retitle 210228 xserver-xfree86: [nv] text rendered poorly under acceleration
reassign 210228 xserver-xfree86

On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 07:01:55PM -0400, Phil Miller wrote:
> >Please establish that this isn't an XFree86 driver bug.  One way to do
> >this is to edit your XF86Config-4 file and add the following line to
> >your "Device" Section:
> >
> >     Option "NoAccel"
> >
> >Then restart the X server and see if you can reproduce the problem.
> >
> OK, this change does fix the problem. I guess we can then conclude that
> it is a bug in X and not in Xft. If it's possible to directly transfer
> this to that package, that would be great. Otherwise, I'll report it there.
> Which there should I report it to?
> For informational purposes, I'm running the nv driver on a GF4 Ti4400
> using X version 4.2.1-11

I'm reassigning it with this message.

To follow up properly, I need the information described in

Please mail the info in question to this bug when you get a chance.

Thanks for the prompt reply!

G. Branden Robinson                |      The National Security Agency is
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      working on the Fourth Amendment
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      thing. |      -- Phil Lago, Deputy XD, CIA

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