwards, and which neither rectifies any policy problems nor
resolves any bugs.

Never do this again.

If there is a deficiency in the xft package, you should file a bug with
the Debian Bug Tracking System.

I or another member of the X Strike Force will investigate with the
problem, coordinate with upstream, and attempt to determine a fix.

I surmise that it is possible due to the nature of the patch and the
top-level domain of your address that you might not speak English well
and may not have been comfortable filing a bug report or making a
request to the debian-x mailing list in that language.  If that is the
case, then you should have first contacted ISHIKAWA Mutsumi
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who is a member of the X Strike Force (and
therefore co-maintainer of XFree86, Render, Xrender, Xcursor, and Xft)
who speaks both English and Japanese (and maybe other languages
besides).  On top of that, he's technically competent, and may be able
to evaluate the patch you have applied for correctness and suitability
for submission to the upstream authors of the Xft library.

Please go through proper channels in the future and refrain from the
sort of disruptive activity you have just practiced.

G. Branden Robinson                |    You should try building some of the
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    stuff in main that is
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    modern...turning on -Wall is like
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    turning on the pain. -- James Troup

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